She;"I don't know user, but i think Dragon Quest XI is kind of terrible...

> She;"I don't know user, but i think Dragon Quest XI is kind of terrible, why hype it up when you can play better games like Xenoblade Chronicles 2 or Final Fantay XV?"

> Martina: inb4 there's loosers that will buy the game for me.

Other urls found in this thread:

i beat both games already and xenoblade 2 is better imo

dq11 is a much worst dq8

Veronica's triggered that you're playing those terrible games over HER game.

Prove it
Prove you played DQXI

The sad thing about this board is that I can't take anyone here's opinion on Xenoblade seriously now. For all I know this could be 100% shitpost.

DQ stagnated long ago, but makes sense that its now apparent because there is nowhere else to go graphics wise, how sad.


Martina > Veronica

Huh. Never thought to try the school uniform on Martina.

I finished the game and got the true ending, but then I realized that I never locked an entire section of Greg's and Sylvia's license board. How do you unlock them? I can't remember what they were called, Sylvia's is Chivalry I think.

Why would you play Dragon Quest if you didn't want a very standard JRPG?

A fair point Im just saying it was not as apparent with 8 and 9 had very neat multiplayer that I hope will be expanded or just remake 9 that would be great
11 seems to be just 8 again absolutely nothing new

Is this game ok in spite of the banal anime tropes?

> Senya: "Not even the hero likes me"

If you dont like anime tropes you should not buy japanese games.
You should not be in this site either for that matter.

I think a lot of people where dissapointed that 9 and 10 where so different from the older versions, so going back to the basics makes enough sense to me.

Another 8 is literally what everyone wants, and from what I've seen the game has its share of new elements.

And I say thats what people think they want, see the western reaction be mild at best.

>If you dont like anime tropes you should not buy japanese games.
I dunno. I like Dragon Quest, Zelda, Mario, Pikmin, Xenoblade 1, a number of Final Fantasies, Metroid, Kirby, most 2D Sonics, the classic Pac Man, some Resident Evils, Gen 5 of Pokemon, Okami, Goemon, Bomberman, Silent Hill, Castlevania, Street Fighter, Megaman, the Layton and Ace Attorney series, Yokai Watch, and on occasion Monster Hunter. And I don't really recall seeing Moe animu tropes that often in those. At least not so unapologetically blatant.

>And I don't really recall seeing Moe animu tropes that often in those. At least not so unapologetically blatant.
Then you obviously have absolutely no idea what an anime trope is.
You will be fine with XC2

>see the western reaction be mild at best.
It's Dragon Quest, what kind of reaction did you expect?

user. I'm talking about the vaguely sexual lazy jokes like:
And other stuff I've been seeing around the game.

Basically what I'm asking is: can I enjoy the game in spite of the game trying to awkwardly play off how horny it is for itself with stock gags?

Didn't 9 sell like hotcakes here?
Heck, all the games tend to sell out pretty quickly when the finally bring them over. But that might be due to how few they make.

You will be fine.

9 sold well because it had actual advertising. Which is rare for a DQ game to have overseas.


I seem to remember that it hit bargain bin pretty fast.
And ask any fan now and they'll tell you that IX is one of the weakest titles, and rightfully so.

>Which is rare for a DQ game to have overseas.
Well, sometimes when they bother, it's shit like this:
Which might have hurt it in the long run.

ok but im bad with a camera

its alright but expect dq8 without the exploration
real linear and shorter too

He was asking about xenoblade there

Yeah. Some of that was pretty shit. But that doesn't you should give up.

9 sold over a million copies in US and Europe. It's proof that SE just fucking tried. The games would sell a lot more then they do usually.

Why does Japan have to cuck a good girl all the time now?

It was nintendo who tried but yeah

why did they make all the party members in 11 so generic? the only unique looking one is the flamingo guy in the back

DQXI is pretty mediocre. Not to say it's terrible or anything but I would bet my house xeno2 is better.

t. someone who played dqxi but not xeno2

Are you not aware of best "girl always loses" its a long standing Sup Forums tradition.

The point I was making was that SE should take a page from Nintendo. But I guess I wasn't a bit clear on that.

I wish Toriyama would fucking chill on the digital thick outlines and airbrush shading.
Can he just not do watercolors anymore?

They aren't any more generic than before.

The little fat man looks generic to you?

I really enjoyed DQ XI. Got pretty addicted and blazed through it faster than I expected (though I still spent about 114 hours on it). Haven't played Xenoblade 2 yet though.

looks like an aged torneko

ive never had this on portable mode before
but yeah dont expect a lot with dq11
i was so hyped i even imported it

Xenoblade 2 is shit.

