Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

I open up TEdit and remove the Corruption/Crimson

I open up TerraCustom and generate both the Corruption/Crimson

>not chosing both

There should be a both option desu

what a pleb

Build world: crimson
Scavenge world: corruption

>actually playing 2D Minecraft

>2D Minecraft


You can pick now? They should've just stayed with corruption.

corruption for easier boss, crimson for better loot

I want to marry and impregnate Satania

I pick Vigne, she's the best girl.

That's what it is.

>playing 2D Minecraft
also which one has the Apaches

>Implying Terraria is 2d Shitcraft

You always ALWAYS want crimson, it has by far much better drops and the pickaxe you get from the crimson boss is objectively better than the nightmare one. Also bloody knives are way better than the shit rod thing you get from corruption.

Like serious Vampire Knives are the main reason I play Crimson maps.
Ichor debuff is also way way better than cursed flames.

>generate crimson
>buy some corrupt seeds from a different world

Probably the only benefit of corruption is the expert mode drop from the boss. Worm scarf is alright but the brain drop is just useless.

ok then, let me get this straight.
Terraria and minecraft have blocky/pixel graphics, are sandboxes and have building mechanics but thats where the simmilarities end.
Terraria is a combat based game, with a diverse set of weapons and enemies and much more mechanics how weapons/monsters work other than damage, speed, critical strike etc.
Minecraft is a building based game, with various blocks, being 3D and being able to mess around with commands, machines with redstone etc. while being very easy to understand.
Saying Terraria is 2D minecraft has some kind of truth into it, but without acknowledging these differences, its more of an ignorance.

I alternate every world, but I'm starting to pick crimson more often these days.

I'm at plantera now, never gotten here before. What sort of gear should I have? I'm almost to Turtle Shell Armor, I have a Yelets yoyo and a Megashark with good modifiers, and I'm working on a black lens for the twins summon.

i go corruption because i love the vile thorn. i love that shit guys

You're misrepresenting our side, tard.
Terraria is a metroidvania in a sandbox-like world. It is centered around progression and boss fighting, not around MEMES and KIDDIE FUN TIME and OMG CWEEEPERS!!!!

Crimson, create a second world with corruption just for the magic band and the worm scarf

are you guys literal autists

Megashark with crystal ammo is the best you're gonna get, what matters most when fighting plantera is the arena. Make sure its big, and I mean really good. Go all out with heart lanterns, honey pits, campfires, and heart statues. I even do teleport beacon wiring on either ends for better kiting.
This is all for expert mode in multiplayer though. It's much easier single player.

thanks for correcting.

what do you mean

Uh huh. So there's a game about mining materials and then using those materials to build things and help you defend yourself from the monsters in the world.

Which game am I talking about here?

You can say that about both of these.
And most of other sandboxes.


I want Satania.

I want to bully Satania

Is there a mod for terraria with lore, quests, and a campaign so to speak? I find it weird how this game has a clear progression path but no lore behind it and no explanation of anything even though every boss is summoned, you don't just encounter them during exploration.

>And most of other sandboxes.
just no.

in addition to your arena shouldnt be with layers of platforms. A better option is tho randomly set individual platforms so they wont interrupt you, use them as a grip for your grappling hook instead and depend on your wings to move around.

What kind of houses do you autists make? Where do you make them?
I fucking love building cozy igloos in winter biomes.

calamity be prepared for bosses shitting out edgy quotes every 5 seconds
expeditions mod is pretty good

Straight in the center, commie blocks. Jk, I always find a one of those world trees and build a gigantic tree house at the top.

crimson lets me pee on things

Eh, Skyrim, Dragon Age, Dark Souls, it's all the same shit.
"So, there's a game where you have a wide variety of swords, ranged weapons, and magic to help you kill dragons and other fantasy monsters."

Best Minecraft

terraria, because the monsters in minecraft aren't a threat so why would you need to defend yourself?

Only correct answer is start corruption for a worm scarf then instantly delete that world and play on a crimson one instead.

I usually play with my two friends and pick a living tree that spawns in the world. My friends choose two branches to build their rooms on and I always get penthouse floor.