7 Years Old

Hold me bros :(

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I remember good times in the Halo threads and with the /hg/ folk. Custom games and BTB with a full lobby were buckets of fun.

Yeah, it makes me sad to remember back to when games were fun. Or at least when I had fun playing them.

I know that feeling, user. If Bannerlord fails to cure my vidya dejection I'll just give in.

I got my wisdom teeth removed and so got to spend 3 days doped up playing multiplayer on release that shit was rad I miss those days

This will always be my favorite Halo.

Who Alpha Zombies on Spooky Base here?

The 343 added infection map variants were mostly cancerous but Spooky Base was an objective improvement over camp in the vent base

>16 years old
Holy shit.

Halo 3 customs are better
>muh halo 2 multiplayer
I played that shit, halo 3 was just better aside from like 2 maps

the commercials were kino


halo is literally baby first FPS
oh yes, forgot that post 1995 shitters are allowed to post now

>Objective: Survive
I have not felt anything like that from a shooter since.

Who cares? I'll play a babys game as long as I'm having fun with my friends.

>best halo is 7 years old
where did the time go

I feel like every one of my problems would go away if they just ported this to PC through Steam
I would buy it in a heartbeat for me and my friends


>The immediate panic as they realize how doomed they are
>Comms in a complete state of panic as they're overwhelmed/bombarded from orbit
My kinda stuff.

Holy fuck I thought I thought I had seen all the Halo Reach trailers. Thank you so much user, I've never known this much foreboding in a video game.

>unironically believing this

3 is pretty damn good but 2's map design and social features are objectively better

Those books were pretty good.

7 years and I still can't remember anything from this worthless pile of shit, drink bleach, OP.

>ywn go back to the days of playing Halo 3 or Reach and watching Arby n the Chief.

Why live?

Better than the pile of shit game in every way.

>wanting to go back to Reach
You can tell the Halo 3 babies and Reachfags were the ones that left for a PS4.

>Ywn go back to the days of 1337 speak
It hurts.

>being born 7 years ago

is that how old you are

You misinterpret my post, I can't "Remember Reach" because it was a pile shit.

so is Reach the last objectively good Halo?

your mom is a pile of shit

That was Halo 3, underage.

No, that title goes to Sins of the Prophets

Your mom's a fat sack of crap, Reachfag.

what is it brosey and the pussy cats?

you must enjoy lapping up 343's shit, some of us have standards

Yeah, I know, I see you're enjoying it on your PS4, soyboy.

You now hear it in your head.

i know you are but what am i