Western gamers in one pic
>Forget about the gameplay, it's about the MEANING, the MESSAGE, the TRANSFORMATION OF YOURSELF
Western gamers in one pic
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western games that sell are besethit like skyrim, sports and sometimes even the occassional standout like cuphead. art games just get shuffled into bundle packages.
i like western games sometimes
I like heroin sometimes as well
The moment western games just started becoming flat out un-fun I stopped playing them and just moved onto nip games and I can say, I'm glad I did so.
You're only talking about 30 minute long indie games though
Shitty AAA games also exist, as well as good indie and AA games
>assassin creed, fifa, fallout, nudoom, nuwolfenstein, uncharted, mass effect, star wars, nigger sims, automatic cars with rewind "simulation"
>good indie
Sure name your favorite 2D pixel art retro inspired parodies
>Forget about the gameplay
>proceeds to play a VN
>First five minutes of Okami.jpg
>pcfags ignore the fact that smartphone apps are a bigger cancer
>japfags will allow Japan's own brand of mobile cancer to exist just because it's Japanese
The problem with this is that postmodern art, in the game world, would be a rejection of everything but the gameplay.
Because postmodern art rejects expectations surrounding art as a medium and reduces it to "that looks nice". Art is a visual medium and visual aesthetics become the sole relevant factor; artist "intention" is cast by the wayside. It's stripped of meaning, it's stripped of discussion around skill/dexterity, and it's just about visual impact.
So if you were to apply that logic to vidya, it'd be a rejection of games with a "point", in an era after Gone Home and Bioshock Infinite ("modernism" I guess, such as games have a modernist period) and getting back to pure fun regardless of artist merit or skill and without any presuppositions of greater meaning or significance.
So like, Cookie Clicker.
I quite like those paintings
>The massive piece was executed using a pole to which was affixed a brush drenched in rich vermilion paint. Its bright red spirals seem to both climb and fall; Twombly allowed each of his marks to run down the canvas, suggesting the dripping of wine — or blood.
>The painting’s basic looping motif was a recurring theme in Twombly’s art. This form fascinated him for many years: in the meandering scrawl of the ‘blackboard’ paintings of the late 1960s, he explored its capacity to convey, through repetition, a sense of a single, continuous field of energy. Here, Twombly revisited and developed this line on an epic scale.
>Western gamers
Hey retard, you're confusing niche gaming bloggers (sorry, "journalists") for normal people. Normalfags buy 20 copies of Fifa and every CoD ever made. They don't buy that shit you're on about.
Bioshock destroyed video games. It did more harm than The Last of Us
Last of Us has gameplay and story. Bioshock is post-modernism for 15 year old edgy teens
Besides post-modern art is a huge scam and money laundering. The same can be said about those behind Dishonored, Bioshock and Skyrim.
Jap-only fags live in a fantasy land where Mass Effect Andromeda, Gone Home, and Nier Automata are the only video games in existence, can you blame them?
What do western people play other than mass effect,walking simulators and waifubaitomata? Mario? yeah sure it's good but they just buy it to post pics on twitter
>Because postmodern art rejects expectations surrounding art as a medium and reduces it to "that looks nice".
No, that's modernism.
Bioshock is not postmodern. If it's comparable to any art trend, it'd be modern art (focused on high narratives, obsessed with the integrity of the medium as a means for artistic expression, all about author intent, etc).
Postmodernists were the ones who got sick of that and thought it'd be hilarious to frame a Picasso print with a Garfield print because hey, who says Jim Davis isn't just as good? And show it in the Met on a 2 day exhibit to take the piss.
Modernists are the ones who throw paint at a canvas and talk for 20 minutes about how it's an expression of the primal passion of lovemaking.
Postmodernists are the ones who hang rows of blue plastic tubes in a hallway that you have to walk through, because it looks neat.
No, it's not.
