Does Nintendo make consoles for a mature audience, or is it more aimed at the family market?

Does Nintendo make consoles for a mature audience, or is it more aimed at the family market?

they're a corporation.

they make products for anyone who will buy them.

Nintendo makes consoles for pozzed soyboy bugmen who can't let go of their nostalgia and let it dictate everything.

Sony makes consoles for their mature and growing fans. They respect that the children who bought a PSX may not have a lot of time to play video games anymore, so their games cater to the thinking men in bite-size chunks.

this guy looks like tom cruise in tropic thunder.

>Hey guys! Vsauce here!

You mean mature people can't have family?

but sony and soy are one letter apart
which explains why they post in every thread that is not targeted to them
really makes you think

>Hey guys! Soysauce here!

Society was a lot better when taking selfies and facebook weren't a thing
Kike Mark Zuckenbergstein did more harm to western society than 2 world wars

>the numale smile
Why? Why would you ever smile like that?

Thank fuck I'm not balding.

Any self-respecting man who is balding just shaves his head, it's embarassing society promotes the ones who do not and instead opt to grow a beard as if to exclaim "LOOK I STILL HAVE HAIR ON MY FACE IM NOT A GENETIC FAILURE"

I think they see themselves as a failure and they like to keep a little bit of hair just to show to everyone how proud they are of being failed cucks

Lack of protein in the diet causes the body to go into self-preservation mode and have the mouth open wide to catch flying bugs.

Nintendo's most avid fans are either autistic or a soyboy

The level of numalery in this picture is awful
>mouth open
>bald, thick glasses, beard

Don't forget the weird fake happy post that involves the numales wife. Every time

When will they learn

>tfw read the hashtag as #soyexcited
This place has ruined me.

This god damn smile
Why do they all do it?


Does the soy make someone go hairlet as well?


>Playing on a console ever
Sorry, you're all the same.

No soy actually doesn't have that huge of an effect on the body. These "men" look so girly likely due to extreme lack of exercise and bad diet during their teen years.

He looks like what would happen when an actual child's brain gets transplanted into an adult body.



Fucking kek, too true

Underrated post

can someone post more soyboys

Aren't PS4 games generally open world timesinks though?

Both, they make consoles for both adults and family market, but they're too much of a wimp to make any of their 1st party game that they had a hand on developing M rated. Otherwise, Treehouse wouldn't had censored FE:Fates and pic related just to get it to a T rating


We need a nintendo Wojak for this.

>the open-mouthed forced smile


I thought they were just used to sucking dick so their mouths naturally relax into that state.

While we're at it. Can anyone explain to me the correlation between soyboys and long girly eyelashes with glossy eyes? Is there some sort of chemical reaction to cuckoldry that provokes this?

>Nu-males have beards
>Men with dark hair grow beards because they look better than light haired beards
>Men with dark hair have dark eyelashes


That fucking nu-male face man, how the fuck is it so textbook easy to spot?

>the wife's literal giving off an air of desiring a bull
> "I don't get why he likes it as much but.."