Filename Thread

Filename Thread

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Did he die?


Wow, nobody checked that corner at all.

These guy's suck at room clearing.


ye they suck, even though it was a completely dark room they really do suck. I wonder from which country these soldiers are from.



This is from some TV show or something.

fuck off to




i thought the purpose of this competition was to make planes not skateboards

Why would you use a broom against a vicious shitbag like that? you get a proper bat and you slam that fucker in the head. Problem solved

what kind of retarded country is this from




I wonder what it would feel like to stick your dick in that as a joke lol.

very edgy
i remember being 12 too


Das rite

Holy fuck looool

Why so assblasted friend?

Might be Sweden.

how is that edgy you sensitive fuck?

wild boars are actually a major problem

That's amazing

nothing edgy about pest control just because you watched a couple porky pig cartoons as a lad, chum


you're also a major problem you nigger
maybe i should put you down like the animal you are as well.

These things are an invasive species so bad the government actively pays you for killing them, stop being a faggot.


he's fine he has a helmet

come and fucking try it, i don't think some bleeding heart faggot crying over little piggies could leave a scratch on a functional human being



>2 birds with Akko's INT stat


And you call others edgy?

Probably feel like getting punched in the urethra as a blast of hot air blows your bladder like a balloon.



roastie btfo

>preorder bonuses

what the fuck is going on here?


>all that dirt when the bullets hit the ground

what fucking caliber is this, is he driving while shooting? is it a handgun? Jesus fuck I WANT TO BE AMERICAN

Just reminded me of one of my all-time favorite filenames

they're allowed to be edgy but I'm not? How's that work


>not scooby doo

one job

Don't you talk shit about my 2 int


That is the filename you fucking idiot.

That white car in the beginning looks to have a Russian license plate.


shotgun with a laser sight i'd guess
probably a smaller vehicle thing like pic related

This place gets dumber by day, fuck.


Might be any country where studded snow tires aren't required by the law like Russia or Clapistan.




to be fair i think it's adorable


Who just sneaks up behind a bear and sticks their hand right in its face?






a stupid female who's been basically told all her life she can do whatever the fuck she wants and blame others when things go awry

well that explains all the pictures of dragons fucking cars

Some faggot committing suicide and taking the whole bus with him.

Scooby Doo: Dark Souls

Im sure deep down, he had fun

>he loses the broom head at the end

did he dried




>I'm coming up with 32.33. Repeating, of course


>transforming weapon mid-combo in bloodborne

this made me angry






that honestly looks like so much fun
where could i go with a couple of guys to do something like this?

>E3 - Reality




They all survived

