Can you change region and pay using PayPal on this marvelous piece of modern technology? Surely you can, they're not that stupid.. Are they?
Can you change region and pay using PayPal on this marvelous piece of modern technology? Surely you can...
Not sure about the region thing, but I know you can use Paypal on it
Pls respond
have you tried getting a pc instead?
go to the nintendo account website, make a new account, list region as japan, make a new user, tie that japanese account to the user, launch eshop, select japanese user, BAM! japanese eshop. i haven't ever used paypal on it so idk if it's there but says it is so pay with paypal and then launch into weeb game on regular user.
I'm pretty sure you can make 3 accounts (US, EU and JP), and then pay with any PayPal account, it'll convert the cost to your currency
>Make a thread trying to throw the Switch under the bus
>Find out that it can actually do the thing you expected it not to be able to do
I have 4, aus, EU, JP and USA
dont do it if you value your money op it's got a lot of games. seriously wtf nintendo?
Buy jp eshop cards from amazon or playasia.
Yes, you can change eshop region and pay with paypal
>op asks if you can change region
>idiots reply saying yes, I've made loads of accounts!!
>having multiple accounts isn't the same as changing the region on one account which is what op is asking
Sup Forums
Just ask on reddit op, I'd tell you if I had one of these pieces of shit
Don't you then have to change account depending on what game you want to play? Isn't that the most stupid shit ever? Why would you do that
You can do that, too. It's a little more clunky and doesn't really have any benefits, though.
No benefits other than, you know, saving a shit ton of cash getting digital games from the cheapest region possible
Fairly sure you don't have to. When you play a game on the switch you get to pick the game first then the switch asks which profile wants to play it and you get to choose from any of them or none of them.
That's why people were recommending just having a secondary account that shops on the other regions. It's what I had to do to download some DLC with a game from another region, but I can play it fine.
Making multiple accounts is absolutely the most stupid idea ever. In a couple of months you have to pay to use multiplayer on switch, per account. If you have 4 accounts and you wanna play all your shit online, you gotta pay out 4 subs. Lol
Fucking Sup Forums, thick as shit as always
Every game you buy is available for every account on the console, so only need one sub.
Shouldn't be an issue. As said above when you play games on the switch you pick the game first then the account to play it with. This would mean that you only ever need those other accounts purely for shopping, and not for playing.
Sauce that bull
It doesn't allow you to play unless you choose the account you bought it with user..
It does.
> posts all the good games
Fuck you. Stop cherry picking
Why would he pay for a bad game?
Is that a folder or how do I add more vertical levels to the switch home screen? Just got mine.
Not true, I just bought XC2 today
>buying bad games
yes but it isnt as intuitive as the xbox one.
>he doesn't know
You can play any game on the system with any account. Buy a Jap game and play with your NA account that has Switch's online. The account system is meant so people can have different profiles for saves on the same system, their own friends list, etc. it's not meant as DRM or anything.
sorry i remember that used to drive me crazy when I first got it you need to have 10 games