>One compact definition is postmodernism rejects modernism's grand narratives of artistic direction, eradicating the boundaries between high and low forms of art, and disrupting genre's conventions with collision, collage, and fragmentation. Postmodern art holds all stances are unstable and insincere, and therefore irony, parody, and humor are the only positions critique or revision cannot overturn.
>Modernists are the ones who throw paint at a canvas and talk for 20 minutes about how it's an expression of the primal passion of lovemaking.
which led to the scam known as postpodernism
Modernist art was already something which only sold to western people after they were brainwashed to think that everything is relative and subjective
That's not "that looks nice". Modernism, on the other hand, is all about aesthetics regardless of subject.
Yeah we know, just like everything else we'll go through the Classical -> Modern -> Post-Modern
-> Post-Post-Modern -> Classical thingy
Art will soon reach that point, video games will follow and the same thing goes for society in general, just be patient
Postmodernism was just a rejection of it, and mostly exists as a joke at academia's expense.
When a postmodern artist does "can of artist's shit", or Piss Christ, that's not intended as an actual piece, it's a potshot at the world of art critics. It's terrible on purpose as a fuck-you to people who take art too seriously.
Go to a postmodern exhibit sometime, it's all pretty-and-pointless, and borrows a lot from low/commercial art trends, and nobody is there trying to explain to you how it's an expression of anti-war sentiment.
Someone from Sup Forums covering an entire wall of an art gallery with Loss edits, that would be postmodern art.
I'm afraid of going to any museum or exhibition today
Pics of anus, degeneracy and a white wall with 1 blue dot is not something worth
I don't give a single fuck what mobiledevs do with their games because I don't play mobileshit
That's stupid though. Entire movements being intended as fuck yous to prior eras is fine but making your art intentionally shit as a joke just makes everything worse
so you mean western games are better than japanese or what is this virgin talk?
>drugs are good
>DUDE, just make a game about cancer or a baby, tons of awards automatically, lmao
that's how Kojima got MGSV GOTY. He learned with hollywood
>Classical -> Modern
Is everything before the 19th century "classical" in this classification? Also what the fuck is post-post-modern?
Another thread on Sup Forums where retards who don't know own what they're talking about but repeat the same shit they've heard over and over
Good things Japanese games are always meaningful and deep without being retarded arty shit right?
Oh wait, loads of Japanese tries to be meaningful and deep, but is just trash
This is not exclusive to nationality or region of the world you stupid fucking niggers
>Japanese games are always meaningful and deep
That's exactly what no one wants you fucking arts school graduate
somebody was watching gammmmeee theeeoorrryyyyyy
>When a postmodern artist does "can of artist's shit", or Piss Christ, that's not intended as an actual piece, it's a potshot at the world of art critics. It's terrible on purpose as a fuck-you to people who take art too seriously.
But MGSV is japanese.
and you took the bait, fantastisch.
>When a postmodern artist does "can of artist's shit", or Piss Christ, that's not intended as an actual piece, it's a potshot at the world of art critics. It's terrible on purpose as a fuck-you to people who take art too seriously.
In other words, it's a shitpost. Why is it given any attention at all then?
Japanese games are only better because they don't have as many leftists infecting their companies with incompetence and retarded ideology.
Not to say gooks are flawless, of course. They are generally bad at finishing stories and they have some bad american influence in their culture. But at least they care about gameplay, which is the main thing in a game, even if they rarely succeed in making it good.
This is always the best
>I get that but surely you can see how your movement is ruining the art world even while it's being ironic?
>lololol fell for it epic win
>Japanese gamers in one pic
you will never go to this musuem
>they care about gameplay
Too bad they suck at that.
I miss Bullfrog.
>at least they care about gameplay
yeah if you ignore, y'know, the JRPG genre.
inb4 some faggot starts posting Greek statues to make his posts seem more legitimate
Japanese games
>Forget about the gameplay, it's about the BIG ANIME TIDDIES, the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP
Confirmed retard.
>Sup Forumsscum is also a Nintend rone
Two of the most cancerous elements on Sup Forums rolled into one.