mine is mercy, i just like her style and everything
Whos your favorite video game character
Other urls found in this thread:
I love Reisen!
Shit art
She's just so gosh darn likable.
i like kuon, i want to be her
Raiden from metal gear, no homo.
Tracer a best girl but also so is Mercy so good taste OP
Damn that looks just like me
weebs are like SJWs: loud, annoying and they must tell everyone 24/7 about their degenerate habits
Okay, but who is your favorite video game character?
any character that is not an attention whore, not loud and doesn't need to be the center of attention 24/7 just because you post a simple fap-bait picture made by some double digits IQ chinese
You can only have one favorite character
Mine is Pajeet because he shills for Blizzard and other shit companies
Elizabeth or Metallia probably. Haven't put much thought into this before, but I did buy a voice pack just to hear Elizabeth, along with Metallia's entire game solely for her voice.
So I think it's a safe bet to assume it's one of the two.
Since forever
She's really smart and calls me stupid. I love Fumi.
Adachi! I just like his tendency to push women into TVs and everything
Been my main for so long, won some tourneys in different games thanks to her, her design is great, has good lewds. Yeah, Kula is pretty much the perfect character for me.
I don't have a favorite video game character, but I do have a favorite person. And it is you, user.
>ywn be an user's favourite character and receive all his affection
>loud, annoying and they must tell everyone 24/7 about their degenerate habits
Sounds like Sup Forums to me
I can look past all these terrible choices itt, but why?
He doesn't even do things in WC III. He just stands around while Tyrande, Illidan and Cenarius try to get shit done and in the end he is allowed to blow the horn. He doesn't even have his own skillset. It's just reused KotG skills.
Do you have issues with your own little brother, user?
Her wife is pretty hot
>his waifu is a not a creep
It's a shame he'll never fight stupid sentai pirates ever again.
>does nothing but steal Illidan's thunder and banish him because he didn't save the world the way he wanted
Malfurion is a faggot.
Roll is with Kirby probably being a close second.
In all seriousness, Orisa. She's fun to play, and absolutely adorable. Fuck, all the robots are fun in Overwatch, a lot more enjoyable then some of the other characters.
Loli mercy
If you say so
What is she saying? I don't speak nazi
my wife
I'll give this a >Shadman but the preggo version of this pick makes me fucking diamonds.
Stop ... get some help
Help me out here.
Post it
jeez Im so envious of people that can truly paint in photoshop. My skills are paint by numbers compared to these people.
i like her everything as well
No. I actually beleive in the rules so... mods
>me, fuck niggers? But I'm way too small for that!
I knew shad was a cuck
>does anything for money
>thighs bigger than ass
In that case I'll happily donate!
she's such a fuckin babe
Like this, I mean.
Get out of my daughter's shrine, you sick fucks
This is about money. Don't interfere, bitch.
While OP's pic is the most attractive, pic related is my favorite overall.
I'm going to plunge myself into Reimu's most private, sacred shrine. Just try and stop me.
Wake up with the--HOLY SHIT
Sure is a lot of video game characters here.
>Favourite character is Mercy
>Disgraces Mercy with terrible weeaboo'esque art.
git gud?
Paz Ortega Andrade
For very gay personal reasons
If you said female, it would be hard to decide. But character? No contest.
I want to be Mercy
pharmercy sucks
Best female is Lara Croft, doesn't matter which generation. Still kind of waiting for nu-Lara to grow into an actual woman, though.
Best male is Max Payne.
first post in every fucking thread
don't you have a life to be living user?
Not a common choice.
Explain further
This girl
I do, but it's with her!
i like halo becaus he shoots the aleins and doesnt afraid of anything
man girls only exist to get plowed
who is this picture even for?
What video game character is that?
It's Payne!
Post Tharja!~
She's so cute and sexy. I love her pesonality in Uprising.
no bomb here, move on
Reisen is his life, you absolute fool.
Alexstrasza from Warcraft!
I love Kasumi!