If kino had a name it would be Gael

If kino had a name it would be Gael.
Post some Gael.

I said, post some Gael.

Such a cool boss

A good user posted a vocaroo of his gael impression before

>literally Orphan of Kos reskinned to look like yet another big dude in armour

This is the opposite of kino.


Go fuckyourself whit that meme word

Ringed City wasn't even that good, it had some great moments but most of the level design was bad and the dragon boss is just terrible, I'd rather fight ancient dragon again.


A lot of enemies in Ds3 are just Kinoborne rejects, thus Ds3 itself can't qualify as Kino.

Take Farron's UnKino Legion, the second part of the boss fight is literally a copy of Lady Kino's second phase.

>DS3's DLC is j-just as good as B-Bloodborne's!

Gael is a good boss but he isn't kino. You are probably just overrating him because all of ds3 bosses are either boring or easy except for 3.

>humanoid boss
>its fine cause its Dark Souls 3
You guys would be shitting all over this boss if was in Dark Souls 2

I wouldn't call it a reskin. I'd call it an attempt to make the Orphan of Dark Souls but it was a failure as the fight wasn't very hard and they played quite differently. I preferred Manus as a climactic final DLC boss quite a bit more.

Ringed City is literally the best DLC From has made, a flawless masterpiece from start to finish. Bosses are phenomenal, level design is the epitome of Miyazaki's talent, level design is flawless, you literally haven't played the game if you don't think TRC is kino.
>and the dragon boss is just terrible
Midir is literally the best dragon boss fight in the series.


ds3 bosses are mostly great (except aldritch fuck that bullshit). They just get old after your third playthrough because the entire game’s repetitive

Humanoid bosses have always been the best, the only good bosses of DaS are Gwyn and Artorias, who are humanoid. Monster bosses are a meme.
all of ds3 bosses are either boring or easy except for 3.
Lmao, Champ Gundyr, Sully, Dancer, Nameless King, Abyss Watchers, Friede, Twins, Armour, Demon Prince, Midir, Gael, SoC obliterate everything From has done, except some BB bosses. And it makes sense, From gets better a making bosses. No doubt their next game will have even better bosses.
>or easy
This is why Dark Souls was a mistake. I fail to see how difficulty is relevant in any way. I never played those games for the difficulty. BB was the easiest for me, and yet it's my favorite, and objectively the best.

Literally not an argument. Let me guess, you think DaS is the best?

If they were truly great they would put up a fight which they dont. The only Ds3 bosses that do that are Twin Princes, Nameless king and the Dlc bosses.


>they would put up a fight
By that logic only Manus is great because he's the only DaS boss that isn't a complete joke. And by that logic Maria is shit because she is patheticaly easy.

Protip:difficulty is irrelevant, always was, always will be, and if you play Dark Souls because "omg it's the hardest game ever I'm such a hardcore gamer, haha git gud casul", you are literally everything wrong with this fanbase.

Kalameet and Sinh are the only good dragon bosses in souls however, and Sinh only because he is basically a reskin of Kalameet.
The lock-on system just does not work well at all on large monster bosses unless it's slow as shit and barely moves around, the exact opposite of Midir.

is dark souls 3 dlc worth playing? haven't played it since release, kinda want to jump in and grab the dlc but I've heard mixed things.

The first DLC is garbage outside of the final boss, second DLC is a lot better though.

>I'd rather fight ancient dragon again.
It can't be that bad

DaS2 would put 2-4 of him into one fight after a short but very annoying hallway
Prepare to die xD

is dark souls 3 dlc worth playing?
TRC is the best content From has made, and the first DLC is amazing, just very short, and has only two bosses, one of which is kinda shit. But the level design is phenomenal, the lore is phenomenal, Friede is phenomenal, the weapons are phenomenal. It's fantastic just too short.

Grab both.
>The lock-on system just does not work well at all on large monster
Then don't lock on?!?!?!?!? Dumbest complaint I've ever heard. Reminds of the retards who said Nameless King is bad because it's hard to lock on his stormdrake, fucking stupid.
Midir is a better Sinh who is already a better Kalameet. And it really feels like a fucking archdragon.

>The lock-on system just does not work well at all on large monster
but why would you need it on large monsters? They are big nigga
Small monsters are hard to find and target and hit, so it's understandable it may come in handy.

>the only good bosses are the ones I have trouble with
None of the bosses are that difficult anyways. Twin Princes and Nameless King especially have some of the most basic dark souls attack patterns: heavily telegraphed 3-4 hit combos.

>then don't lock on
Which would work if you could actually deal a reasonable amount of damage to him when not hitting the head or tail or if the camera didn't completely shit the bed anytime you got under him which is all the fucking time with his animations.
Stormdrake lock-on works way better because
1. you can actually lock on to the nameless king which means the camera doesn't spazz out all over the place even when he is swinging his head around.
2. Most of the time you are going to be infront of the drake, not next to his head or under him.
Midir being way larger and only having a lock-on point on his face makes the entire fight more of a fight against the camera than actually fighting a stupid dragon that just has really uninteresting attacks, either he swipes/lunges at you or he does a huge aoe breath attack. It's an exercise in repetition instead of an actual fight.
Again even the fucking Ancient Dragon is a better boss fight than Midir.

>Which would work if you could actually deal a reasonable amount of damage
So you're complaining that the boss takes a long time to beat? Yeah that's the point, it's a fucking archdragon. You're literally saying, "it's not baby tier like DaS, and I can't adapt, THEREFORE it's bad".
>Again even the fucking Ancient Dragon is a better boss fight than Midir.
They are easier and less interesting mechanicaly speaking, with less attacks, less things to look out for, less health, they feel like random dragons, not archdragons that gave troubles to the gods. An army of Kalameets wouldn't be scary. An army of Sinh would pose a certain threat. An army of Midir would send back the gods to the hole from where they came in a couple of hours.

