Not even out

>not even out
>already day one dlc and microtransactions

how can people defend this garbage

Other urls found in this thread:

For cosmetics.
Which no sane hunter ever used. Hell Most hunters don't even use promotional shit like the sonic, mario, and Metroid equipment.
This will be no different.

Enjoy using your clown suit faggot.

Who could have possibly foreseen this.

Not surprising. But a decent trade off. If DLC is free and that comes with cosmetic only micro-transactions I'm not bothered. Keep in my mind they've said new monsters, and not your typical MH reskin/recolours. That stream they did back in September had them talking about fan favorites coming back, and new areas being introduced.

Still better than loot box systems. I've realized that loot box systems actually count as worse than day one DLC since they're content that you can either not have or buy on release, that you can't even choose to buy

Way to out yourself as outsider to MH.

>clown suit.
Enjoy being kicked from every lobby because you run around as fucking Aloy.

>Japanese game
>dress up dlc

This is very new to me wow they have NEVER done this in any other game


>free constant updates
>funded by a few whales who like to buy gay costumes
seems like a good trade off to me. why are so many redditors on Sup Forums unable to see positives and negatives and merely resort to repeating shit they heard other people say?

They have specifically stated that it's purely for waifufags to dress up the Guild Girl, and those waifufags are funding free monsters for everyone. So fuck off.

>People defending this

The Sony shilling is absolutely real.

Except the game already had free DLC until now, with no need of selling "cosmetics"

yea but this is a real game with a real budget and high production value, not a mobile phone tier nintendo faggot game. it actually costs big money to do big events and online events at that.

The game also never let you dress up the guild girl until now.

So,what are the big differences between lances and GL?

>everything has to be console war faggotry
fuck off, both of you

That shit is like paying for alternative housekeepers.

I only pointed out that until now everything was free.
Not anymore

I'm not about that console war shit but The is the first Mohan in like 10 years with completely brand new assets.
The Mohan has been running on reused assets for what seems like forever.
That's got to cost some money.
Mohan has been costing pennies to make Millions and now it costed them millions so they have to come up with some way to make up the cost and not fuck over the consumer.

>That shit is like paying for alternative housekeepers.
Which you don't need to do.
>I only pointed out that until now everything was free.
Everything that was free until now is still free. They have introduced a new feature that was never in the series before and you have to pay for it.

poke poke poke hop
poke poke boom hop

>people defending DLC costumes because it's not as bad as loot boxes
How low we have fallen

No, people are just calling out OP (you) for deliberately trying to misrepresent what the "DLC and microtransactions" are, because you're just a shitposter.

>it's some very particular form of microtransactions so it's okay!

>already day one dlc and microtransactions
Like literally ever single big release within the past 4-5 years?

New features that are just cosmetic bullshit like dressing up the guild marm.

I'm not attacking you two on the basis of your opinions on how Capcom should get revenue from the game.
I'm just saying that not everything is about nintendo there and sony here. So fucking many threads are all about this shit, and aren't even contained to their own threads: every game, exclusive or not, gets shitposted to death because people can't pass 10 minutes without resorting to calling names the other fanbase like fucking kids.
And you may not even be console war shitposters, but some other faggot will read your post and feel compelled to defend his console, and someone else will reply to him and so on until discussion is killed and it becomes pc/nintendo/sony/microsoft shitflinging thread #291820.

typical Sup Forums being Japan apologists as usual.

t. bing wahoo

>it's completely pointless micro-transactions that don't affect shit and long time fans won't touch.

The only people who are going to fall for this crap are new faces to the series and horn dogs who love their specific guildmarm.

It's like they are locking Barioth and G rank hunts behind a paywall or some shit.

lol.. you know that you don't have to dress the guild girl into a cat outfit if you don't want to.. nothing of it involves the game and monster drops... but it's clear that these couple faggots who keep criticizing it, never played a Monster Hunter before

Better focus your attention and energy towards real threats to modern gaming.. like EA, shady new tactics, and losing your online privacy thanks to the removal Net Neutrality

>it's not like
Fuck my fingers.

>it doesn't affect the way I play the game so it's okay! It's not like I would have liked the cosmetics to be unlockable in game or anything! Haha, only new players will fall for this, not me!

>but it's clear that these couple faggots who keep criticizing it, never played a Monster Hunter before
How naive. It's quite clearly butthurt console warriors making a fuss.

