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For what?
Our daddies told us not to be ashamed of our dicks
Restoring internet freedom
Sorry your village doesn't have proper sanitary facilities
especially since theyre such a good size and all
Fuck this piece of shit
For electing trump, who put this guy in office?
being ashamed of our dicks, especially since they're such good size and all
My Reeses cup is larger than yours.
When was the last time we had internet without net neutrality?
The dude has a retarded looking face and smile or lips teeth combo. It's very ugly.
Early 90s
>reddit is still mad
punchable face
If a Trumpshart says 2015 I'm gonna kick their ass
He's got dem DSL
Do you think he likes lolis?
Maybe not but you won't be able to like them either during the happening of 2018.
Now if we don't pay for our web package we'll have that DSL
Still better looking then me.
Ajit Pai making reddit cry!
One of the greatest trolls in history.
Is it cause people keep harassing that they want to bang his juicy, milky tit sis
>Sup Forums and console war shitposters use the same memes
Really makes you think.
As an indian person, i can say this is payback for the "poo in the Loo" jokes. U mad white boi?
Pajeets would fuck anything that has a vagina.
Man, Sup Forums sure loves anal vore.
The market doesn't need some shitty legislation that's supposed to force them to play fair, it needs a flood of new ISPs to force competition that pretty much forces Comcasts/AT&T/etc's hands
>You will never be as sued as this man
he's unironically correct about this
Gee, I sure hope these big media conglomerates don't buy out all of their competition and consolidate! Haha that's never happened when deregulation occurs!
>poos your internet instead
.55 cents has been deposited etc
I don't remember anyone paying separate packages for different types of internal things though
I miss when this site wasn't infested so badly with ideologues that they supported fucking themselves because their ideology leaders said so.
you really half assed calling me a shill there. you shouldve said shekels too. step yo game up nigga
Well, I'm sure glad we got rid of the former before enacting the latter. Boy, we sure are smart!
Nope. He committed treason and states are suing his ass and along the death threats he got, he's fucked.
No. Fuck you.
less merimutt degenerates
this nigga looks like a faceapp pic. I bet if you ran him through faceapp he wouldn't even look different
Someone needs to shop this image onto some game's cover art. Maybe Doom?
>Flood of new ISPs
I wouldn't be surprised if you retards thought there should be multiple electric companies.
Anybody who's taken even a basic fucking economics class knows ISPs are natural monopolies due to economies of scale. Given that, they should be regulated as a utility. Nothing else makes sense.
I'm only accepting rubles.
treason? what the fuck are you smoking son?
Nudes when?
i'd sell my soul to the corporations and defend them if I received as much money as this dude
>getting sued by a bunch of states
>Washington and Cali already said they'll try setting their own rules anyways
I think some companies are suing as well.
ITT: wiggers chimp out for getting analfucked by someone whom they themselves elected.
never change desu
I voted Hillary.
Go ahead.
Trump says he's good so he's good.Not sure what the """controversy""" is all about.
He's a shitposter
Normally I agree with him on just about everything, but here he's 100% objectively wrong. Shapiro needs to stick to politics because he clearly doesn't have a single fucking clue what the internet actually is or how it works. I can't tell if he's a corporate shill here or just utterly fucking ignorant.
do it yourself faggot
Technically never.
Before 2015 it was unwritten, unsung rule that everyone just kinda did. In 2015 Verizon started to do anti-net neutrality shit so Obama enacted it into Law.
So really, yesterday is the last time we didn't have NN.
how can an individual state enforce rules like that when internet traffic goes through so many other states and countries? I don't get how they could really do anything about this
>reddit spacing
How said it is that some, SOME, folks on Sup Forums are now openly supporting a corporate whore because it makes others "triggered."
There is a reason why there isn't competition already. And its not because of net neutrailty.
Ajit Pai was appointed by Obama, moron.
Hello newfriend
I know who he is and the general NN story, what's this thread about? Is there a development? Spoonfeed me a quick rundown?
By this logic how the fuck could other countries set their own rules?
He's fucking retarded. Ultimately who do you think is going to be paying for this in the end? Cuz it certainly isn't one of those big corporations.
>exclamation points
Hi, reddit.
It's called a push-up bra you virgins.
you attribute genuine beliefs to simple contrarianism. its like you can't accept that people think you're wrong
well then you're a fucking cuck
>big ISPs censor websites
>people with other options pick the smaller ISPs who offer a neutral net
>smaller ISPs become more successful
>smaller ISPs expand to other locations
>get rid of the injustice system just to be sure
>he says as his internet gets fucked by the man he loved
>tards still making poo in loo jokes
Shouldn't have made those jokes monkeys.Now America is the loo for Hindustani poo.
its simple. the barrier to entry is massive. telco infrastructure is insanely expensive, even just for a local area
> free market would fix this!
> has been a free market all the way until now
> US broadband is shit among 1st world countries
Arent they doing the opposite???
>genuine beliefs
They dont really support him, they support Trump. And since theyve dug themselves so deep supporting him they wont backpedal at all on anything he or anyone even slightly connected to him does even if the person doing it flipflops on it
How do other countries enforce rules like that when traffic goes to so many different continents? China can control the internet pretty well from what I hear.
Holy fuck he thinks Netflix pays the same as normal people do with NN. Is this nigger serious? People listen to this guy?
>there are no smaller ISPs because of
he was appointed FCC chairman by trump. stop being deliberately obtuse.
>only one that read why they killed NN
If they will not give leeway to any company then nothing bad will happen.
But you know just keep repeating what you read on reddit.