Ok, so Im about to have like 1200 hundred bucks this Christmas season..
I have ONLY heard good things about the switch/BOTW/Odyssey/Splatoon 2
what are the fucking downsides?
Ok, so Im about to have like 1200 hundred bucks this Christmas season..
I have ONLY heard good things about the switch/BOTW/Odyssey/Splatoon 2
what are the fucking downsides?
Other urls found in this thread:
>It's for kids
>No paper mario
>it's ugl
300 for switch for myself, aprox 700 for presents.
I think this'll be a decent christmas
She isn't real
the sticks on the joycons kind of suck.
you need to plug in your phone to teamspeak using the console (making it pointless).
replacements and controllers are stupidly expensive.
fuck that bitch, where's fish gal?
>It's for kids
Said nobody ever.
You rarely see kids in all their Switch advertisements.
The only downsides are the lackluster online and downgraded ports (most run pretty decently though).
Everything else about Switch is sleek and a return to form for Nintendo.
so like 40 bucks and I can get a "real" controller right?
It's by far the least powerful current gen console.
Also, while Odyssey and Splatoon 2 are great, BotW is super overrated.
Splatoon 2 is just a Splatoon 1 port. So if you are boarded with Splatoon 1, don't get it.
And by downgraded ports, I mean 3rd party ports, as the Wii U ports from 1st party Nintendo run much better than their Wii U counterparts (Zelda BotW, MK8D and Pokken).
70 dollars for the pro controller. I personally recommend any third party stuff like 8bitdo.
PS Vita graphic tier in 2017
>Splatoon 2 is just a Splatoon 1 port
But that's not true.
They have many new primary weapons, support weapons and all of the special abilities are new, new maps, new campaign, new Salmon Run mode, etc.
Sure you can make an argument that they could've just added that in a big patch, but aren't sequels meant to expand upon original games in many cases?
What do you mean by downsides? Can there be downsides to something you get for entertainment? If you're interested in the games then there's really no downsides, that goes for any videogame system.
I mean that's like saying "is there a downside to buying some books." Well, you might not like them, I guess?
>PS Vita graphic tier in 2017
That's not even remotely true.
They gave us Grizz, and that's about it. Overall, the game feels very similar to Splatoon 1
"powerful" doesn't appeal to me, I got one of them good fer nothing gamin' computers. but as far as odyssey, splat, and botw, while the reviews may not be all 10/10's, i have "zero" way to experience it without trying to the console.
There is no good online service and they're planning to charge for it next year.
Shit battery life, have to get a pro controller because the joycons suck in console mode.
They literally added a new mode last patch
If it ain't broke don't fix it.
People don't complain when new gens of pokemon iterate on another with maybe 1 or 2 new mechanics thrown in each game while still keeping the core experience the same.
3 hours is fine considering it charges via USBC
that's kinda wahat I wanted other people to provide. i know for a fact some people "HATE!" odyssey, botw and splat, I'm willing to hear their opinions
game is shite and was disappointing to me.
what porn is this from?
Aaand last one.
best shooter released this year
this e-hentai provided me nothing, but i'm not sad
See It's the latest Atelier game.
Top is PS4, middle is Switch, bottom is Vita.
I'd compare them to PC settings of High, Medium and Low.
ahhhhh i see, too bad them games never interested me
I agree with the basic game play; short, fast paced rounds. but it was still a bit of a disappointment
Very small library, so they are begging for ports.
Begging for ports?
It releases at the same time across all 3 platforms you dunderhead.
here goes, faggot
>no virtual console
>paid online that is currently free but will end soon and no one still has any idea what it even is
>720p handheld screen (even my phone is 1080p)
>need a phone to talk to people online through a shitty useless app
>handheld battery good for 3 hours max for every game, some only 2 hours
>included dock is shitty plastic and will legit fuck your screen up unless you're careful with it
>32gb default storage in le current year
>standard joycon are for baby hands, need to invest in pro controller
>did i mention the pro controller is 70 fucking dollars
>very simplistic, but if you like jumping around as mario doing parkour shit you'll enjoy yourself
>100% the game less than 50 hours
>no point in 100% the game, you get shit all for doing it
>co-op is a thing but its lame for the 2p
>like skyrim but with even less content
>weapon durability is fucking annoying
>need to buy the DLC just to upgrade the master sword
>DLC isn't even worth it unless you like costumes and a motorcycle that's slower than a horse
even after all that though i've got 200 hours in Zelda and 65 in Odyssey and its been pretty fun
>fuck your screen up
Only the bezel actually, but it is a pretty glaring oversight.