How embarrassing. And people will eat it up

I actually don't give a fuck about the cosmetics.
It's not going to be changing how I look. Just some NPC I have to interact with to get to a hunt.
It's like bitching that I have to pay 99 cents to get a exclusive sticker for a wall in my guild house in FFXIV. It's insignificant only the most lost of causes give a fuck about it.

Is World casualized enough that a MonHun newfag like me can jump right in, but not too casualized so I won't be bored/won't get an authentic hunting experience?

ITT:it's ok when worldoes it

So you wouldn't mind loot boxes with only cosmetics in MonHun either? Might as well implement it them too.

>Monster Hunter

Oh, wow. No one ever saw this coming. It's not as if the PSP, Wii U, and 3DS entries had Capcom doling out new quests and rewards on a monthly basis via DLC.

holy shit stupid faggots are STILL defending this. after the disaster this year has been i think its clear youve done enough.

Generations/xx is casual enough for a newfag to jump in. shit any Mohan is good enough for a new fag. Each game teaches you the basics

All anyone has to say about World is what they gathered from the beta/demo.
Which like every beta/demo that mohan releases is tampered with enough to make each fight easy.

I would. Because that shit would be shoved in my face after every hunt. and there wouldn't be enough content in these DLC to fill a Loot box rule set since it is just going to be prior Mohan character skins for the guildmarm. That's like 8 skins.

>I'm not attacking you two on the basis of your opinions on how Capcom should get revenue from the game.

wrong question, as the answer to that is selling the game for 60 bucks.

How should they fund future updates is the real question you should be asking here.

>it's okay because it's only 8 skins!
The absolute state of MonHun fags

Nah. OP is being pissy about paid cosmetics that don't even affect your character. Like the cosmetics aren't even for you or your palico. It's for NPCs.

He is just trying to stir up shit even though he clearly has never touched a Mohan before.

>I would. Because that shit would be shoved in my face after every hunt. and there wouldn't be enough content in these DLC to fill a Loot box rule set since it is just going to be prior Mohan character skins for the guildmarm. That's like 8 skins.

hate to burst your bubble, but they only said handler skins was one possibility. They have that samurai pre-order bonus thing that goes over your armor, and you bet your ass they will be using that for their mtxes

in other news, the leaked roster was confirmed

>...for an NPC!
You have to address the whole argument, dumb dumb.

Thank god now I can stop being mad about them not releasing it for Switch. Enjoy your casualized jewgame so(n)ygoys.

>it's okay because it's cosmetics for something other than your character!

>game is on 3 platforms

>being mad about DLC in a game series that literally re-releases titles with a new difficulty as standalone titles instead of DLC
why are monster hunters so stupid

Whatever. Nobody plays with the dlc shit anyway.
People getting all pissy over this when it will literally change nothing about how anyone plays the game anyway.

Well yeah.
Because it is even more pointless to have. Cosmetics for your character would piss people off because they can't look like that unless they pay money. But if it is for something they don't control or look at often enough to appreciate nobody really cares.

Yes, that's exactly right.

Just saying, don't use the "it's only for the handler" argument because it makes you look stupid.

>defending any of that stupid shit you just vomited

But it's not hunters that are angry at this. It's obviously people who haven't played a game in the series and just want to start shit and nobody is having it.

>Yeah, at least cosmetic DLCs are better than lootboxes! At least Capcom is still BASED!
>*buys monster hunter world ultimate a year later for $60*

So you never played a mohan because you keep using that word.
I keep saying Guildmarm. Completely different person
The Handler is that new chick they added to monster hunter for story missions and shit. like the Caravan-er in 4U.
The Guildmarm is the girl that you talk to to get Hunts.

the DLC they mention as a possibility is a guildmarm outfit for the handler. Guildmarm isn't even confirmed to be in World.

Guildmarm is only the one in 4u.

Why wouldn't they be?
there is always several in every game.
The Single player Guildmarm which is always different in each game and the Online hunts at least 2 guildmarms for low and high rank.

Guildmarm is just a different way of saying guild lady.

I'm buying this.

But she's the only one actually called Guildmarm. Everyone else is a Guild Gal.

literally only one guildmarm.
The generic term is guild receptionist. Will they be in? maybe, but the guildmarm specifically is what has been mentioned, and in relation to a skin for the handler.

You mean Monster Hunter World G

Day 1 DLC and Microtransactions seem so innocent now that we have Pay2Win lootbox progression systems in 60 dollar games.

