Everything GTA6


VIce is a bad meme, stop.

Release year: 2021

set in vice city
in the 80's obviously, back when popular music was actually good

Now way, 2020 for sure.

>one protagonist
>fixed wanted level, so you don't get stars while out in the middle of nowhere
>side content that is actually fun to do - no yoga, cycling
>good radio stations, something V strongly lacked

Capital City
You even get a shot at President Donald Love

set back in the 90s
the other 2 cities included
improved online
modern graphics
improved first person shooting mechanics

Since it will suck anyway, since Dan Houser is still in charge of the story, I want them to make a female protagonist, just to see who wins.
Misogyny or brand loyalty.
And assuming Dan writes her as an unlikable twat just like the V protagonists were, will Sup Forums blame it on Dan's bad writing or that the protagonist was a woman?

More downgrades and lack of fun content and useful mechanics that were present in the previous games, just like it happened with V.

5 has more stuff than 4 which didn't even have planes
>b-but muh physics

The OP said expectations, not hopes
>five protagonists, including a strong independent black woman who don't need no man
>online gets all focus after launch

I expect it to be a great game that you hipster shits will hate until it stops being the latest game

3 was New York City
VC was Miami
SA was California

4 was New York City
5 was Los Angeles
6 will be Miami

I wonder why they're doing it out of order.. Would've been easier to make Miami instead of gimping what they gave us in SA.

80s and neon aesthetic is on an all time high, of course it'll be Vice City

I was talking more about the original San Andreas
>2 entire fucking cities
>learning different fighting styles
>your body changing depending on how much you eat and exercise
>jetpack, katana, flamethrower, fire extinguisher
>shitty cheats with time limit, no cheat to stop getting wanted levels
>no 6 stars wanted level with the fucking army coming for you
>can't dual wield guns
These may be just a bunch of small details, but they'd really make the game better and it was done before, on the fucking PS2. V really didn't live up to all the hype

I'm sick of palm trees. They should do some forest/plains/snow/mountain place like Montana.

Yeah, V not only had a tiny map that was barely used, during the campaign, but the campaign itself is short as hell. Much shorter than IV. It sold purely out of hype for SA.

it'll come out in 2023,a year or so after the launch of the new consoles and be in Liberty City

5 has the biggest map you must be insane

It will be set here.

>5 has the biggest map

Then why does it feel smaller than IV?

It also didn't have the classic areas opening up as you progressed the story. I guess because the story was fucking terrible.

factually has the most square miles

I know it's the latest game and you just have to hate on it but at least keep your hate within normal limits
cuz you're a retard

Tiny compared to SA, to scale.

lmAO SA map is like a few streets of 4/5 map. also blocky and quite shite

>big map
>more than 50% of it is empty desert

>Return of switching characters but actually likeable and not based off of some bullshit "player psychologies"
>Snowy areas, Carcer City based off of Detroit
>A good story for once
>A radio station equivalent to SR2 or 4's the Mix
>Focus on online with extremely boring grinding
>Shit characters
>Shit story
>Mediocre gameplay
>Boring beaches based off of Miami
>Nigger music


>yfw Watch Dogs 2's SF map is better than GTAV's LA map

factually wrong again the 50% is mostly mountain sides and small settlements. also the main city is almost bigger than entire gta4 map

>almost bigger


>Michael and Franklin
Whatever you say, kiddo.

Depending on the setting, I want to see multiple cities. I think they missed an opportunity in V by not including Las Venturas.

I think it's about time the GTA games stop being made...

>V not only had a tiny map that was barely used

I think you meant to say shitty.

They're all unlikable. Michael is a one-note cuck, Franklin is just plain boring, and Franklin is just crazy for the sake of it. In fact, Trevor might be the only interesting one.

>good radio stations, something V strongly lacked
really? I actually prefer V's radio than IV

>best selling game of all time
>wahh stop making these games

I think...It's about...time...you killed...you'reself...

Then you're a retard.

I'm pretty sure it's because everything is also so big. They filled those square miles with wider roads and buildings, so the map feels smaller. It's scaled differently than SA.

The SF map is decent. Nowhere near is well detailed or even as big as V's.

