Do the reploids actually have free will or are they all just mindless robots working under the hand of humans? I mean, they're built with so called free will but the moment they disobey a human's orders they're labeled as a maverick. Dr. Light himself claims that he intended for X to choose his own path in life and all future reploids were based off X's model, so what gives? It's not even a case of being too dangerous as some so called mavericks hardly did anything wrong. With the original series it was at least understandable as the robots being produced were designed to follow orders, not to make their own decisions, but with the X series it makes no sense since all the robots are being produced with the ability to think freely and make their own decisions.
Do the reploids actually have free will or are they all just mindless robots working under the hand of humans? I mean...
Does Alia have a vajayjay?
X and Zero are the only reploids with true freedom. Every other reploid is based on Dr. Cain's work who could only try to understand how X functioned.
X had free will to the point of choosing to veer into the path of evil and destroying everything if he felt like it, which is why Light shoved him into a capsule where he was "raised" to be on the side of good in virtual reality for 100 years. All other reploids are based on his design too so there you go.
People like Vile and Dynamo for example rebelled on their own accord. They're the living example that Reploids are free to choose what to do.
A Maverick is a reploid than becomes evil with a glitch or a virus, but there are a lot that just choose to be bad, like Vile, Dynamo, Sigma and the Repliforce.
How long has it been?
5 years
The Repliforce did nothing wrong, Sigma used them.
Yeah I understand that, but why are they treated as mavericks when they choose to use their free will? It's like they don't really have full freedom but more of a simplified form where they can think and act for themselves but under the command of a greater good. Like if a reploid decides he no longer wants to support the greater good he's supposed to, he's immediately written off as a maverick, even if he hasn't done any harm. The resistance in the Zero series is a good example, they don't want to harm anyone but still get branded as mavericks just because they're not following orders.
They were still evil and caused harm, regardless of their cause
daily reminder that X and Zero are robots, and not reploids.
Think of the word Marverick in the X series as another way of saying "These Reploids are doing something I don't like therefore they are evil" that's basically it. And was implied in X4 onwards.
so its not gay then
If they have free will and choice then how come I don't get to make any decisions in the X games besides kill everything?
You can opt to not kill everything by pressing the power button on the console
I'm pretty sure Reploids have full range of free-will. They're only ever labeled a Maverick if they're doing something heinous like attacking population centers.
There's a few cases of them doing something else like building weapons, but they're labeled mavericks because of what they could do with that I think.
Maverick is pretty much the reploid equivalent of a criminal. They choose to use their freewill for bad.
Because you are playing as X. Not a self insert. Plus, if you really want an X game where X doesn't want to fight anymore, to the point its an actual gameplay affecting thing, just play X7.
Neither X nor Zero are reploids
The games literally state otherwise.
They can act on their free will, but refusing to comply to the Maverick Hunters is sort of a red flag.
That's like telling a cop to go fuck himself.
They do have free will as reploids are derived from X, but they go on a rampage because, iirc, of the wily virus which Zero carried and was derived from the Evil space robot from mm8.
Don't quote me on that though.
IIRC the dilemma in X's intro was that X could break the Asimov law of robotics and harm humans. Reploids had free will but had a failsafe to kept them continuously serving humanity.
tldr: Sigma was right but he was being a dick about it
who's to say that X even wants to fight? I can recall more times where he lamented over it than times he praised it
You're right.
Evil energy got transformed by Wahwee into the Wily Virus, which Zero had, and then it became the Sigma Virus when it infected him after the fight with Zero, which then became the Maverick Virus.
The japanese term for them, 'Irregular', makes a lot more sense than 'Maverick'
Honestly don't know why they changed it.
Also, if you look at the series from a certain point of view it's basically God (X) smiting his progeny
Reploids are copies of X. By definition X can't be a reploid. Zero isn't a copy of X either
He doesn't like to fight. Wouldn't stop him from fighting if he can end the conflict though. X7 kinda took his pacifism to the next level though.
X and Zero are technically Robot Masters. The reploids are the new generation of robots based on X.
I think Maverick sounds cooler
How so? I more or less see that as a parallel to Adam and Eve being the first humans.
There is nothing stopping any reploid from killing a human being. The difference between X and other reploids, aside from being designed by Light personally and not being an imitation, is that he had 30 years of rigorous moral testing.
That's also the justification for why Copy X, who is an exact replica of X who did not go through such testing, goes batshit insane. So X like the reploids could very well go Maverick at will.
I omitted the "master" part because it's lame, but I suppose it's there to differentiate from the tiny crap robots like a mettaur, and the superior - thus "master - robots like Megaman, and Zero.
Adam and Eve were made congruently by the same creator. X and Zero were made by two different people at different times
You know what's funny about Robot Masters? They had free will too. Willy didn't reprogram (all of) them to become evil. He convinced them that if they didn't rebel, they'd be scrapped at the end of their useful lives.
What are their DLN/DWN numbers?
Well technically reploids are just robots designed after previously existing robots. Since most are designed after X, they're collectively considered reploids. Although a few are designed after other characters. Since X is pretty much designed after Mega Man, you can say he's a reploid and since Zero is designed after Bass, you could say he's also a reploid.
He's not wrong
Everything X2 and prior had mavericks choose to be bad guys for one reason or another, whether it was following Sigma, wanting to fight, or greed.
X3 and forward a lot of the Mavericks aren't necessarily doing it of their free will, they're influenced by the Sigma Virus.
Except Wire Sponge. He was built by Sigma for some reason, but he turned out to be autistic so he was sent to some remote place to fuck off.
>who's to say that X even wants to fight?
