Cities: Skylines

>how you like your city senpai?
>just grid my shit up

is this toronto?

looks like seattle

im too much of a brainlet to be able to enjoy or have fun with this game, even though i really wanted to.

the entire road constructions and setting up house and stuff into districts along with well placed spots for them so it doesnt look like the trash just completely overwhelms me. any tips on how to 'get better' at this?

youre right, the needle position makes sense now

just keep playing the game. in any builder game you're first towns/cities are always trash then you get better and better at it. you can also just turn on the built in cheat mods and just crazy building shit and see what works and what doesn't until you get the hang of it.

I still can't work out how to highway. I think I'm at the point where I need to basically scrap an entire city just to fix up my cock ups and I'm not sure if it'll be worth it or just restart

Learn basic road hierarchy and go look up google maps images and try to recreate them

Enable "unlock all" and "infinite money" mods, because money is a non-issue in this game and the progression doesn't offer much variety and freedom in constructing your own city. You may say that I'm wrong for playing the game with cheats, but if you've tried to make your city more than 2-3 times, you already know how to progress to 100k pops or more just by building easy grids and shit. Just enable the damn mods and let your creativity guide you, you will still have a lot of issues with traffic, services and land value

I'm grateful this game is so small, because every time I see a thread about it I end up reinstalling, then I dick around a little and realize I'm shit at making good cities and uninstall

>uninstalling games

I love grids!


Is there a way to automatically plot those hexagons?

Looks nice but I sure don't have the autism required for that.

probably. the asset editor is pretty good.

>Looks nice

how much autism do you gotta have to create something accurate as this?

>Is there a way to automatically plot those hexagons?
No, as far as I know. They're that shape for the reason that they're relatively easy to plot down. Also they fit everything nicely inside as opposed to the usual hexes.

That's not autism, that's playing the fucking game

very little. getting realistic terrain maps is easy with terrain party and there's overlay mods to see actual street maps to show you where to build roads and shit. its pretty much paint by numbers.

>overlay mods
Show me. I recreated my home town by hand. Kinda sucks when the game scale is metric and my town layout is in miles.

just search the workshop for overlay, there's a zillion of them.

I'd try to recreate my home town but I'm certain it'd end in traffic clusterfucks

I just want to build cool looking cities and watch them grow but I always end up fucking everything up.

Even infinite money can't stop my city from turning into a shithole

all furries should hang

How's the traffic?

Slow in the industrial areas, but no jams anywhere, it's always moving. Pic related is the most congested industry district.