Monster hunter world has cosmetic microtransactions

monster hunter world has cosmetic microtransactions

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I'll give a shit when they port it to the Switch

who the fuck cares?

ok but how does that affect the game

*replaces files on PC*

Preorder canceled. Glad I dodged a bullet there. Sorry bros I love Monster Hunter but I cant let Capcom get away with this.


>port to the system without userbase and weak as wiiu
Not gonna happen.

Heh, pretty sure Sup Forums is pro-microtransactions. Go cry at reddit nintenbabies.

>without userbase
What are we just going to pretend 10 million people don't exist now?
>and weak as wiiu
The PS4 isn't very powerful itself and its getting it. Even if it does run like shit.


cosmetic were never the problem. op is a faggot as per the usual

>10 million people don't exist now?
Just as big as wiiu. And ps4 sold 20mil in same timeframe, And even xbox one sold more units in november.
Switch is dead.

>The PS4 isn't very powerful itself and its getting it. Even if it does run like shit.
And PS4 4 times more powerful than switch.

Cosmetic microtransactions are the only acceptable kind.

>Switch is dead.
Nigger it just fucking lanched.

Don't care then, as long as they don't charge for additional content on top of that.

Wait how can you do that in a singleplayer game? Can't people just hack in the items if they want? How can you assign value to a number that can be changed at will?
Are they having it account based or something, like an MMO?

Classic salty nintentards. Switch would never be able to run this shit if PS4 pro and XboneX have trouble getting stable framerates
>Who the fuck cares about free DLC that will add longevity to the games
>How does free new content affect the game

I'm convinced these are all the same poster.

If it HAS to be in the game, then it's better it's cosmetics than anything else.

And water is wet, what's your point, retard?

Ok? So completely optional skins that don't effect gameplay in anyway? What's the issue?

Capcom is lying or the game is gonna be garbage. Free DLC is a psychotic enough idea for them but it's even more retarded considering the DLC is for the most expensive game they've ever developed in a franchise that has historically sold like garbage for 11 years straight.

Its like they're intentionally trying to go bankrupt.

and has no games

>trusting capcom

>Say anything whatsoever about Monster Hunter
Go fuck yourself.

>free DLC is a psychotic idea
>for a series that has always had nothing but free DLC

>npc cosmetic
Who cares, probably dressing up your cat or some gay shit. I'll let the retarded whales fund future monster DLC

It doesn't have to be in the game though. Do you think the world is going to end if they don't add microtransactions or something? None of the previous games had them.

Shhhh user this is his first MH game

No MH has ever had free DLC. No MH has even had DLC at all.

Try to use your brain and think about the things you "downloaded" in other MH games.


>fund dlc that has already been made

>preorder DLC
Next they will announced a Season Pass

have they even said anything about mods?

Not the point

A quest is content, even if the monsters in the quest were already in the game. And you download the quest so it is by definition downloadable content

>No MH has ever had free DLC
literally all the 3ds titles.

I'm talking about future dlc
>inb4 all dlc that will ever be released has already been made

Well what was the point in the statement I replied to then?

It's a slippery slope. They'll see how much money there is to be made from microtransactions now and eventually rebuild their business model around them like EA did.

All the free dlc we will get has already been made. If they make any new content, most likely a G-rank expansion, I guarantee you it won't be free.

Weird. Why do they have a whole page titled "Downloadable Content" if there's none. Why is Capcom lying to us?

dumb frogposter

Look at him, look at him and laugh.

It always starts like that though. Can't wait until we get to the point where you'll be able to instant revive by using MTX consumables. Will not happen on MHW, but we all know it'll eventually happen.

Exactly this.

yeah man, that's definitely what's going to happen.

>used to get costumes for free
>now you gotta pay for them
rip monsta hunta

Regardless of how much you want to be retarded, that still does not equate to brand new monsters and equipment. No other MH has ever gotten more content added onto the game through download. They release a new version of the game much like capcom does with every game they make, add $5 worth of content then ask you pay $60 again. The only continued development MH game is Frontier but even that works like an MMO with expansions and subscriptions. Even taking Frontier into account, theres never been free DLC for an MH.

As long as new monsters and quests are free I don't see the problem. If you want to look like a faggot and pay for microtransaction cosmetic dresses then go ahead.

G rank metal raths and new elder dragons were added in event quests weren't they?

Nobody has brought up new monsters and equipment other than you.


How cucked do you have to be to think this? There's no such thing as acceptable microtransactions.

I have never seen a dumber post. Fuck off to resetera fag.

im buying the DLC that makes the handler not look like an ugly cunt Tbh

provide proof of this guarantee
why would they double dip and risk losing goodwill?

Haha. Never ever. Just play it on your pc nigga.

who the fuck is this dude

kek, this

Wow it's actually fucking nothing.

Unironically this. Probably the only one I'll ever buy. I still can't even fathom how some people actually defend her design and call her cute.

Because they've done it in literally every game, and now they're already going down the scummy route with preorder bonuses, digital deluxe editions and microtransactions, so why would they suddenly now decide they don't want to lose goodwill by charging us for G-rank? If they cared about goodwill they wouldn't have done any of the things I just mentioned.

