ITT it is Sup Forums 1000AD

ITT it is Sup Forums 1000AD

>ugga ugga rockstation have no game

Japunga cave paintings suck

>Not full researching stone
>Sticking with neanderthal sticks

Sun fall tribe no taste

That's the Middle Ages
Unless this is one of those hurr durr ironic posts

1000 AD was long past the time of Cave Men. It was the Dark Ages.

Found the Redditors.

Nindo tribe need wander into mammoth traffic

thanks, now beat it kid

Me find berry gatherer

these roleplay threads are cringey as fuck

>go to rock stop to pick up pre order rock from Far East
>see cute wunga There
> pick up pre order
>here unga pre order bonus free wunga loincloth to sniff
>wunga looks at me funny
>spill berries from loin cloth and run out of cave
>go back to me cave and cry
Wunga get club and go back rock stop when sun rise again

Being correct makes me reddit?

>Dark Ages
the dark ages are a nonexistent meme and if you used that phrase in any sort of professional or academic setting you would rightly be laughed out of the room

The dark ages in Europe started in 2016

It's neo Sup Forums in a nutshell. Rehashing memes because they aren't capable of originality, non-vidya content, and pretending to be retarded (which hasn't been funny since triforcing).

what the? Sonichu run!
what the? Sonichu run!

Good thing you told me twice or I wouldn't have understood

Being a fucking berryboy does

>complaining about rehashing memes
>while posting decade old rehashed meme image

Rockler was right this whole time we must stop beak nose tribe

found the alt right cucklets

I'm not alt right, I'm a Anglo supremacist Christian fundamentalist traditionalist monarchist

>be unga bungalow
> live in land of united ungas or bungerica
>big nose tribe tell us Arock Hitstone want to take unga stones
What we do?

>Anglo supremacist

unging berry picker, off my rock paint

The picture is unrelated, he's roleplaying as an african

>1000 AD
American education, everyone!


>Sub-Saharan Africa was still in the prehistoric period

I want newfags to leave

>Unless this is one of those hurr durr ironic posts

Sup Forums has a lot of those, like that "dog girl and cookie" meme from a while ago.

me feel sad, should have ungad the wunga ;_;

Wunga go with her boyfriend jamulnga she get BLUNGAD me no like anymore

>Dark ages

ooga booga, me loose rock neutrality. now me have to pay extra sea shells

>trying to repackage 56% memes despite already having the eternal Anglo
Guess it must be touching a nerve

bamboo was a mistake

>Sub-Saharan Africa is still in the prehistoric period

>how do I into Baroque