It's a good thing screen protectors are cheap,that or you could put a microfiber cloth in the dock to cushion between your screen and the dock.
botw is much better than Skyrim lmao
no virt console? damn...
paid online I can pay for.
res who cares to me, i like video games.
that shit is fucking shitty.
IE it's my new console.
don't ever remove it from dock mode, i'm good.
IE 70+ plus console, I'm prepared since I got fucking huge fat mechanic hands.
odyssey/zelda, last time I played them was on the n64, turns out i hear they improved
>Buying physical DLC
Nintenbros are the worst.
virtual console is coming with paid online. Apparently it's like netflix
Why would you even bother to comment?
in theory it'll replace the 3ds, thank fucking god. lol :P
Bro I suck Nintendo’s cock just as much as the next guy, but with that kinda money I’d upgrade my pc instead of buying any of the consoles.
Battery life kinda sucks
Sticks on the Joycons feel kinda weird. Like they’re fine for moving a character but something feels off when using one for camera control
Official controllers are expensive
Paid online soon
E-shop needs an overhaul
The currency you earn from buying games is essentially useless at the moment
>caring about paper mario after sticker shit and color trash
note that it's only NES and SNES games available on launch, aka shit everyone has already played to death
gamecube fucking when? i need portable TTYD yesterday
id kill for portable SNES games, my last console was the n64. And the console already supports gamecube controllers
we finally got a proper 3d mario, we can pray for a true sequel to the thousand year door super paper mario doesn't count
The fact that you are thinking of buying one tells me you're under 18.
So, save up the money your generous older relatives are giving you and get the fuck off this site.
trust me, I suck tons of cock on my off days, but my PC is a two year old top of the line, i don't wanna upgrade it, just outwear it till I buy a brand new one, lol
Build a gaming PC and play real games like PUBG and Rust.
your so wise and old mr! I'm 28. im simply asking questions online, that's all
>70 fucking dollars
It's not that much more expensive than most controllers. Back in the day they cost $50, and when you adjust for inflation that shit wasn't so cheap. As for the dock, my screen is just fine, but I have heard some people complain about scratches. That being said, I've dropped this thing on the floor and the screen hasn't cracked, whereas my phone's screen is cracked (why the fuck do they call it Gorilla glass? This gorilla must have glass bones), so as much as people bitch about plastic screens, there is the comfort of knowing it's stable.
Zelda's dungeons are shit, but they're also skippable, so it barely matters.
i hope i get to be a black man with a massive cock
hahahah, you made me chuckle, fuck right off with pubg, i tried for four days, not fun for me
Odyssey felt super inconsistent. Forested Kingdom was pretty good and a lot of the boss fights felt pretty good, but some kingdoms like Cascade or Lake just felt boring or bad.
>The currency you earn from buying games is essentially useless at the moment
Oh you forgot the best part: All the currency you earned up until now will expire before Nintendo makes it useful.
scratching is easily remedied with a 5 dollar screen protector, too
so as with all games, BOTW and Mario current gen have SOME sections of the game that stand out when compared to others?
>I'll just add da numbah 10 to my current age
>haha that'll fool him!
(You)r shitposting aside, you're better off saving that money or buying a real gaming machine like building your own PC
That is true. I really should invest in one soon. I'm afraid that I'm pushing my luck with mine.
