What game genres do you suck hard at Sup Forums? Despite if you tried learning and getting into and good at those genres
What game genres do you suck hard at Sup Forums? Despite if you tried learning and getting into and good at those genres
Grand strategy
mashing buttons to win since Tekken 3
Fighting and strategy. I suck so bad at Fire Emblem.
Driving, Platforming, Fighters.
I'm not great with long sequences of moves with little margin for error and I hate how the physics are different in every driving game.
All of them
racing. i have horrible instincts.
Real-time strategy. I like the genre, but I just suck at it.
I bought Command & Conquer: The First Decade, back when it contained the entire series. I just barely got through the original game, practically cheating my way through it by using the cheapest strategies, and then I gave up pretty quickly on Red Alert.
Before that, I used to play Age of Empires II, but I stopped playing online because I couldn't win. I would just get destroyed and the other players would berate me for not using whatever pre-canned early-game build everyone else had learned. I just wanted to have fun.
i know that feel. rts and elitism go hand in hand. comp stomps are fun w/ friends though.
That's probably because I don't really play many strategy games though, aside from civ and tropico. I'm pretty good at everything else though so I don't really care that much.
Console shooters, I played them for years with my friends even and never got better.
I used to be really fucking good at shooters back when shooters were good. In like that past decade and a half I've played like maybe 5 of them to completion, and subsequently forgot how to pwn noobs. No big loss if you ask me, I can still floor fuckers in Unreal Tournament and Quake.
grand strategy
fighters that involve a lot of combos
Counter Strike
Rts for sure
>try to play aoe2 with friends
>if we aren't in teams I'm usually the first to get raped because I'm 10 ages behind everybody
>if we are in teams I'm just sending out monks to snag other troops because I can't for the life of me create my own army without getting raped
Sometimes I think this game is bullshit
>focus on economy
>oops you got no army you died
>focus on army
>oops you got no money and your army sucks anyway you died
Every multuplayer game ever .. I don't know why I suck when I play with other ppl... I sweer I spent the majority of my time playing destiny 2 apologizing to my friends .
any shooter with "realistic combat" where you die in one hit to pretty much everything, might as well just call it extreme hide and seek
I actively avoid RTSs and anything with heavy micromanagement, my mind goes into a panic when I have to focus on more than two things at once and I can't cope with it.
>tfw loved wow battlegrounds
>couldn't 1v1 at all
>don't think I ever even got second on any of the scoreboards
>always had more deaths than kills
Fighting, Strategy (expecially R.T.S, played mainly SC2 for the last year and still have the APM of a new player), and FPS.
How come Sup Forums sucks at fighting games?
Sup Forums is full of white dweebs. Fighten games are more a black/Japanese thing.
murrilards are known to be shit at fighters
a huge portion of Sup Forums userbase are from the US
Dominions 4
I am too much of a brainlet to play it well, even though I love EUIV and other GSG
God what I would give to find dominions fun it always shows up in necromancer threads
I suck at Fighting games and Citybuilders.
I really like citybuilders, too. I'm just not good at it.
I don't know, I think it's a USA thing. I'm US poster and I could kick your ass at Mortal Kombat, Tekken, Street Fighter, Killer Instinct or Blazblue any day and I'd have a blast doing it. Maybe its true what the shitposters say and there's a shitload of soy on this board
I've been playing RTS games since I was 7 and I still fucking suck at them. I have fun but I can't get into high level play
Fighting and competitive Pokemon
I got bored of competitive Pokemon back in gen 4. I'm just an obsessive collector now. Currently waiting to restart UM once the next event hits so I can get Bacon Bird in a premier ball.
fighting games
real life
I'm not bad when it comes to AI, but when I play multiplayer online I usually get stomped.
Kind of Rpgs, it's not that I'm bad it's just I always fall for the whole "fun strategy/build is actually the absolute worst"
fighting games, doesn't matter how many hours i put in to them i'm still terrible. it's a shame since fighting games are my second favorite genre.
I guess
I've only played Overwatch and I'm a shitter
I've been from bronze to platnium
I dunno
>be above average in most games
>learn mechanics quickly
>above average any rankings
>above average satisfaction
Not bad I suppose.
Fightan and racing.
strategy and rpgs.
I used to get in the top 3 of every team in CS. I had tp down grade to an ATT DSL connection that's available at my new place and I rarely even get in the top half now.
It's all ping.
fighting games