
come play with us
>comfy 400 pop and growing, all na/euro players, mostly /virg/ins
>all non english speakers banned
>ovh hosted = same from big blizz
>no jewish corruption/tricks
>raids buffed to proper difficulty level for the 1.12 client

Other urls found in this thread:


>burning yourself out on dime a dozen private servers before official classic comes out

>dont have sex with her bro youll burn yourself out, just wait 2 years till ur married itll be so much more special

what nigga what

>dime a dozen private servers
I can count on one hand how many functional private servers there have been worth playing over the years.
Not even saying this is one of them, just saying.

I played on Everyst for a while and ended up quitting, was actually one of the higher ups in DoA, here were my reasons for quitting

>Extremely low population made it impossible to do elite quests and dungeons
>Population got as low as 150 at late night
>Literally 95% of the Alliance faction was in ONE guild which acted as trade/lfg
>Multiple botters/hackers
>Inexperienced GMs caught banning people and leaking log in info (Check forums for more info)

The biggest thing is that it's just DEAD.AS.FUCK, there's no denying it, having a pop of 150 late night across TWO factions, ALL the zones, that's about 2 to 3 people PER ZONE, it's completely fucking dead, once I hit 60 I bailed.

Murray lips loves this server. Transparent and solid team and community

>400 people
What is the fucking point?

what's the point of playing a MMO if the population isn't MASSIVELY MULTIPLAYER size? 400 pop is fucking dead in a game called "WORLD" of Warcraft.

>burning yourself out on dime a dozen private servers before official classic comes out

Yes if you are ok with waiting for 2019 or 2020

>Inexperienced GMs caught banning people and leaking log in info (Check forums for more info)

AHAHAHA "check forums" everyst doesn't even have forums but nice larp

>Multiple botters/hackers

but this is how i really know you're full of shit. i know because i tried to speedhack and got fucking rekt within minutes

>And growing

No, no it's not, check the forums/reddit page, nothing but people complaining that the server is dead, it's almost always under 400 population, last time I was on there were around 250 people online across both factions, it's not possible to find groups for anything unless you join a big guild, and the ONE big guild on the server has barely 100 people in it.

>t. nost babs who never played private servers before and need 10k pop black buttplugs to feel satisfied

>was actually one of the higher ups in DoA
Well since you're no longer playing, why not post your character name? Oh right it's because you're full of shit. Also there are no forums.

>Yes if you are ok with waiting for 2019 or 2020

people have been waiting for Vanilla servers for more than decade

We can handle 2 more years

>server reached a new all time peak this weekend of 450 players


pick one.

show me all these people cliffjumping

Literally Google "Everyst leaked accounts" and you get multiple pages on forums about how the GMs stored people's account info in PLAIN TEXT DOCS and then somehow leaked it over Discord

Nice server, no wonder it's dead with GMs like that.

Didn't they leak everyone's account info on their discord by mistake? kek

Surely there is a middle ground between 10k and 400 or are you incapable of anything that isn't exaggeration and meme words?

>Leaked account info within first week of release

>Racist/sexist/underaged devs

>Less than 400 people currently playing

If this server is "soooooooo amazing" How come it's dead?

>t. used paypal info for his everyst alpha account

it was obvious that old alpha website was insecure as fuck, you're retarded if you trusted it

>paying for vanilla servers
>waiting 2 years

400 can turn into 1 to 2k comfy pop easy

10k is doomed to be a chink infested overpopped multicultural shithole forever

>Website got hacked and everyone's info leaked within the first 3 days of release

Nope, I'm good.

>that pop
>get to red ridge
>lol can't do half the quests because they're elites and there are 3 other people in the zone

>muh racism
>muh plain text alpha leak meme
>muh need 10k nost pop

you have to go back, reddit

Fuck off retard, reminder that the guy shilling this is staplerx300, a literal redditor weeb who tells people he's an 'authentic hikikomori' and killed 4 /vg/ guilds on other servers.

uh what nigga that was the fucking alpha, nobody has been hacked since the beta

Kicks trannys out of Dev team? Brb rerolling on this server.

>did all the elite redridge quests on everyst with help of people and guildies, not even an issue

really makes you think

never played wow before.anyone wanna help me on this?

I've only experienced WoW twice: Elysium fresh start after Nost shut down and now Everyst. They both have their pros and cons but I've ended up liking Everyst a lot more. High pop just wasn't worth the constant gold seller whispers, increased lag, constant competition for everything, etc. The quality of interactions I've had on Everyst are by far the better of the two, and I bet anyone who couldn't make it to 60 here would quit even earlier on a server like Light's Hope.

