Just got bloodborne

Just got bloodborne

Wtf is wrong with your hand and basement

HAHhah epic thread incoming my v-ros:))

stole you mean

You've made this thread multiple times today.

I hope you'll enjoy it!

hope u will enjoy it user
dont forget to poo in the loo

haha ur hand and all that /yawn


enjoy it, it's a good game :)

> that room.. ugh
> that hand
Are you a fucking nigger corpse?

be sure to give new mad max fury road a try its quite good as i have heard my brother

That's obviously a fake hand also

Something wrong with you're hands boy?

Isnt this that Basement ogre guy from Sup Forums who lives in finland or someshit and watch Madmax or something

Its a P&L/Beaner chick who grabbed it with her toes that are painted pink

>this hand kills the ps4 controller

What the fuck is up with that bloated hand?

The box and the hand looks shooped.

Its a foot you retards

give it back juan

my niggi

what a gwan shrek

user, look out! An ogre is stealing your Bloodborne!

Pretty sure thats a foot


that is bloodhorne

>not the game of the year edition

Give me one reason why the hunter's axe isn't the best weapon in the game.