>get a ps4
>comes with a proper controller
>get a switch
>comes with tiny blocky controllers
>have to spend an additional $70, $10 more than every other controller available, just to get a proper controller
the price is just one piece of the bullshit pie
fuck off, i love you, but no. why would I lie on a christian image board. I make my own money and am currently really wanting to buy a product..but..i've fucked up and bought a ps vita and 3ds before...i'm just here for answers
I find it ridiculous the controllers are pricy.
aint the price for ps4/xbox one controllers the same? granted. the "extra" ones aint included
Yet walmart made an entire section where the eshop cards use to be.
Even $60 is outrageous.Honestly, when I think about how much money my parents spent on extra controllers for my consoles back in the day, it sickens me. I've always thought they were around $20 or $30. But fucking $50 and up? That's about as much as a video game. That just shouldn't be.
granted the nub controllers are "viable"
but I'd spend 50 on a decent controller if I can play decent games, hell I got ps4 controllers for pc. yaaaay ff7... lol
Have fun user!
>1200 hundred bucks
how fucking rich are you holy shit
your right, it "shouldn't"
but life is fucked..
thank you parents!
yeah it's a shitty arguement to say "b-b-b-but they're only a little bit more on the other consoles"
you're basically required to buy one if you want to be any good at splatoon 2.
not rich at all. I live by myself, 900+ a paychck, twice a month depending on overtime. I made extra by buying a vehicle, fixing it, and selling it, lol
I wish I could add to this conversation, I've heard time and time again the pro controller is the bees knees
It's a $10 difference. Would be different if Switch Pro controllers were around $100. Either way you're spending the same amount of money as you would on a video game. The fact that people think it's okay to spend $60 on a controller, but think $70 is a crime is just fucking ludicrous. They're both expensive as fuck, one being more, but that doesn't make the other okay.
I'm a fucking mechanic. Don't ever become one. People will "fix their own cars" fuck it up, then bring it to you to fix their mistake, happens at least 5 times a week. steer clear of german vehicles
BotW is incredible but you can emulate it
Odyssey is a huge disappointment. If you're not expecting anything out of it, you might get more out of it, but for the love of god taper your expectations or you'll be shit on
MK8 is great. Whether you played it on Wii U already or not I don't know though
Honestly that's all the Switch has worth mentioning, and that's all it will have for the foreseeable future. Metroid Prime 4 probably not until 2019 at earliest
I don't understand why people bother to try and fix their cars when they don't know what the fuck they're doing. They're not afraid of breaking anything? Attaching the wrong parts together? I tell ya, I don't pretend to be a handyman, I know I'm not. I can screw in a lightbulb, and that's the end of it.
>proper controller
>Odyssey is a huge disappointment
another mario kart? shit topped off with 7,
Gyro is worth $10
It's a good game but from the perspective that 3D Marios are among my favorite games, it's disappointing. It's no where near as good, about in the same ranks as 3DL and 3DW
Just my opinion
what's wrong with your copy of horizon? wasn't a terrible game.....
Switch is a great console, with great games, but there's a reason you only listed 3 of them OP: There are only three great games. Nintendo has some of the best exclusives on the market, but because they trade processing power for gimmicks, their library is practically empty. You're buying the switch exclusively to play Mario, Zelda, and some very old ports from other systems you should already have.
>Plastic in the console warping under normal conditions
>only 32GB or onboard storage so you'd be lucky to hold a single full modern game
>Small game library
>downgraded ports
>lack of proper controllers
>poorer graphics than other consoles (if you even give a shit about that kind of thing)
>poor prospects for 3rd party exclusives.
Its an overated fisher-price toy designed for manchildren blinded by nostalgia
such constructive criticism
splatoon 2 is aids, so is rabbids and so is arms
BOTW and Odyssey are great, FE:Warriors is good if you like musoushit, xc2 is good if you like JRPGS
2018 looks pretty dry so far besides the bayo ports and kirby
overall i'd say its worth it but don't fall for the shovelware, a lot of people will overrate nintendo exclusives (like splat 2, a 3/10 game) because it's nintendo
if you don't have a wii u its definitely worth it. if you do and you really want to play odyssey or BOTW or XC2, go for it.