What do you think of this game based on these four screenshots?
What do you think of this game based on these four screenshots?
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What platform and release date?
weeb shit
Where do you think we are?
Mediocre to decent game cashing in on anime tiddies
I keep games and porn separate because mixing them never results in a good game
Cheap bait
It looks like very good game.
good sniff
Already out, ps4
Interesting game that probably has a few unique mechanics.
This game reeks of Compile Heart. So probably a Neptunia clone, just miles worse.
I want
i want to play that game but i know it'll be garbage, none of the lewd jrpgs are good.
All I want to think about is sniffing her panties
looks good.
Generic ecchi/moe shit JRPG. The world map looks alright.
Looks like shit that banks on fanservice to hide a lack of engaging gameplay.
>protag sticks his dick in a castle
>now he's a castle
Grade A writing, compile heart.
>I keep games and porn separate because mixing them never results in a good game
What is Sengoku Rance?
Is it not Compile Heart? I immediately assumed it was.
>The protagonist. Unaware that the princess is being chased, he shelters her, and in the mysterious ruins where they took refuge, falls down and a strange device gets stuck to his crotch.
Its out and the fact no one talks about it should be enough to know of its quality as a game.
I don't know what game it is. It looks like CH games, so I just imagined it was another Neptunia clone;
Would you be willing to sacrifice your dick's freedom and the ability to move for the sake of gaining all-mighty power?
Ok now i'm interested for reals.
weeb trash
Well, you were right. It looks like shit.
I don't know if it's shit or not though, but if it's by Compile Heart, most likely is. But even saying that, I quite liked some of their latest Neptunia games, so maybe they improved as a company, but I don't know, I still avoid them like cancer mostly.
over sexualized weeb bullshit
>Compile Heart
No thanks. I wouldn't mind the shitty gameplay in their games, if at least the fanservice was good. They barely can do that right so there's no point.