ITT: Vidya Faps

ITT: Vidya Faps




That's a hot Pokemon.



what is he even doing
a mongoloid version of a frame pose?


Creating the screenshot OP posted.

i never fapped to this. upvote this comment if you agree




>you're a king of chub!
What did he mean by this?

so thicc


Foot fetish turned nearly every vidya i played into fap material when i was younger, heres a list of all my foot faps
>cloud of darkness, dissidia
>whores in assassins creed 2
>maiden in black, demons souls
>priscilla, dark souls

Shit theres so many more i cant even think basically if a game had a hot barefoot girl with semi decent modeled feet id fap over them
>tfw i just remembered how pissed i was when i found out that the feet in fallout 3 were stubs while in oblivion they were properly modeled

My first red flag for the game

Didnt mean for the reply

those curves

>outing yourself that you watch his content too



