Hollow Knight Thread

I have never wanted to fuck a bug so badly in my life.


Don't cuck my nigga cornifer, man, that's not cool.


>Corni taps that
>Zote gets Bretta
At least we get Hornet r-right?

I want to fug the bug's big phat ass.



>Not Hornet

Their ingame relationship is NTR doujin setup 101, you can't blame me for this.

Which one fuckers?




Someone fucking post sources to lewd art already, that's what I'm here for. Otherwise this thread doesn't even need to be up unless we're gonna derail it and actually talk about the game


But isn't she a failed reject like you? Isn't she your sister in some odd way?

Side note, what ending did you guys go for first for the DLC? I went for the boss fight one because fuck it, I wanted a boss fight. Kinda mad the lore ending I wanted was boring gameplay wise.

Hornet is Herrah's daughter so no.

worse map mechanics in the history of anything that has a map. the very definition of artificial difficulty. take a genre about a lot of backtracking. yeah let's make you backtrack x10 more for no reason.

So you discovered metroidvanias, congrats.

Wait a motherfucking second, she's the princess?? wtf.

She's not a daughter by blood. Hornet was made by the King out of the void for Herrah for god knows what reason.

Boss fight of course.

>So you discovered metroidvanias, congrats.
yeah go fuck yourself. ever since the first metroid on NES played in 94 I have never seen such a retarded implementation of map mechanics. absolute chore

>Isn't she your sister in some odd way?

>Finally get good
>Beat Grimm, Radiance, and Trial of Fools all in one sitting
>There's nothing left for me aside from grinding out Zote/Dung Defender

Feels awful man.

you may only pick one

I think she's not fully the same as you as she lacks the emptiness (void) that the Hollow Knight or PC have.

yeah its the only thing you can fit your dick into after all

Antfu no exception, best bug.

Moth, only clear choice.

Any of them except spider
>is shitty online "artist"
>ugly four eyes instead of pretty two compound ones

>Picking anything but moth

Surely no one has taste this terrible, right?

Spider an acceptable second best

>wanting DeviantART online """""artist"""""
She'll never be a Da vinci who spent three years painting the Last Supper, online artists are scum.

Who hurt you, user?


Just what the hell is wrong with the map mechanics?

3rd DLC when?

Glad I wasn't the only one.

user, you were as far from "the only one" as it is possible to be. You are like a Chinese person surprised to see he is not the sole citizen of his country.

>You are like a Chinese person surprised to see he is not the sole citizen of his country

Never played La-Mulana, huh?

>0 doujins
thats the worst part of a game not making it in japan

Every time I've tried to make a bug butt thread, it gets saged to oblivion.

what dlc? did they release more stuff?

Grimm Troupe. 2nd of 3 free DLCs.

I ony got the 3 endings kill HK, kill HK while having the black thing, and fighting the owl thing, how do I get the DLC?

As someone who's waiting for all DLCs to come so I can play a bunch of new content at once, is it better to use my fully upgraded save to do them or start from the beginning all over again when the final DLC drops?

wish I'd been able to get into Hollow Knight. I hated the time slow down when I got hit and losing all my money on death reminded me of Dark Souls and I'm sick to death of Dark Souls mechanics.

You go to the cliff where you start the game and break the wall there, once in you will find a thing that summons the troupe. I'm probably describing it horribly so you should probably look it up.

You can break up Zote and Bretta

Grimm Troupe isn't an "Ending" per se, it's just that the DLC has its own little story with two ways the little DLC content can end. You can start it in the Howling Cliffs in a hidden cave past a breakable wall.

Grimm Troupe introduces a bunch of new charms, another charm notch, and unbreakable versions of the fragile charms that are ludicrously expensive. My personal favorite new charm is Sprintmaster, which makes you run instead of walk.

>time slow down
If you mean the brief pause so you have time mentally to register the hit, sure.

I'm still waiting for the Switch port despite having a PC that's more than capable for this

Make sure you actually have the DLC btw, if you have Grimm Troupe the title screen will be red. You'll also see 2 little colored icons over the version number, one for Hidden Dreams, one for Grimm Troupe.

>losing all my money on death reminded me of Dark Souls and I'm sick to death of Dark Souls mechanics.
No offence man, and you're totally entitled to your opinion, but this specific hang-up is autistic af.


I'm aware of this, doesn't change my opinion

I don't need time to register I need to react

Do not sexualize the bugfus


Do not fug the bug

>finished the game twice already not knowing I had extra content
Huh, its been a while since I felt this retarded, thanks guys

His spider ex clearly.

Pleasure Tower

There is another one from this artist right?

Moth is literally the only option

Wasp. Literally nobody else can compete.

>bee girlfriend
>poke fun at her time to time
>gets mad
>clings on my back
>make up sex
win win



Pleasure Tower in City of Tears, there's a sign for hot springs in front of the door


>Zote gets Bretta
No, Zote gets trapped in a spider web in the Deepnest and slowly devoured by crawling beasts.
Why are you suffering the survival of fools, user?

I assume he's talking about the Dream Zote fight, and how Bretta likes him less every time you win. I couldn't win more than 5 times or so against him though.

Defeat dream world Zote 10 times

You see how exited she is listening to Zote, but after you defeat the grey prince she looks bored? defeat him 9 more times and is over, carefull tho, level 10 can one-shot you from full health.

It'll become popular over there once it comes out on switch. They just don't play PC games.


>not buying all upgrades for the map
by city of tears you should have all of them mang

>want to 100% the game
>speedrun achievements
into the trash it goes

Hollow Knight wasn't released on the PS4?

>don't want all the achievements
>just want the "100%" ending
>White Palace

Getting al the achievements requires 3~4 playthroughs at least if i'm not mistaken

I found White Palace easy.

Is she even a bug? I like her anyway.

Hiveblood charm nigga, also there's some shortcuts hidden in it

Probably, i don't remember anything about this creepo hinting otherwise

desu I kind of wish they just released one big DLC with new post-game tier area instead of multiple smaller ones. New players obviously can enjoy them as part of the main game, and while the QoL improvements and smaller content additions like new gear are all good, the actual bigger new content is mostly boring busywork for players with complete saves.

In terms of actual new gameplay content likes areas and bosses, the first DLC just added two repeatable boss fights.
The second DLC added a fetch quest and two boss fights with one being a reskin, and one new reskin platforming area, though the fights themselves were top tier.

I just want something more in the vein of expanding the Metroidvania and exploration nature of the game.

Didn't devs say Main bug can be a girl too? This kinda change game for me.

Probably because it's a shitty thread that doesn't need to exist.



>have an easy, fairly pleasant time with White Palace
>Lost Kin utterly demolishes me for hours before I finally beat it
The more I play these kinds of games the more I realize I have a far easier time with platforming than with boss fights

Second from the right.
That's a moth right?

Exactly my experience desu

>tfw we could've had playable Zote, an expanded Colosseum, and the Abyss as a full on expansion pack if it got more funding

Such a shame, still a fantastic experience.

Oh I know, I just don't really enjoy that kind of platforming. Got like halfway through and abandoned it.
Should probably come back to also check that DLC stuff

White palace is easy, path of pain is where shit gets real.

>Want to do all the content
>Path of Pain

>I just want something more in the vein of expanding the Metroidvania and exploration nature of the game.
I don't think this will happen, they added areas in the game that were unreached goals in the kickstarter so i think they did pretty much what they wanted to do in regards to map and exploration, and frankly i prefer this way, some of the later areas of the game aren't as well thought out as the first ones

I gave up after 6 hours