Didn't play DQ, but I'm not sure why all the hate for XB2, it's a great game.

I think he meant the second guy asking about XC2's quality

what's it like on the 16th month on the year?

I don't believe anyone's opinion on xeno2 in this website. People in here are all shallow and will either over praise it because they have a switch, or shit on it because they don't have one.

I stand by my bet. DQXI really is nothing to write home about.

Whats it like still using inches like a neanderthal

It's an exclusive for a nintendo console released during it's first year. Most of the hate stems from the principle of the thing.

The only other girl other than the princess is the town slut.
No romance.
No romance.
You end up with the shapeshifting girl even if you play as female (Sofia is best girl in this case). Second best girl Alena loses if you play male.
You can pick best girl.
Best girl loses because she was dead all along.
Best girl is implied to win.
Originally best girl lost, remake fixed it.
No romance.

That sucks, not sure why people care about games they can't/won't play.

That guy said Japan not DQ

>I don't trust anyone's opinion, but here's mine that you should give a shit about
I'm certain that I'm going to like DQXI better than Xenoblade.

It's that it wasn't the 3rd 97 in a year, so people just jumped on that as being a "failure". My only concern is that this one seems to be relying very heavily on fan service, but I like the look of the mechanic heavy shit for developing characters.

Nice reading comprehension. I have no reason to lie about DQXI. If anything, if I was as shallow as the lot of you, I'd be over praising it simply for the fact that I can play it and 99% of this board cannot.

Yet I say it's mediocre.

I know.

Oh user. You're so noble and shit.

What is the biggest problem with it in your opinion

if you liked xeno 1 you'll like xeno 2, but xeno 1 is a lot better imo.
splitting up the areas to make them several separate landmasses was a downer. it felt great in xeno 1 where there was just the 2 lands competing.

>I have no reason to lie about DQXI
And I have no reason to lie about Xenoblade, you self-important cunt. I bought it, wanted to like it, and I don't. It has some significant gameplay issues for me and I don't find the cast endearing. I haven't finished it yet, but 44 hours in, I'm bored and have been bored for a long while. I've heard plenty about DQXI being "good, though probably not the best" and that sounds promising enough to me, based on my tastes and what I already know about the game.

>11 seems to be just 8 again absolutely nothing new
So a follow up to my favorite game of all time? After DQIX and X went the multiplayer route. You're only making me more hyped user.

>see the western reaction be mild at best.
The only reason the western reaction to DQXI will be mild is because SquareEnix won't market the thing at all. And most people won't even know it came out. DQVIII and IX got high praise in the west because they're the only games that got significant marketing.

>And ask any fan now and they'll tell you that IX is one of the weakest titles, and rightfully so.
Every DQ thread is full of people saying DQIX was their introduction to the series and one of their favorites. Again, this isn't so much because it is the best game in the series but because it was one of the most played.

I agree, however exploring in 2 is much better. I just hate how disconnected everything is. I love how sword valley is literally the sword of the mechonis. Everything feels so connected.

>Originally best girl lost, remake fixed it.
>No romance.
>implying Stella isn't interested

DQ XI isn't orgasmic or anything, but if you like Dragon Quest in general, it's a safe bet that you'll like DQ XI. I enjoyed it a lot, but I'm not calling it one of the best JRPGs ever or anything. I think the DQ series is mostly consistently good, which is something that's hard to say about series as old as it, but I don't get the "DQ is the best JRPG series ever" thing that some fans believe (though I won't try to convince anyone it's not).

>Every DQ thread is full of people saying DQIX was their introduction to the series and one of their favorites.
Not really. Look at the rankings that get posted in most threads, IX is always in the bottom 3.

>>Originally best girl lost, remake fixed it.
Actually scratch that, best girl gets with Yangus. You have to settle for second best on the remake, but at least you don't have to marry the horse.

>Not really.
Yes really. It does happen in a lot of threads.

The best girl always won, user. Jessica could have been best girl, but got zero development. Which is the thing the remake should have fixed. Now she's a one dimensional girl you just have an option to marry randomly.

Medea sucks donkey dicks.

Turn off voice acting.

>And I have no reason to lie about Xenoblade
I wasn't even discussing xeno2 anymore. I already said nobody in Sup Forums can be trusted about it because you all have reasons to lie(yourself included), and we all know what a shithole Sup Forums is. I'll see how I feel about the game when I play it.

