Explain this

Why are there so many degenerates playing Splatoon 2? Like, more than half of the players are furries, soyboys, or fags.

I've never met any in my years playing CSGO, TF2, and BF1. How come?

yeah im sure theres none on TF2

You've never met any furries playing TF2? I'm pretty sure that's like half the audience.

because it uses twitter for popular post

Because CSGO, TF2, and BF1 is unoriginal shit for unoriginal minds.

Thread discarded

there are lots of degenerates in tf2, but none of them are sjws to my knowledge.

because americans, newer saw such shit in japan only hentai

I think a lot of these people are retarded teenagers too.

What, you don't like Sup Forums's completely original meme word of the month?

when are you going to realize it's just weebs screwing with you

>Like, more than half of the players are furries, soyboys, or fags.
The vast majority never post to miiverse in the first place.

You forgot the foot fetishists.

Typical mentally ill nintenbros. Thinks they're "mature" for liking shit aimed at children.

Ignore shitty OP and talk about the game.
How did the splatfest go? Sweaterfag here, I think we won.

Splatoon is a Game for Children and Mental Ill Adults
>Like, more than half of the players are furries, soyboys, or fags.
Western disease
>lolicons/shotacons = pedophiles
Japanese Disease

are the fags back at it again?
no fuck off this is actually a problem in a kids game. these fucking fags and jews are polluting childrens minds with this shite at such a young age to the point they will begin thinking its okay to eat shit and let and elderly man abduct you.

Stop getting triggered


Still doesn't change the fact that many degenerates are buzzing around this game like flies to freshly laid, hot steamy turd.

I've never seen 'I luv fuwwy OwO!' or 'I am a boy today!' messages during a CSGO or TF2 match. What makes them attracted to Splatoon 2 instead of CSGO or TF2?

Got back to /edgy reddit/
This board is for video games, not social issues.

cis snowflake


bing bing wahoo!

you sound like a stupid fag

exactly my point you fucking shithead
i want to play my videogames without some blue-haired tranny with a beard telling me to lynch myself because i don't want to see what they are saying i just want to play videogames

>muh degeneracy
>muh moral conservatism
>muh jews

Hi Muhammad

Nintendo attracts degenerates for whatever reason.

1 and 2 BOTH still outsold Bloodborne

You know why.

Imagine getting this triggered. The world isn't a safe space

actually a native american but try again

>False flags are evidence
Sonybro fuck off

>soyboys and fags
while you the peak of masculinity continue to play splatoon

Getting triggered by it is only going to make it stick. You should have learned youre lesson with "cuck."

So another savage minority that got BTFO by based whitey and the jews and is assravaged about it. Please take your alcoholic rambling to Sup Forums

OP. Let's make this clear. All kinds of people play every game ever made. Not even just games but for every consumable piece of media ever, everyone ever has used or experienced it. Even this website. Whether you know it or not, is another thing altogether. Also if you feel it's a problem then report the posts you feel are a problem and let Nintendo's moderation handle it from there. That's that.

Such a soyboy thing to say

>Like, more than half of the players are furries, soyboys, or fags.

It's a game about octopus girls. It's literally aimed at mentally ill people

This is spot on. Splatoon is a game for little children.

>Chads: FIFA, NBA, and MADDEN

>Dudebros: CSGO, TF2, Cowadoody, BF1, HALO and DOTA2

>Degenerates:Splatoon 2 and Overwatch

Are these about right, Sup Forums?

you guys gotta believe me this shit will get much worse and by the time you all are forced to look at pedophiles like they are normal people you will be looking for the native who warned you. guess its back to my shed in the woods

But then Sup Forums wouldn't be able to satisfy its desperate need for attention

Leave Sup Forums forever.

Thanks for your input on civilisation.

Literally too advanced for your people to make

Furries and LGBT people are mentally stunted and still kids in their head, so a game like Splatoon with its Nickelodeon artstyle is attractive to infantile people.

Either that or they're fucking pedophiles.

>I've never met any in my years playing CSGO, TF2, and BF1. How come?
It was never the case in Splatoon 1 either.
That said I haven't seen much of any of this crap for some time now. Perhaps Nintendo actually changed something in one of their updates to change the algorithms against their favour or something.

I don't follow. Could you elaborate

You have a good sence of humour

Because there is a proven link between transexuality and autism, much like there is a link between cartoony shit and autism.

I agree fellow gamer, pol is so racist and stupid. Their also ugly and virgins haha.