>400 people
oh boy I sure love not being able to complete any fucking dungeon ever without joining some retard guild and sucking up to people

join ANY guild on everyst and you will get all the help you need if you just ask and aren't autistic, everyone there is willing to help out its a tight knit community but one that is actually interested in helping new players, which is weird because its mostly autistic chantard shut-in neets lol

This shit aint ever gonna grow because there are better options out there, not to mention that the future of vanilla private servers is fucking dead with the announcement of Classic. Even established private servers are just living on the people still there with minimum devs on them because everyone gave up on continuing developing private realms since official ones will come soon.

Anybody reading this thread and even considering going for vanilla, don't fall for this retard's shilling, find a better option, or better yet, wait for the official release.

im not autismo so i'll give it a go. any lans you suggest
also im pretty fucking poor so is this free

>We will never accept donations
>1 week later

I love how they're only accepting Bitcoin as a form of donation, nice.

I'm also a newfag who started playing here. The server Discord is a good place to start if only for all the links to get you started:
I pretty much ignore the discussion channels since Discord is always pretty gay.

>he'd unironically prefer if it was 1k and 60% non english speaking

nah ill take my 60% less pop 100% english speaking thx

why can't we have both?

cool. What's your name? you seem like a person to play games with.

Sure you did sweetheart. Probably because you played at launch when it was relevant content, try doing it now :^)

thats a joke/burn on hearthglen who got caught secretly embedding that same cryptominer in their website lol

just how retarded and out of the loop are you?

>Reddit spacing

I'm not even in a guild and spent all of yesterday running instances and doing elite quests with other people. The only players who whine about not finding groups are the ones who post in their zone's general chat once and then go "OMG I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR A GROUP FOR THIS LEVEL 30 DUNGEON FOR TWO WEEKS" when the server has only been up for two fucking weeks.

that's what we're trying to do nigger


I mostly ignore low level dungeons except for something like WC and others that give good leather gear, but what I'm mostly talking about is the cancer known as BRD

In game? Charles on Alliance. Feel free to add me and hit me up anytime you need help with elites or a dungeon or something. I'm a noob and a wagecuck but if I'm online I'm happy to help if I can.

>comfy 400 pop and growing

There are currently 211 people online right now across both factions, explain to me how that's not dead and comfy? You can't find groups for anything.

Murray lips says that it's better to play with 400 westerners than 5000 chinks

Best bait ever posted. Dead ass Darrowshire and Anethema have better populations and devs.

>region lock
sounds nice. what regions are banned?

Americans are still in church dummy :^)
But seriously anyone who has actually played on the server and made even the barest minimum effort knows that the "lol no groups" meme is false.

>anyone who can't speak english with a GM = banned
>china is ban on sight

as far as i know that's it

Just China I believe but there's a fairly strict English requirement as well.

First week was fun but the server died so fucking fast after the first week, on my warrior right now and there are currently 209 people online right the fuck are people going to even raid at 60?

those aren't fuckin fresh and they are filled with russians...the fuck?

how can you even compare the two

>more druids than paladins
yea I won't even bother

Druids are more fun to play

you must be really new to the private server scene, i guarantee you that some other server implodes before february 1st and everyst swallows the majority of those refugees

>Peak Online: 524

That's not comfy, that's dead.

It's not even noon in America yet. I'm posting from my fucking bed right now. Also a few hundred is enough to raid but of course all the Nost babies think their server is the only one to have ever existed.

>the class that can be played by 2 factions has more players

uhh retailfag detected?

Reminder that OP got bullied out of both the Alliance and Horde /vg/ guilds so he had to beg people to make a server for him. He also has major game balance changes in the works (such as paladin taunt). Aside from this he is a cringy redditfag who made his own AMA about being a NEET.


non ironically this

>letting squido live in your head this hard

senpai you need to take a walk

>links some random Reddit shit with no actual proof
I mean there's definitely a chance you're right since private WoW players are mentally ill retards but get the fuck out until you have something substantial.

im waiting for that new lineage game

I don't care enough to check if he's admin on the same name, but he's a well known guy on /vg/ for being an autistic sperg. He also goes by Squido. If you're enough of a retard to play on a 200 player funserver with some Sup Forums/reddit hybrid meme spouting cringefest admins, don't blame me when you get your info distributed to chinks or something.

