ITT: good/bad pixelart
HARD MODE: no Metal Slug games or Undertale
ITT: good/bad pixelart
HARD MODE: no Metal Slug games or Undertale
Is that supposed to be good or bad pixel art?
Is this Mickeymania? i don't remember this boss at all
Idk, only semi relatable image i had. it looks decent though, i guess
Same here, I only remember the mad scientist and the elk.
Its probably from that other 16-bit Mickey mouse game. I can't remember what it's called.
It's Mickey Mania. You just run away from it.
>only 6 legs
what do call a spider with 6 legs
Dustforce has a hand drawn vectorey look. It's one of my favorite things about the game. Do you have low res sprites turned on or something?
kirby adventure is the peak of 8-bit art
that would be shantae or wario land 3
an insect?
>good pixel art
Undertale's pixel art is pretty crappy tthough, all the enemies are just one color so there isn't much going on with them and sometimes I got pretty bored of going through battles, especially on genocide where I'm actively looking to fight, I get that it's supposed to be impressive for one guy but Cave Story is miles better in terms of art and that's also made by one guy
Mickeys wild adventure
very nice
This just looks like a shitty Mario romhack with Sonic roll attacks.
This thread about aesthetics boi
Cave Story was done by a Japanese man with a passion for vidya. Undertale was made by some shitty western millennial do did music for a webcomic that appealed to tumblr. It all depends on the developer.
It looks like shit too.
is this lilo?
Cosmic star heroine has a decent pixel art going for it.
have some squirrel pixels
I don't know
Can you repeat the question?
the only good looking pixelshit game is fez
man the secret files is an overall shitshow in quality
I'm pretty sure Op meant Undertale as an example of bad and Metal Slug good
The fuck? Undertale pixel art is pretty good. Some scenes have fantastic design. Go and try making that and tell me how it turns out.
10/10 art style but jesus i wish fish did more with this engine. I get the game, its for people who like puzzles and riddles, but fuck me what a waste of potential of an engine. Imagine how creative and full of potential an action platformer with this technology and art style would be.
>unless you can do better you can't criticize or have an opinion
Good argument
Fez is simply on another level
the closeups of the characters in battle aren't bad, but obviously they lack colour cuz muh artstyle, which drags them back down to bad territory if you ask me
very nice
he wanted to reduce the amount of violence in video games so instead of bitching on a blog, or making a pretentious violent video game berating the player for playing it, he actually just made a game without violence. I can respect that a lot.
Also it's like if Myst was a platformer, and I really like that too.
thats not pixel art, it's 3d-rendered
it's still pixels
>good/bad pixelart
So all pixel art?
He uses color well if you ask me. Look at muffet fight for example. Anyway, theres more than color. The animation is pretty sweet and the weather effects are good.
what about mediocre pixel art?
UNI has amazing sprite work
they're trixels
megaman 8 is the best looking megaman sprites
Pretty good ya.
Golden sun for best pixel art.
Only pretty good?
Some rabbis say yes, some rabbis say no.
I agree with you but my bf hates mm8s art for some reason
jump jump slide slide
Post benis
MML 1 and 2 had some amazing pixel art in the form of its textures.
They still hold up graphically today, unlike other games around the same time.
I dislike it as well. It's just too cartooney for my liking. Animation is also bit too wobbly.
I have seen mobile games with better art.
Fez's artstyle is straight up trash.
The word you're looking for is textures. Not counted among pixel art because its a skin on top of a 3d model, instead of true pixel art. Otherwise you could count most of the late PSX-era games as "good pixel art". Silent Bomber still looks pretty good for a PSX game thanks to its textures but its still not a "pixel art" game despite being pixely as fuck with modern tvs.
Is this cheating?
It looks so boring and generic. The background is so ugly that it's distracting.
Its still art that was created pixel by pixel, idiot.
Not a game.
>not pixel art
My Nigga
go to bed phil
Oh ok. Then the newest Uncharted is the best pixel art game ever made, I mean look at those textures. Fucking idiot.
>pixel art stops being pixel art if its applied to a 3d model
I've played through this game a million times but don't remember seeing this part ever.
its the intro, where the nazi pigs invade
>Call of Duty is a good pixel art game.
I'm gonna be a semantic faggot and say this isn't really pixel art. I get the same effect if I zoom into MSPaint and start drawing normally on a low resolution canvas
You probably played the US version, the intro, stage opening screen and difficulty balance are different.
Are you merely pretending, underage or actually retarded?
That makes sense. We got an edgy little cutscene with sparkster standing on top of a mountain with his sword and the camera swinging around him before showing that sky pig.
Youre a fucking retard if you think your smug argument is valid. Pixel art you zoom in all the way and do it pixel by pixel with a limited palette. Uncharted is in no way comparable to that you fucking autist brainlet.
posting true kino pixel art
SNK is fucking based
Well, thats what pixel art basically is. You draw in low resolution enough that you work with pixels so you would be doing pixel art on MSPaint. It wouldn't be proper pixel art if it was not drawn that way, but drawn normally and then pixelated with some shitty filter, then you would be right.
Not really sure whether to count pixel art that was drawn on top of 3d models like you see in many 2d RTS games in this thread, its a hazy subject. That style has aged WAY better than early 3d, thats for sure. Games like AoE2 still look comfy as fuck.
It's sarcasm
>duh duh duh I was being sarcastic!
Damn thats some nice music
what was that one point and click game? you played multiple characters, one of them was a detective, the other one was some dude stuck in a superjail powered by robots?
i never finished it
I dunno, I consider pixel art to be stuff done pixel-by-pixel and has pixel-exclusive effects like dithering and shit
Primoridia looks like something I could draw in Gimp: not something that was made out of pixels, merely transferred to pixels.
Gemini Rue?