>Vice is a bad meme, stop
Why? The only reasonable way to expand from V is to have the map be an entire state, considering Vice City is just Miami, you could have the base map be Florida with Vice City being an actual City you can fly to

>I know it's the latest game and you just have to hate on it

why is the Sup Forums hivemind like this

IV has a more diverse set of radio focuses, V has a lot of stations that are redundant. There's literally no reason that Vinewood Boulevard Radio and Radio Mirror Park should be different, and even then they're very similar to Los Santos Rock Radio.

Michael has potential for being likeable, but he is fucking inconsistent. They tried to make him a cool old dude, but he's also a remorseless backstabber who is in his ebin midlife crisis (yeah Dan, we get it already)
Franklin wants to leave the ghetto by committing heinous criminal acts? Now where the fuck is the logic in that?

The only character I actually grew to like was Lamarr. I assumed he would pull of a Ryder at some point, expect he never did. I'd rather be involved with Lamarr's misadventures and inevitable bittersweet ending, than with the three stuck up assholes. Maybe then I would have had fun with the game too.

>different taste = retardation
if only I have brainlet wojak pic right now

it still has more urban area than your no planes physics simulator and more geographical areas to play in while all 4 has is brown cities
idk. happened with gta4 tho and now happened to 5. one thing to note though is that 5 didn't have half the hate it did before it got ported to pc. just a fun fact

GTA 6 release date is Summer 2022.


both IV and V had meh radio stations


Gta 6 will be sold as a pay-per-month service. There will be no single-player campaign. Just a new huge map with pay2win multiplayer.

Had, you illiterate pleb.

IV wins on account of JNR alone

mustards are absolute cancer, that's why

Grand Theft Auto: Utica New York

IV wins on variety and talk radio

Vice City or bust.

I actually like V on pc because of realistic accel/top speed mods but yeah part of me wishes it never got ported

>MC is a Muslim

It has the biggest map but it doesn't feel as big as it is. SA did a lot more convincingly.

Literally what does Vice City bring to the plate? We already had beaches in V.

The next GTA game will come out around 2022, near the end of these consoles lifespan (will be sold again on the next consoles)

The game will take place in a modern day vice city with a large expanse of area near it that has a lot of rural florida type of stuff, gator farms and shit.

The game will have two protagonists:
>Mid thirties cuban who is in the drug smuggling business
He'll be in the niko belic mold of doing bad things because he feels he has to, tries to provide for his family in cuba
>late twenties female latino illegal immigrant
her personality will be similar to Elizabeta Torres from GTA IV

can't argue with that redundancy radio but hey, who the hell wants to wait for 25 songs to shuffle just to listen to one specific song if Radio Mirror Park and Vinewood Boulevard Radio are combined to one station?
also, V actually made tolerate rihanna

>remember the cities in the previous games
>put all of those in their respective regions
>actual gang system fighting for control of different regions for different perks and income
>highly populated area's have higher income/better perks but also more risk of getting raided by the police/FIB and players due to more congested area's
>suburban area's yield less perks and cash but are lower risk, giving smaller crew the ability to make their mark in the world
>actual gang wars
>crews actually become important for more than just safety in numbers
>people in crew actual having different jobs through the ranks, different area's they control, missions to complete to keep hold of area's or raid/take over other crew territory

>planes, trains and normal transport actually useful and granting tons of possibilities for gameplay
>for example you have a small town biker crew who's in the cocaine business, you have to get a truck full of your product from your urban town to the big city
>that's a say 15 or 30 minute drive
>leads you through territory of other gangs
>or you can take the longer route that's safer but gives you less pay out
>you take the risky route, 6 bikers at the front, 4 at the back
>rival biker gang spots you and sets up a roadblock
>chaos ensues but through teamwork you make it through
>finally reach the city and get a well deserved pay out from your contact
>spend the rest of the day in the city to celebrate and buy some new stuff
>same contact now gives you a contract to start dealing weapons back to your region and give you extra income

Seriously, they already had a type of gang idea coded into GTA5 but for whatever reason never finalized it (some code still remains).
Maybe hardware limitations at the time?
This fucking shit would be my dream game though.


that's like your opinion. taking that 6x6 merc and getting lost in the wild really makes you appreciate the level of detail that went in the gta5 map but you fags have to hate it because it didn't release when you were 12

it'll probably be a paki

Neon and cocain.

