Why were Star Wars game so goddamn excellent?
And why is it that Disney hasn't given us any good Star Wars titles?
Why were Star Wars game so goddamn excellent?
And why is it that Disney hasn't given us any good Star Wars titles?
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Does anyone have solid suggestions for this sale? I have KOTOR 1 and need to beat it before two, someone told me to get jedi academy and i plan on getting republic commando. Anything else worth picking up?
They sold the all rights to video game production, aside from small shit like mobile games, to EA. We're not getting a good star wars game for a few more years, man.
Tie Fighter was literally the best Star Wars game ever
>And why is it that Disney hasn't given us any good Star Wars titles?
when was the last time the mouse gave you a nice anything?
Definitely Academy, especially on PC you can mod it and the Kyle Katarn previous games so that lightsabers are fatal in a single touch and dismember everything. But even vanilla there are a lot of really fun attacks in Academy, like if you use force pull and attack at the same time you pull the enemy to you and skewer them on your lightsaber, if you use force speed and attack at the same time you do a crazy dash slash forward, jumping and attacking in heavy stance does a really powerful haymaker slash, and attacking while rolling does a quick stab that pretty much kills any enemy in one hit.
Check out Bounty Hunter too, the Jango Fett game.
Disney is a shit company
Really they weren't. Star Wars shit out fucking dozens of games and has a few good memorable ones.
You're bound to get some hits if you just keep shitting them out.
i liked Tangled ^-^
It's a shame all the sites that hosted those mods are gone.
there aren't a lot of bad star wars games
This. Even the mediocre ones are better than most of the shit the industry churns out nowadays.
moviebattles 2 best mod
that was pure garbage mate.
Disney is going for photo realistic Hollywood instead of cartoony
Star Wars is supposed to be a cartoon
>And why is it that Disney hasn't given us any good Star Wars titles?
Because Disney is a hell of a synagogue. They dont give a shit about making quality stuff or interesting stuff, just about making shekels. So they will bleed franchise they acquired dry and discard it when it's completely dead.
>And why is it that Disney hasn't given us any good Star Wars titles?
Because they're retards who handed the license to E fucking A of all companies.
Pretty much. Star Wars will frankly, never be 'weird' ever again. Disney, despite practically ruling over the entertainment industry, only cares about it's bottom line. Making every single franchise as safe as possible in order to maximize profit. Vision and theme don't matter, appealing to X group does to the Mouse.
SW, like Marvel, will slowly but surely be dissolved into a soulless grey matter for the masses to enjoy then discarded when they lose interest. Every plot will be the same (just look at Battlefront II), every game will be painfully average, and a horde of 'critics' and shills will paint Disney Wars as the second coming of Jesus himself. It's especially depressing when you realize Disney can afford to take risks. They just won't.
>implying Star Wars was ever 'weird'.
Its been watered down shit for generations.
not him but the prequels were a lot weirder than the ot
Only because george is a hack and didnt have the people who told him "this is retarded" as he did back in the OT. I mean you should see the concepts he had for it. It would have been awful.
I don't care about that, I'm just saying that star wars wasn't watered down shit before the mouse
Get the original Battlefront II
It's a damn good time all around, i've sunk more hours than I can count on Galactic conquest
Because they'd take a popular game that already worked and put a Star Wars skin over it. Doom to Dark Forces. Quake to Dark Forces 2. Any flight sim to Xwing/Tie Fighter, Battlefield to Battlefront etc.
this was surprisingly fun
I miss this game. I never got round to playing it online because the servers shut down in like 2005.
>Rogue Squadron collection was ready to ship for Wii
>ex Factor 5 dev still wants to have it released in HD for Switch
>says all the necessary staff are still around the place to make it happen
I've never wanted a HD collection so badly
How's Battlefront II (2005) as a single player game?
Unironically great. The campaign is pretty fun the first time around, but the replayability comes in galactic conquest and bot matches, which have pretty fair difficulty and can otherwise be tailored to taste.
Buy the Star Wars Collection. The only games in it you can easily ignore are the Lego games, the Clone Wars game, and maybe Force Unleashed.
I had both of these and played them to completion. Lethal Alliance wasn't bad for a damn shooter on DS. Obi-Wan had pretty creative saber mechanics.
Part of the charm of Star Wars games was their single player campaigns. Disney and nu-gaming hate SP because it's harder to justify micro-transactions in them, so 90% of every game's focus is on the MP.
>Tyber Zann
>Dathomir Witches
>Death Troopers
>the entire plot of the Jedi Knight games
We will never again have anything as ambitious or bizarre as these in Star Wars. Even if any of it gets recanonized, it will just be a sterile, generic, Wikipedia summary version. Just look at what they did to Thrawn.
>going on a murderous rampage as Qui-Gon
This game let you fucking maim and kill children.
Star Wars: Empire at War. This shit was always so fucking based. The mods are great as well, try Thrawn's Revenge.
First force unleashed is alright for what it is, real over the top but a bit rule of cool nonsense so it works for the most part.
Second game is pretty hot garbage though
>They made an excellent game out of fucking Clone Wars
And it gave us Sev
That game was quite enjoyable. What's the best release? I played the DS version back in the day, but through emulation I could play the PSP version instead.
This game was hard
Fuck even the SW3 movie game was solid
There's literally no reason why DICE shouldn't be able to make a good star wars game, BF1 is fine. EA needs to stop rushing them and telling them tp simplify it.
Bounty Hunter aged like fucking milk sadly. I fucking loved it back in the day, I tried emulating it earlier... just no.