Look forward to SF5 tier focusing more on costumes than actual needed updates.

Jesus Christ you literal retards.

The 3DS games did not have DLC. They had fucking 3kb text files with a basic quest idea


thats what the dlc was.
fucking 7 line text file that told the game how to construct a quest, which became an entrypoint for hackers and custom quests where they would just put a monster with 1HP in the arena with the starting itembox full of 99x every rare endgamr monster part with a quest-clear reward of 999,999,999z

It wasnt new monsters or new weapons or new equipment. They unlocked equipment that shipped with the game, but it was already made shit - not ogoing development, not new shit, not stuff you actually download.

The utter goddamn mouthbreathing deprived retards on this board is depressing.

MH4U and cross/gen had the option to change your housekeeper by doing DLC quests so that might happen.

Yeah, I'm sure Capcom is totally unfamiliar with the money to be made through microtransactions. They just need the data they never had before and it'll open their eyes to the possibilities behind charging 5 bux for a monster.

Dress up an NPC?

>unique costume and event items were not downloaded even though you needed a considerable amount of storage for said DLC
>when you couldn't even data mine some of these cross overs

That is dlc. Nobody is saying that it's impressive dlc, hence why it's value is literally zero. If it were impressive dlc it wouldn't be free would it?

>Low Size of content downloaded means it's not downloaded

>a franchise that has historically sold like garbage for 11 years straight.

I'm buying the DLC that puts the handler in a bunnysuit

>doomsaying over cosmetic microtransactions
>when we're living in the age of RNG pay2win microtransactions
I know two wrongs don't make a right, but you don't see anyone making a big deal over the former when any other game does this anymore since it's practically been an industry standard for a decade.

You've never needed "a considerable amount of storage" for MH dlc wtf are you literally talking about nigger.

Capcom is claiming they're.going to be adding new monsters into this shitgame with DLC, for free. Thats the part that doesnt make sense.

>to dress up an NPC
It's Poogie, isn't it?

some dude who reads reddit and posts the things he reads into videos

what a weird timeline where you have to be thankful that capcom of all people arent charging for extra content

>inb4 $1.99 dlc to change handler into guildmarm, Aisha, or Meowstress

you will spend money to pamper your poogie, wont u?

Its not strange, this man straight up shills for capcom and they retweet almost anything he says. He's practically a bot for them.

>implying that bunnysuits won't be too sexist for World's Western-focused audience

Fuck no.

poogie will remember that

I know this is bait, but fuck it, I'll bite. Two of the three posts were asking how the cosmetics affect gameplay, retard. You should know what context clues are, even if you're a fucking underage shithead.
>inb4 muh switchfag boogeyman

would pay 9.99 to replace her with marm

brachy isnt around to cuck me this time

I'll pay $10 to replace the chick with Guildmarm

don't outbid me please

A dude who beats his wife

what cosmetics do you guys even want?
playing as other game characters?

>And ps4 sold 20mil in same timeframe
This is a lie. Switch is matched with ps4 in the same 9 months from launch

$20 dollars

>pay $10 for only guildmarm
>have to do mini-quest line to actually get her
>final quest is a 15 minute 1 cart Raging Brachydios hunt
>at Ingle Isle

>failing the quest deletes the dlc from your system and it cannot be redownloaded or refunded

>from launch
Lol, that mental gymnastics.
In 2017 switch sold 10mil.
In 2017 ps4 sold 20mil.
Both PS4 and Xbox One outsold switch in november in US, by large margin (500-700k).

literally fucking pathetic

Of course, the monsters are free. The shit that monsters drop aren't.

>PS4 has 4 more years to build library and userbase
>Same time frame
Lol. PS4 sold 10 million in it's first 9 months, switch did the same. All there is to it

Wtf dude vidya consoles aren't fucking bacteria they dont just exponentially multiply.
Goddamn nintenigger.

EVERYONE can see how much money microtransactions can make. they alfeady know so your slippery slope argument should have already taken effect, but it hasnt.

so youre a fuckin moron

>in it's first 9 months
Lol, that mental gymnastics.

Switch is dead already, bury it.
Even ps4, xbox one outsold it. Tell me, when ps3/360 outsold ps4/xbox one?

The one x is the superior console in everything. The only argument you could make is you prefer the games on the PlayStation. But since this is a multiplatform game, your argument is invalid. You have fun with your beta, but when the game is released, my one x will play in true 4k with load times that are cut in half. Not to mention my elite controller. I love PlayStation. Always have. But just because I prefer PlayStation doesn't mean I don't understand hardware. And Microsoft is crushing everyone in terms of raw power, graphical capabilities, resolution, and snappy load times. So I'm sorry your console is collection dust, but that's not due to play station being better. That's due to you being a fan boy. And by the way, my current favorite console is the switch. But even if monster Hunter was released on that, I'd still go for the one x because I won't need it on the go. I want the raw power. For some reason you seem to think that have no portability and less power is better lol. Don't be biased. Each console has a niche. Games like MH play better on the one x. That's just a technological fact.

>Microtransactions are for waifufags wanting to dress up the guild girl, and they're paying for everyone to get free monsters
Sounds like a pretty good option, thanks.