80's aesthetic is on the decline. It peaked in 2015-2016. Development time for each major GTA release has been steadily increasing with the jump from IV to V being 5 years. that means in a year or two we'll have the next major release and the ship for 80's nostalgia will have sailed. The demographic for the game will be 2000's kids (born late 90's) as they have the most appreaciation for 00's culture. That and it's the only recent decade that hasn't been explored besides the 70's which has potential but I doubt R* wants to limit themselves in terms of wacky shit to do. If they really wanted to do 70's they'd probably just make another series like with RDR and LA Noire

fite me burger

there's nothing wrong with my wording you dumb dumb.

>all cities from the previous games put together
autism detected

That's why GTA should look into a playlist radio (that's not like Self Radio) similar to SR

>arbitrary mesures

What the fuck does anything bring to the plate?
I mainly want the atmosphere back, even though I know it would probably be quite different. As says, neon and coke. Beaches and palm trees aside, LA and Miami are very different places. Especially in the 80s.

>15 to 30 minute ride
Sounds like boring, JC2 crap

>That and it's the only recent decade that hasn't been explored
You know gta3 was set in the early 2000s right?

and it had the best atmosphere


I played SA after V with that gimped 360 remaster. The highway ring around the entire map really doesn't help.

It'll always be modern day, anyone expecting any era besides modern day is living in a fantasy

Do you guys think R* will ever do a "historical" GTA again or we'll be stuck in modern times forever? It seems unlikely for them to drop the mobile phone and internet systems after they've made them such a core part of gameplay in last two games

oh but it puts into perspective just how much shit you're missing by quickly zooming around

>had the exact same mechanic in SA on the PS2
>had almost the exact same mechanic in GTA2 on the PS1
>hardware limitations

rockstar always tries new shit with their games so I doubt having to remove phones is a big deal

Red Dead is already a historical GTA

>In the 80s
It's all modern now. The cellphone mechanic is here to stay.

Can I just say that GTA 5's story was very enjoyable before the retarded FIB and Devin Weston shit? I really liked the interaction between the main characters, even Trevor. But for a huge, massive amount of the game you're rendered a stooge for the cops or some asshat billionaire, and very rare are the occasions in which you do shit for yourself. It feels like if they just stuck to the heists and the whole group dynamic of Trevor, Michael and Franklin we'd have a better story.

If they want to really lean on the parody thing I wouldn't be surprised if they set it in Texas. The city will kind of be an amalgamation of Houston and Dallas but it'll be on the border with an unfinished wall somewhere on the map.

It'll also have a female protagonist and a mexican protagonist.


>side content that is actually fun to do
>still expecting this out of rockstar

I agree. The villains in V feel very tacked on. It seems like they were trying to create characters that were more unlikeable than the main cast of criminals but obviously struggled and failed.

there wasn't anything distinctly 00s about it. (kind of hard to do at the start of the decade). the trend from Vice City going forward is to push the theme of the decade with a cynical twist. I can see rockstar trying the 00s again with more cynicism about shit that was going on.

Save that for RDR 3

I loved GTA5 but the heists were ruined for me by all the forced switching around. just let me play a character at my own leisure and if I wanna change I should do it when I feel like it but I guess they were too lazy to make the heists like a toned down rainbow six

Agreed 2bh
The game should've went full heist movie and went without a main antagonist. The big heist should've been a lot bigger and the last mission.

give me more desert, desert is the best, SA had best desert, GTAV desert was to small and didn't feel isolated enough

also K-DST

4 had fun

To be fair, the 2000s were pretty boring and there isn’t much to satire aside from maybe the iraq war.

>R* will never do a dystopian cyberpunk GTA again, but with current technology
>R* will never go full crazy again and let you run people over while listening to Christian Rock, turn people into hot dogs or blow up Ice Cream vans with vehicle machine guns just for the sake of it, all of it while a crazy sociopathic TV show-like announcer comments on it