I want recommendations for edgy games, preferably ones that are actually good.
I want recommendations for edgy games, preferably ones that are actually good
Tales of Berseria
Metal Gear Rising
No More Heroes 1 & 2
The girl with the scissors isn't even edgy, she's shy as fuck and a generic goodie two shoes hero.
Shin Megami Tensei
That list needs some serious work. Wearing red and black clothing doesn't automatically make a character edgy.
This and Bloodborne.
It became a meme to call KLK edgy.
How is Ocelot edgy??
Once again Haseo is forgotten.
no more heroes isnt edgy at all. pls provide an example, its mainly comedy
Terry (Batman Beyond) isn't edgy. He's a chill guy in an edgy world
Haseo isn't even that bad until 3rd form, and then it goes fucking retarded.
Good game though, too bad the remake's 4th volume was only like 2h long.
It's a meme u dip
A lot of entries on this list makes absolutely no sense. I mean shit, Ragna's running joke is how NOT edgy he is.
nothing personal Ehlo
Add this
It's a joke poking fun at the "black and red" cliche.
Is Sup Forums so legitimately autistic? The list ends with a fucking b-baller.
Postal (or Postal Redux)
Postal 2
Max Payne is pretty edgy
Killing Floor 2 isn't very edgy but had pretty good gore and constant metal music
>implying Jordan wasn't edgy
Pssh, nothin personnel, Lebron
Pic related is edge personified.
Mind if I join?
how is the demo edgy?
>Vicent Valentine
All of them are just emo pieces of shit.
>Revolver Ocelot
Literally a triple agent and a confirmed faggot.
If this is bait, then here is your (You).
Not even the edgiest western loli VN.
tell me more user
faith is a family woman who loves sunshine, her sister, and hates guns
Twisted Metal Black
>batman beyond terry
Wrong Bruce was edgy he was the one that made the suit. Terry would never design the suit to look that edgy it's not his character. I would put og batman over Terry any day.
I know Ryuuko is pretty much the anthropomorphic animugirl edition of Shadow, but why do people unironically think she's edgy?
Because she's a girl, but also somehow angry
He fits the color scheme, red and black
that doesn't make it edgy
Black and red, suit uses blood to get power, uses red sharp blade, is a loner looking for revenge for her dad's death, literally has 4 episodes of her towards the end going FULL Edge, is a rebel in school and doesn't respect authority, etc......
I can fucking go on dude
It's a dumb meme.
Poor girl wears blue with red accents.
Fuchur isn't Shadman dingus.
I'll never understand how Kill La Kill is considered edgy?
Retarded meme children.
Do you morons not read this? Did everyone fucking forget the last few episodes when she finds out she's a monster? Literally becomes more edgy than a cliff.
It's inherited from Shadow.
What are games where I can play smug fucks like Nui
Its a meme based on looking like shadow.
MGR definitely
>former child soldier protagonist with a katana
>thinks enemy cyborgs are vending machines
>gameplay consists of slicing enemies to bits and ripping out their spinal cords in order to heal
>super powered repressed psychopath form he activates by turning off his pain inhibitors
Jak 2 on its own isn't that dark or edgy in retrospect, but coming from the first game that was really colorful and had a plot that was basically "stop evil dark wizards" it really stands out.
>first words of the protagonist are literally about killing someone
>works for a crime lord on the side
>super powered dark form which he got from being experimented on by the government for years
>game is T-rated version of GTA in dystopian city
New Vegas if you side with Legion, the guys who are introduced to you when you see them looting a town and crucifying its citizens because they're degenerates. You make a big part of the world hostile to you, and most their ending slides have something to do with death and destruction especially if you also off Caesar. Or you can also be a massive prick on Independent path depending on how you handle shit and the ending slides with low karma mention you doing what you did because "lol chaos and anarchy".
She doesn't need friends, has a whole arc of her learning to value friends, is a bully to nerds, constantly tells people to go kill themselves, actually enjoys pain, licks her own blood, etc....
I can fucking go on.
If you actually watched it you'd know there was a good chunk of the show where Ryuuko did become edgy as fuck.
>Enjoys pain
>Is a bully to nerds
>Licks her own blood
Citation fucking required. Not to mention learning to value friends is the opposite of edgy. No fucking wonder this meme got out of hand.
>Good chunk
It was not a good chunk at all.
>Not to mention learning to value friends is the opposite of edgy.
>Learning to not be edgy is the opposite of being edgy
Your head canon, doesn't count user. She's a goofball who loves to eat raw lemons, has a loving adoptive family whom she enjoys dinner with, has a best friend she always backs up no matter what....Oh yeah, the absolute edge of this girl!
Learn to stop thinking in black and white you edgy kid.
That would be what you need to do since you're arguing that she can't possibly be edgy at all despite being pretty edgy at several points in the show.
That girl on the right is literally Marche.
Fuck yes samflam best show.
I don't follow.
Just because she's friendly adorable cutie it doesn't mean she's not edgy.
What about this motherfucker
>black and red color scheme like the others
>entire point of the game is imposing your own sense of justice onto others because you believe society is fucked (a.k.a. literal contrarianism and edginess)
I don't really get it, can you define edgy? Is something like Dead Space edgy?
The marketing for it was edgy.
They REALLY played up the dismemberment angle.
newfags are starting to think shadman just means bad art
>michael jordan
user, that is precisely WHY she's not edgy. What the do you even think being edgy is? Wearing red and black and cutting niggas?
tense, nervous, or irritable.
"he became edgy and defensive"
synonyms: tense, nervous, on edge, anxious, apprehensive, uneasy, unsettled; More
at the forefront of a trend; experimental or avant-garde.
"their songs combine good music and smart, edgy ideas"
synonyms: cutting-edge, on-the-edge, fringe, avant-garde, innovative, original, offbeat; gritty
"an edgy new novel"
The actual definition of edgy. The Sup Forums definition is "violent, cold, sadistic, angry character who swears and dresses in dark clothing." Describing something as "edgy" is teh kiss of death, the mic drop of all criticisms, no other is as effective. Try calling Dante edgy and watch 100 dmc fans jump to his defense, call him a fag and no one cares. It is this power which is why the word has persisted, calling someone a cuck has the exact same outcome.
Azure Striker Gunvolt 2
You are like little baby.
Watch this!
I'd count him, he's definitely close to the Donte and Monsoon "snide asshole" style of edgy.
>eats raw lemons
literally one of the first things she does in the anime
Ah, it's been a while since I last saw it.