Dear Sup Forums

Dear Sup Forums.

I already own New Vegas with DLCs on Steam but Beth was being a dick and forcefully changed my version to Russian one (with disgusting RU next to name) despite the fact that I paid in Euro and Im not even Russian and dont live in Russia.

Does it make a sense to buy normal version of New Vegas at GOG during current sale? My Steam installation is probably broken by now, with over 100 different mods installed.

Thank you for replies!

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Just ininstall everything and reinstall the vanilla game you dolt. Unfucking yourself costs zero dollars and maybe 30 seconds of you hitting the "delete" key. Are you so fucking inept and lazy that you'd rather pay money than fixing your own mistakes?

I heard that RU version fucks up with various mods and such. I was wondering of anybody can confirm or not.

Just pirate the GOG version.

Make up your own mind, /v is full of fags anyway.


I cant and wont pirate, sorry.

>I cant and wont pirate, sorry.

Why not? You already bought it.

>i own it but will not get a copy of a game i legally own from anything but big gabens cock

Last time I tried pirating PC games, I got rootkit.

you dumb then, it's not hard at all, just use qbittorrent and its search engine

>Forcefully changed my version to Russian one
What. How?

>I cant and wont pirate, sorry.
Op confirmed to be a gigantic faggot

Simply changed it one day.

To make things even more annoying, the version I see in shop is normal EU one and Steam claims I dont have it.


Have you tried contacting Steam support?

Open refund case. Buy on GOG. Granted, it's more expensive than normal at 10 dollars.

I cant refund game that was in my library since 7 years if not more.

Actually not. I dont think they would do anything however, Beth did this dick move to entire central/eastern Europe, now imagine pissed off guys in Hungary or Lithuania. Same with Dishonored.

Open a refund case. You didn't buy a Russian game but now it's Russian.
skidrowreloaded is not an official page in any way but one of the only "respectable" sites that have torrent downloads, or you can use tpb

>gog meme
this populistic shit for brainlets needs to stop

>populist boogieman meme

so fucking contact support you monkey

Contact support and either ask them to change it or a refund. I'm sure you're not the first one this happened to so Valve might do something.