Not him but it doesn't matter what time it is, the population has never hit over 500 since launch, highest I've ever seen it outside the first week was around 350, they're completely aware of the population problem and trying to fix it

The bright is, they're adding QoL changes to the server to try and get people to play
Pending larger realm populations, we are implementing the following QoL changes:
I. Dynamic respawn disabled as it was on launch, i.e. vanilla/blizzlike respawn rates restored.
II. Auction Houses will be cross-faction, with decreased (-50%) deposit/cut and increased (+100%) auction lengths

There is also talk about adding an in game barbershop and transmog.

of all the disinfo and antishilling in this thread, this is the most pathetic lol

ok, this is next level disinfo-posting rofl


they couldn't even add these without a custom data patch you retard, you're just making shit up now

Can any of the anti Everyst people explain to me how any of the alternatives are better?

Light's Hope
>population is huge just like the country of its main playerbase, China
>everything is camped to hell and back: nodes, mobs, your corpse

Elysium and Nighthaven
>Each is ran by people who have ADMITTED to being corrupt
>but seriously we'll be good this time we promise

>really progressed already
>meme scripting

Stay mad spergo, you let unironic trannies bully you out of their guild. I would probably kill yourself if I were you.

Check the Discord, it's being talked about, they're working on adding custom NPCs that can alter stuff in game.

so you know not to touch this shit now

>your info
>Using the same password for a wow private server as anything else

Not defending leaks but wow are you asking for it

you forgot the part where nighthaven is 80% russian

>believes random fags talking about shit
>not a server admin in sight
Never visit the WoW Classic forums you'll be fucked for life.

>some random idiot posting in the suggestions tab


ahahaha holy fuck neck yourself retard

Here's a fucking crazy thought: you don't have to play vanilla wow because there are no good options right now. Kronos is the least shit of those you mentioned, but it's still awful.
Neck yourself retard, that's a horrible analogy. Having sex doesn't involve a month long repetitive grind that's a pain in the ass. You can only level in vanilla so much before you get tired of it.

Call me when it’s around 1k server pop. At 400 you could probably never see a single other person leveling in the world after level 20. So how you gunna do those troll elite quests in Hinterlands?

everyone on /vg/ is an autistic sperg, especially you /wpsg/ lunatics
go back to your shithole

just posted in there and they all went dead fucking quiet so far so good

Haven't played on private servers since Nostalrius

Is Everyst really this bad? Like there's a lot of proof that the population is way under 500, I'm looking for a new not overpopulated server but 200-300 players is pretty damn dead, are there any other options?

Yes, just play on lightbringer (basically nost 3, all the chars are there)

Everyst is a great option. Low pop is the only downside, but that can even be a positive to certain people.

LightChingChonger is literally 80% Chinks

I don't go to /wpsg/ because it's almost as bad. I know you're right, but most people aren't cringy losers who post about how they're a 'hikikomori' on reddit for attention. Either way, I would never want to play on a server run by someone from a /vg/ wow thread.
You would have to actually have some sort of mental disorder to play on Everyst. I'm sure you'll do fine with the other 30 people online.

Yeah that's the plan I think, not really sure how people do instances/raids with a population of like 200 people in total.

as was nost and every nost clone
I can't believe people still fall for it

nobody is denying the pop is below 500 but your other options are all

either some combination of

1) progressed to AQ or further
2) majority non english speaking
3) corrupt devs
4) 8k+ population

everyst is unironically the best option if you can tolerate the low pop for now

as far as I'm concerned, every server has corrupt devs as I see no proof to believe otherwise

Why even play it then. Worthless when you can’t even talk to people because it’s 90% Chinks, Vodkas and Hues.

The population is low but the community is there. I've been doing group content all weekend. I swear Nost has ruined people's perception of good vanilla population. If Blizz keeps vanilla the same and servers are average 2-3k pop people are gonna complain that Classic is dead.
Everyst, a "dead" private server has 50x the population of Lawbreakers :^)

>progressed to AQ or further
>i want to do molten core for 6 months again and do it all over when the server dies before aq release
Every fucking time.

This thread has 10 times the population of Lawbreakers, your point?

It was just a joke. No point.

>Why even play it then
I don't know, I played on nost because it was 'okay' and a lot of people were there, started to get a pain in the ass with constant 11k and lag all the time.
Then kronos because all refugees went there
Then another server because people fucked off from kronos
then elysium because muh nost core
and now we're here, you'd have to be insane to continue doing this after so many failures