>I don't trust anyone's opinion, but here's mine that you should give a shit about
It doesn't matter either way. You are free to disregard my opinion despite the fact that, again, as opposed to random Sup Forums people talking about xeno2 I actually have no reason to lie about DQXI. The game is even out on both sony and nintendo consoles so you console warriors can't sperg about it like the disgusting apes that you all are.

You'll get to play it in a year or so when it's out in English and you'll see what's what then. In the meantime feel free to continue being triggered about how I don't trust "people" who do nothing but shitpost and call people "cunts" all day long.

>The game is even out on both sony and nintendo consoles so you console warriors can't sperg about it like the disgusting apes that you all are.
>3DS version sucks, inferior graphics!
>PS4 version isn't as good as it could be, where's my 4k resolution! PC port when!
>Where's my Switch version!!!!

I guarantee this is going to be every DQ thread once it comes out/ You underestimate the length people here will go to complain.

>Caring about graphics in Dragon Quest.
Firstly the PS4 one looks amazing and the additions the 3ds version has is literally nothing. The 3ds version is a better looking IX and a SNES style which fans of DQ will love.

Switch version is also coming so there's no need to whine.

I almost wish you were just fishing for (You)s, but you sound like a legitimate retard. Why join discussion on Sup Forums at all if everyone else is a liar and only you can be trusted?

Why are you such a prick?

Is this the new way to shitpost DQ threads now?

>Caring about graphics in Dragon Quest.
People care about graphics in everything. And if this is some weak way to say DQ doesn't change, DQVIII already proved that graphics can improve things. DQVIII was one of the best looking games on the PS2. And when DQIX came out, the downgrade in graphics also kept it from having some exploration and combat options VIII had.

I'm not a graphics fag. But clearly improved graphics for DQXI will allow the game to do some things previous games couldn't.

IX had better combat in VIII in every way.

They are pretty nice in the PS4 version. I don't really care about graphics as long as a game's fun, but nice graphics on top of a good game is a nice bonus, and as you said, there were some parts I can't imagine would have been as impactful in the 3DS version. Then again, while I don't care about VA either, there were a few scenes that really felt lacking without it, but I imagine that I'd have never thought that had I played the 3DS version.

>IX had better combat in VIII in every way.
How? Because you can see your character run around in between attacks? Which has no point in combat and makes battles 10x longer. Other than that, the combat was pretty much the same as DQVIII with two new trees added.

Balance was better and you had much more variety in building characters and parties. It was a straight upgrade.

Because battles were more than tension tension tension tension attack win

>Balance was better
What does this even mean?

>and you had much more variety in building characters and parties.
It just sounds like you prefer the job system. But even then, DQIX was basically a fusion between the job system and skill system in DQVIII. And it took many hours before you could even change your job. Then many more hours and quests later before you had access to second tier jobs. Some people don't really consider that an upgrade.

>Because battles were more than tension tension tension tension attack win
I played all of DQVIII without ever using Tension. What makes the game good is there was usually 3-5 different strategies to fight anything.

Also, you can spam tension in DQIX as well. With some builds (like Shields), you can abuse it even more than you could in VIII. So I don't see how this is an improvement over VIII.

I want to make sweet love to all of DQXI's girls.

>without ever using Tension
Then you did it wrong, tension is the best and fastest way to fight anything except for wave of ice bosses.
>just dont use it bro
Bad excuse the variety is still really small regarding spells and abilities until very end game

Been wondering is there a chance of Dragon Quest 3 being remade in XI's engine?

Only like 2 classes could tension in 9

Imagine having taste this terrible

I see.

>Bad excuse
Kind of like your argument?

No? Tension is the best and fastest way to win battles that is a fact and the game has really bad spell variety until end game that is another fact

Haven't played Xenoblade 2 yet, but DQXI was great.

I don't see why people can't enjoy them both. It isn't as though you can only play 1 game, right?

>Best girl
She's a good fap and that's it.

Tension is entirely situational. Using tension in multiple enemy mob battles is about the dumbest thing you can do. You should be using all field spells or weapons (boom, boomerang, etc).

This limits Tension more to boss battles, which there's about 45 bosses in the whole game. That means less than 1% of the time in battle, you'll be using tension. And even then, like 1/3 the bosses have a move to lower or completely drop your tension.

Post more Senya.


>printing off a game cover to put in a PS4 case
Pretty clever user. Your secret is safe with me!

Am I doing it right? You meant the blonde chick, right?

Can you please not state FFXV is better than DQXI and also imply FFXV is even close to the level of good as XB2? Would appreciate it.

That's Emma, you turd.

Wrong blond girl user. Your pic related is the hero's childhood friend.