Thats the point, X doesn't want to fight. Even when he does, at the end of it all, he always questions why they must fight each other.
t. Willy
I didn't mean they were the exact same you dingus.
They did plenty wrong
They could have easily explained everything to MH HQ but they chimped out
How can X be a replication of himself?
who cares just kill them all
what is it with wilys
Wait what? Where are you getting that info?
forget the X series, we need to talk about this
Weil was right and had a justified mindset.
Just too bad he killed a fuckload of humans on top of reploids
That's the american version
In the jap version he's just silent.
pls do not bully the wire sponge
So in the end, who was the better roboticist? Who 'won'?
Mavericks existed before Sigma too. In fact the virus part of Sigma was just to explain how he had become such a monster until either X4 or 5 (I forgets) when he started infecting other robots to his will.
Americans doing shit right as always
Silently debating murdering the fuck out of Wily, you mean.
He isn't but he's the first reploid.
Come to think of it, how do they maintain a consistent reploid population?
Do they just make them out of an assembly line?
Are reploids able to reproduce by ZX?
Are carbons the final evolution of reploids?
>X3 and forward a lot of the Mavericks aren't necessarily doing it of their free will, they're influenced by the Sigma Virus.
Except this nigga.
>Classified as a "trump card" Reploid who was meant to be used during Sigma's previous rebellion, but he was deemed too dangerous to utilize due to his imperfect thought patterns, and was scheduled to be dismantled as a result.
>While en route, he escaped from his containment unit and sliced the entire escort ship in half.
Not even Sigma knew what the fuck was wrong with him, he just started wrecking shit on his own.
Light won but Wily was clearly capable of making better robots
I mean
DWN ∞: Zero
the absolute madman
Nobody fucking won in the MM universe. The entire franchise's lore is a message that humanity's not ready to coexist with robots.
>what should I design my ultimate secret weapon after
>crawfish, of course!
Considering robots ruled the world and humans went extinct ultimately i'd say wily in the end, he was just too dumb ultimately to make himself a robot to survive to that point.
Tie. It's STRONGLY implied that they both existed as internet-based AI's in X5 (at least I assume Wily was as well, otherwise he'd be old as fuck).
Think of it as
Light=Optimal Software (More complex programming like X)
Willy=Optimal Hardware (Better combat robots like Zero)
His ultimate creation ended up being one of humanity's greatest heroes.
Light is basically responsible for all of the crap that befalls humanity, his robotics end up dooming humanity
She won.
>third armor
That's very obviously Full Armor you moron.
>he was just too dumb ultimately to make himself a robot to survive to that point.
Uhh user...
Do you also think Copy X was right in """decommissioning""" reploids and basically turning the remainder into slaves for the humans?
In X most reploids have specialized jobs (Navigators, Commanders, Hunters etc).
By Zero I don't even fucking know anymore. Is there a whole assembly line of ultrafags like Elpizo? What would you even need a little girl reploid for?
I think it's more like WIly's better at making robots with great raw power but lower potential for getting "stronger", which is what Light excelled at and why Mega Man always pushed Wily's numbers' shit in.
Elpizo is in fact a mass produced reploid designed for administrative work
>Copy X
>Ever right
He's just a failed wannabe.
Was Zero particularly less complex than X? He demonstrates reploid-level free will before X was even a thing
>A female and a male reploid marry
>Build their own reploid child with "blank slate" AI that doesn't know what's right and wrong
>Raise child reploid
>Transfer AI HDD into a normal reploid body when it matures
>Command Mission
Zero was just a braindead shithead with Wily Virus whose only purpose was to destroy shit.
Sigma punched through his fucking face when he had a stroke.
Then he became nice somehow.
>Bass just gets completely forgotten about
Impossible since the Maverick Hunters were formed long before Zero woke up.
Y'know, thinking about it, there's a pretty big problem with Reploids in the story.
We know that they're supposed to have free will since they're supposed to be copies of X's core programming, but just about every reploid you see in the series is built like a Robot Master: they have specific functions in mind and are basically forced to perform that function.
X's DLN number is his name: DLN-X, to represent the fact that when Light put him in the capsule he really wasn't sure how many more robots he was going to make before he died.
bass was a failure from every angle
>Mega Man X's background puts huge emphasis on robots NEVER being allowed to kill people
>Mega Man 7 is then released and this happens
>They never expand on the glaring implication
Well, by the time that ZX is happening it seems that humans and reploids have finally merged into a half organic half mechanic self.
It doesn't make any sense. The original two games made it seem like "maverick" was just the term for a reploid criminal. But then the Sigma virus came into the mix and now it's just them being driven crazy against their will.
Though X4 does play with the idea in ways that are actually a lot more complex than the story has any business touching on. X4's story was stupid as shit but it did touch on the very realistic idea that "Maverick" became a political tool and the label was getting thrown around like Communist was in the 1950s.
Sigma became synonymous with Mavericks somehow despite the problem existing long before he did. Seems like they should have come up with a new word for being Sigma's buttslave.
Pistol shrimp ain't no joke. They have superpowers in real life.
I want to assume X was never made to be 100% a fighting robot like the original Mega Man, and this reflects in his programming/personality clashing with the fact that if he DOESN'T fight, everyone's fucked because of things made in his image going crazy, and was more designed to showcase a perfect human-like design concept
The fact he fights as good as he does with add-on hardware against modern Reploids designed for fighting only shows how good X's ancient design is, which Reploids still can't match all the way. It's probably why when the Elf timeline hit and Mavericks were no longer issue, X was already in a passive leadership position
Because he never actually says that in the original script.
He has what it takes to be the good guy.