Midir is the best dragon bossfight, drink bleach and die.

Can you actually read? I'm not saying it takes too long because you still do damage when you hit the head or tail, but the way you are forced to fight makes him incredibly annoying to fight because the game isn't designed around it at all.
There is literally nothing interesting about "dodge 2-3 times when he does melee attacks and run away when he does literally anything else" which is literally the only thing that happens during the fight after you hit him once or twice.
>not archdragons that gave troubles to the gods.
Midir is literally only good as a spectacle, not as an actual boss you fight.

gael more like gayl lmao

I really hope you're baiting

>when Ludwig the Kino Blade and Orphan of Kino exist

The bosses were great, but the level design was shit. 2 (two) empty swamps.

Gael has way too many phases and it gets too acrobatic and annoying to look at by the end.

Fume Knight > Gael any day

breh just saying something is great isn't an argument either

"Hand it over, that thing... your lotsa spaghetti."
"For my lady's picnic."

Old hunters is far superior to TRC. Sorry PCbro

>a flawless masterpiece from start to finish
>Midir is literally the best dragon boss
>level design is flawless

Ah yes, I do enjoy having to walk through an elevator with a secret entrance, a ladder, long hallways and deep down a hole with nothing in them to fight this one boss that may be good.

I didn't bother.

If there's something "kino" in DS3, it's probably SoC, and not some guts/artorias reference boss shoehorned into the DLCs that you encounter after going through two final fuckoff swamps

Bloodborne is better than DaS3 but TRC is better than old hunters


What's so good about TRC user
I'm genuinely interested

The visuals, the lore, the encounters, that "show ur humanity" part, those ringed knights, that motherfucking dual weilding ringed knight, the level design, the locusts, the weapons, the armors, the bosses, the cutscenes laap, the purging monument, the angels, the qt desert sorcerer, the dialogues, literally fucking everything.

just thinking about the SoC fight gives me goosebumps

TRC is horribly mediocre. 1 good and unique area (dreg heap) followed by the most disappointing level since Irithyll. 1 corridor and 1 staircase followed by another fucking swamp and some more generic catacombs. The land of missed opportunity

Even the good bosses (demon twins and Gael) can't hold a candle to the 3 great bosses in TOH (ludwig/maria/orphan)

>The visuals

>the lore
Greatly inferior to TOH

>that "show ur humanity" part

>those ringed knights
Literally fucking nothing

>that motherfucking dual weilding ringed knight
Literally fucking nothing with retarded weapons

>the locusts
They're fucking shit.

>the weapons
Fucking Beast Cutter beats them all an it isn't even the best/coolest weapon in TOH.

>the armors
No. DS3 has no good armors.

>the bosses
Midir was good, demons 2 in 1 were fucking bad, SotC was a gimmick boss and Gael is literally circlestrafe to win. Nowhere as good as TOH bosses except Living Failures.

>the cutscenes laap, the purging monument, the angels, the qt desert sorcerer, the dialogues, literally fucking everything.
Literally no.

Your taste is fucking shit.


Why you pick everything apart just to say each thing shit?

TOH is true kino. Every area has a purpose and expands on something in the base game

>area 1: shows what happens to blood crazed hunters killed by Eileen and other HoHs
>area 2: directly shows atrocities commited by healing church while trying to make a celestial emissary. also get to meet doll's human counterpart
>area 3: expands on history of gehrman/byrgenwerth and origins of the hunt


>leaves out stuff to add to dlc
Yea real nice

muh 14fps borne

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

The first phase is god tier. Making the 2nd phase the Gwyn fight literally recycled 1:1 with exactly the same music was lazy pandering to the highest degree. It's inclusion ruins the first part of the fight for me, there are just way to many multi phase bosses anyway.

To me the second phase of that fight was among the best parts of DS3 but i agree that the THIS ISNT EVEN MY FINAL FORM was overused

>50% swamps, 50% dusty churches
>both "last" bosses are the epitome of bad boss design, stupid dragon with overenflated health pool and hitboxes that take up the entire map and irrelevant generic knight guy with cheesy quote
>one boss is just another player
only good thing was the first boss

Gael posting,best posting.

"hand it over"

hella f*ckin epic quote

it was the only time the pandering WAS good
the rest of the games pandering was shit, but that was a great finale

>That reference boss is shit. But THIS reference boss is kino.
This has to be the dumbest post I've read today

>dragon boss is just terrible

To be fair, you have to be a patrician Monster Hunter player to like Darkeater Midir.


>Greatly inferior to TOH

>Literally fucking nothing
Literally fucking everything

>Literally fucking nothing with retarded weapons

>They're fucking shit.
you're fucking shit

>Fucking Beast Cutter beats them all an it isn't even the best/coolest weapon in TOH.
again, no

>No. DS3 has no good armors.
you have no good armors

>Midir was good, demons 2 in 1 were fucking bad, SotC was a gimmick boss and Gael is literally circlestrafe to win. Nowhere as good as TOH bosses except Living Failures.

shut up

>Literally no.
Literally yes.

>Your taste is fucking shit.
objectively wrong

When will people learn that Fromsoftware are hack frauds, they're literally B-tier developers and I don't mean that as an insult.

I prefer "You were at my side all along" *unsheathes katana*

kek, every time. It's not a souls game and doesn't belong in this thread. Try again when it breaks 30 fps and has souls in the title

Why are you even here?
>Why wont people stop enjoying something i don't like?