does krillin really deserve this thing
Dragon Ball FighterZ
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>a bald manlet somehow is the strongest human alive and is banging his smoking hot gf on the daily
>strongest human alive
Reminder that Uub is DBZ canon.
>strongest human
The strongest human is clearly Hercule who sounds far better in English
Whatever nerds, maybe not the strongest but still strong as fuck.
so how do you get Dramatic finishes? you just need the right characters versusing each other on the right map?
Why does Bulma get all the good doujins but not 18?
I mean, he married her, so yes. That's pretty definitive evidence that he does deserve her
>you will never have a blond blue eyed goddess as wife who will always stay young
Don't worry, user, you're right. Krillin is the strongest human from Earth.
whenever i read posts like this i imagine a 2/10 lanky, 6'0+ white dude with greasy, long, blonde hair who depends on his height to fight his insecurities
He's not literally the only human to ever not die, because that would be the World Champ Hercule
>strongest human
Why don't the androids count as humans again? They're humans with body-mods basically.
>a bald manlet somehow is
mad roastie at 2nd post, damn
I wonder if krilin will also die if he is in a team.
Since when does not dying = strength?
Balding manlet detected. Too bad for you real life isn't anime.
watch original dragonball, he keeps up with goku until he literally cannot continue to do so.
Roshi is stronger either way.
>implying roshi isnt stronger
It's probably dependant on the type of finish it's based off of.
for example I'd bet that Gohan beating Cell with the Father Son Kamehameha super would result in a Dramatic FInish but not just beating him normally.
Not implying, falt out saying
Roshi is not aas strong as Krillin
Come at me, faggots.
The new characters look crispy as fuck. Specially Beerus and Black, they look like so much fun to play.
Roshi destroyed the fucking moon, enough said.
Android 17 is the strongest human
Then Uub
Then 18
Then Tien
Then Roshi
Then Krillin
>Hakai vaporizes an opponent if it kills
Krillin is stronger than Roshi.
>That part at the end of cell games saga where everyone is chanting SATAN SATAN SATAN
Made me laugh
Roshi has beaten Goku and is a world champion
Meanwhile Krillin is an eternal jobber
pretty sure krillin is stronger than both Tien and Roshi.
She is Cyborg18 though and not Android18.
>you will never infinitely fuck 18
Why live
>Dragon Ball FighterZ
>normalfags will ruin dragon ball
Roshi maybe
No way he is stronger than Tien
B-But muh powerlevel.
Remember that time Tien crippled Yamcha for shits and giggles?
Bald manlets look like babies to normal people so motherly women can't help it.
Roshi was as strong as goku in tenshinhan city after he trained 2 years with vegeta in the white room and already reached blue
Your argument is invalid fag
How do I get a bangin wife like A18 when I am:
Below average height
Not rich
Kinda weird lookin
lol, go back to fuck your chinese marionette, tree eyes.
nobody care about your fan fiction, pedro
powerlevel is a shitty indicator because of kaioken and other boosts, even the over 9000 bit is after he appears seaming normal-ish then boosts
and then loses all meaning after freeza saga
kek, im not a manlet, i'm 5'8. i have a nice thick amount of greasy hair on my head, and my dad still has a nice set of hair at 66 and i seem to be following suit.
Fuck off retard
Dont post if you dont even watch it
I hate retarded faggots like you the most!
nobody's impressed, jose
>all that off model porn where she's fat, tall and has big tits
>all that off model porn where she's submissive and moe
>all that off model porn that are western art crossover with pokemon, sailor moon or other american autism fuel
I just wanted to fap to the girl I actually see in the show and manga, is that so hard to ask?
Gohan Negro when?
Tbh its more reasonable that 18 just uses Krilling because she needs someone to work and provide for her.
Whats even funnier is that she is legitimately abusive towards him, the daughters probably her bro's as well.
>get proven wrong
lmao, weak
who are you trying to fool?
Krillin gets wrecked by Cell's first form while Tien dominates his second one
Krillin doesn't have bullshit regeneration like Cell does, he'd be outclassed by Tien even if his power level is higher
>win by lifting a woman's skirt
hehehe, fucking japs
How did he get her to marry him? I forgot.
>I'm not a manlet
Whatever you say, lil guy
>not showing the pantyshot
not my Dragon ball
>implying dragon ball isn't one of, if not the most normie anime
Everyone was like "Dude we must kill the robots so Cell won't enter his final form"
Crilin was like "I want some robo pussy"
i hate this meme
For people who said they removed DB being earned by hit count
He had the detonation switch for her and decided not to use it. She recognized it and even before that they both had some flirty moments, it was mostly her seeing completely through his robolust and playing along with it. After the saga's end they got together off-screen.
You forgot the part where he used a wish from Shenron to remove the bombs from her
maybe 10 years ago
none of my friends knows what is dragon ball
>all that off model porn where she's fat
kek, 5'8 is average. only tall ugly white boys care about being 5'10+ because that's how they try to assure themselves that they're attractive
Now kill yourself
Either way, you get my point right.
Also Krillin should've learned more of Roshi's stuff I feel. Like his super buff mode or something.
That too. I remembered he used a wish but didn't remember why. Thanks for reminding.
Are you retarded?
>american think they are relevant on the anime market
too bad beerus and whis are completely miscast in the dubs.
my friend who is an unironic screaming STRONK WOMYN sjw knows about DBZ.
Dragon Ball is so normalfag its pretty much just a Saturday morning cartoon. stop bitching
>she is kawaii uguu now
kill me
He was hitting that way before Uub sprouted into existence.
>Find a girl you like
>See if she values personality
>bee urself
good luck, those girls do exist because I have one, hard to find though.
>does krillin really deserve this thing
He doesn't.
Uub is Indian, not in the running
Good thing you didn't have to watch it as a kid in your creepy religous aunt's house.
They already have, any person you see that wants more female representation is a confirmed soyboy who started to watch DB with super.
she is literally a sexbot
Wait your turn, bitch!
He's hawaiian not indian
>you will never be trash talk to the ground by 18
why live?
it used to be a sunday morning cartoon, came on at around 7am
>im not a manlet, i'm 5'8.
>that ear
Not with those ears.
>kek, im not a manlet, i'm 5'8.
this is fucking bait
Why is Krillin so insecure in Super? People keep saying how 18 and 17 and whoever the fuck else keep being mean to him but he didn't act this bad before.
which one is you pedro ?
Not the same guy, but I am smaller than him
Speaking of women who fight, there is No. 18.
Toriyama: Ah, that’s right. No. 18 becomes Kuririn’s wife in the end.
Nozawa: Ah, I was surprised at that, too! All the voice actors wondered, “Why did she choose Kuririn?” (laughs)
Toriyama: Kuririn was originally supposed to be just a minor role, so to have him become Goku’s best friend in the blink of an eye…
Koyama: Well, he is the strongest Earthling male.
Toriyama: You’re right, he is the strongest among the Earthlings. But in spite of that, he tends to end up in a bad way, so I thought, “once in a while, I have to let him be happy,” and had him get married. (laughs)
Tientards BFO