When a licensed anime game improves on the source material

>when a licensed anime game improves on the source material

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But the game is shit?

Those models look awful

Flopped so bad it killed the writer.

Gameplay is mediocre, but everything else is pretty great.

Yeah, that the worst thing about the presentation. The main character models are too inconsistent. Akko, Sucy and Constanze look pretty on point, but then you have Diana and Jasminka which look weird and Lotte/Amanda's models are a disaster.

They have full animation and levitating breasts. Even if everything else in the game is retard central, those lifelike animations are probably fapworthy if you're into something like that, which I'm guessing is how they intended to make the game popular

I am just waiting for the SFM porn

Why is amanda such a slut


go to bed Frank

I'm not Frank! Stop calling me that all the time



That's just how Americans are.

>isn't afraid to tell witches how much he wants to fuck them






>implying sucy isn't the normie waifu
I hate that Filipino bitch so much

boo hoo faget

Yes, hello, is this the /u/ thread?

Are you the fag on Sup Forums who always complains about LWA threads not belonging there?

No, just a general /u/ enthusiast


Her luck should be significantly higher.

Oh never mind



Will this be on Xbox one?

>you will never have lesbian sex with a cute witch
>or probably even touch another human being again

What the fuck am I alive for?

No, but it'll be on Steam.

>he's not abstinent by choice
Harlots sometimes try and get me to fornicate but the bible says that those types of women will lead you to Hell

No thanks then I have a Mac for working and that is it.

H-heh by choice...r-right.

bitch, i run hell with an ironfist
i have the pussies tortured harder just because they have more fear

The backgrounds look much worse than the character models.

Yes by choice, Jesus said to flee fornication why fornicate when you can find a wife who you'll have for life?
Everyone is a prisoner in Hell

>literal Win95 tier

Kek, is that real? Legit looks unfinished

The backgrounds unironically look like an early 2000 point and click adventure game

Incel detected

you'll be tortured the hardest
i make god take my dick up the ass

It's beyond shit, it plays like a mobile game
>Terrible animation
>Bunch of skills/attacks, none of which feel good
>Boring enemies
>Each "map" has one/two wave of enemies you kill in 10-30 seconds before moving onto the next section

Imagine if we had graphics like this for a LWA game

Except worse

Really needed some lighting effects, you can get away with a lot with some good lighting

It was made in Unity with pennies for budget. They look like shit but we get to explore most of the school so I'll take the hit in graphics.

To be fair the anime was fucking garbage compared to the OVAs

I'm fine as long as it's not 60$

It had some fun and good episodes, but yeah, it felt like a lot of wasted potential.
Trigger should stick to ovas and shorts, they can't handle long series


R-right, just gotta find a w-wife...easy haha...

This looks like a late PS1 game
I mean I know they had to rush this game out so that it when it launched people wouldn't have forgotten this FotM shit but sheesh

I sort of have a fiancée, it's not hard

>when you can find a wife who you'll have for life
Looks like my life is one of masturbation

stop Akko is really good at magic


On one hand it's digital only so the price might not be that retarded, but on the other Bamco are scummy and it's clear they'll send this game to die so they won't care to price it right.

Not so hard when the source material is shit.

Usually families arrange these things for you, didn't your mom ever show you her friends daughter?

Best girl

Enchanted Parade was trash and made me hate Akko. Plus not enough Diana.

Maybe that's how things work in your cultish evangelical community, but for the rest of us it's not that simple.

I live in a Jewish area actually and my family and hers are atheists, her mom and mine just wants my money

I love Wangari! Is she in this game?

Superb taste

>I live in a Jewish area
Ah, the light is shed


The character models are kind of wonky but passable. Those backgrounds are genuinely bad, I've seen free mods/games with higher quality. They're going to be charging at least $30 for this if not more.

Yes. Her sidequest is about helping her prove the existence of the 7 wonders of the school, and she wants to be the most trusted news source in the world.

I'm not part of the synagogue of satan

Mostly in the first half, it basically goes to shit once Croix shows up with monster of the week and the 7 words rubbish


>When weebs fall for shitty waifu shovelware and then come here to do the advertising for the publishers

Well yes we kind of figured that out by watching the show

Got her as part of the blind genga draw from the KS which was nice


all anime is shitty waifu shovelware

>series looked like shit
>game looks like shit
Should've just been the OVA

why was that diaper doujin so good?
everyone was so in character

easy there russel crowe you're blowing my mind

what does she say?


did the show really flop? I enjoyed it, I'd like to see more.

i don't know how it did financially but the second half completely missed everything i liked about the original ova.

10 MORE YEARS. Toho and Netflix were happy, and are willing to fund more when Trigger is ready.
I agree, but it still had great episodes and made me love Akko/Diana a lot


you dont even see any actual nudity or mess which was disappointing for me but i still managed to fap

diakko is great and all but removing their rivalry makes it kind of bland. what will diana's lackeys do now that they can't bully akko?


3d was a mistake

they're making fun of you


The rivalry was always just one sided from Akko's perspective, and I doubt she'd just drop it whenn Diana is still better overall something I wish more shippers would realize

And I feel Hannah is still going to be rude to everyone when Diana and Barbara aren't around..

>what will diana's lackeys do now that they can't bully akko?
What do you think?


Instead of fucking with akko they'll just fuck each other?

They're getting a bit worried over how much time Diana has been spending with Akko lately.

Of course it eats my pic