Thats called normalization, don't fall for it. That shit isn't ok no matter what happens.

As soon as you accept microtransactions as a normal part of the game it's all over, they're going to push more and more.

If the game cost $0.01 or more then there is never an acceptable microtransaction, even cosmetics are unacceptable.

>B-B-BUT SONY!1!1!!!!!

Because the mainstream gaming audience are completely ignorant and don't know any better. In fact, they don't even care and will speak with their dollar more than you ever could be able to.

>on cartridge/disk DLC
>have to wait 6 months for content that's in the fucking game
>base roster leak is only 45 monsters
>no fan favorites like Zinogre, Brachydios Tigrex, Rajang, Lagombi, Great Jaggi, Lagiacrus, Nargacuga, Akantor&Ukanlos, Gore Magala, Fated Four, or Fatalis in the base roster

Monster Hunter DLC is just as bad as the usual variety. No exceptions. Capcom is pulling a Street Fighter V/ Marvel vs Capcom Infinite and you dumb motherfuckers will actually fall for it this time.

GL is more offensive. The shield button is just to reload.

Sure. whatever you say buddy.
Maybe play the game first before bitching about it.

It will give you more ammo for your argument you are failing to make.

I specifically remember actually downloading stuff for the 3ds monster hunters. didn't take to long to download because it was mostly hunts that comprised of monsters you already hunted just in different environments and combinations.

This is the first time actual monster are being released as DLC and not just hunts with different combinations of monsters that were already in the game that you fought.
Besides the Pc Mohans.

how does this one image confirm the leaked roster

teo and kush, which were on the leaked roster and haven't been revealed yet

>leaked roster is /only/ 45 monsters
>this is like, 5 less than MH4 or other new flagships
>but with like, a giant more additions via everything else such as the new maps, new qol changes, new multiplayer system, new armor system

that just means Teo and Kush, doesn't necessarily confirm the whole list

>This is the first time actual monster are being released as DLC and not just hunts with different combinations of monsters that were already in the game that you fought
4U had DLC monsters that weren't accessible in the base game as well.

Why are you putting cosmetics in quote marks like that? What, you think the cosmetics are going to be pay to win bullshit or something?

4 monsters of the list have been confirmed since it showed up so far (if you believe the image). That could be a pretty good track record. However, I don't think the image is the most reliable

>Metal Raths have been DLC since MH4U
>Savage Jho's quest has been DLC since 3U
>White Fatalis was DLC in 4U
>G rank Fatalis was DLC in 4U
>G rank Jhen Mohran was DLC in 3U
>Shah Dalamadur was DLC in 4U

Whether or not they are considered "new monsters" is irrelevant. What matters is content that was in the game was locked for future release, which screwed over anyone using a Rath weapon or anything that required parts for a monster that required DLC parts to finish upgrading.

But they were in the game, just locked behind a front end. The content was done at game launch.

The irony of this drawing and the faggot who made it!

Either way they were still added in later rather than released with the game, or do you really think Capcom will seriously model and code new monster post-release for World rather than have them already coded in and dummied out for a future "look what we added" surprise?

Holy fucking shittu

Gaijin "put the strike in strikeher" hunter is literally a paid capcom shill

Any modern Monster Hunter with less than 50 monsters isn't good. This is a wasted opportunity to showcase popular monsters in 1080p HD with next gen performance[/spoiler]on PC[/spoiler]


Let's completely forget that this is the SECOND game Capcom is publishing in a row that had its roster leaked.

Or did you forget the MvCI incident?

So(n)yboys will defend this

It's capcom, I guess we're used to their shit now

>metal rath
A recolor.
>Savage Jho
>White Fatalis
>g rank versions of monster you already fought
do i really need to say this?
>Shah Dalamadur
Another fucking recolor.
who would have fucking guessed that it would take no time at all to download a new Skin and switch around some parameters.

Fucking souls games and sports games change parameters without having to download patches.

Is this the monster hunter thread or what

They were in the game. As their normal versions. What you "downloaded" was skins and a stat changes that were called new monsters.

oh so you're just mad there is no Switch version

People rarely bought microtransactions and the industry moved on to something more lucrative (lootboxes) you are as smart as a rebelious 12 year old if you think these companies will one day just stop nickle and diming you.

Shitposting aside.
Never Ever....
And that makes me sad...

>kushala in glorious hd

>no tigrex or rajang at launch
>they literally reskinned lavasioth and called it a new monster