Do the Japanese actually know about this game? There is no Japanese Wikipedia article about it

Do the Japanese actually know about this game? There is no Japanese Wikipedia article about it.

Fuck off

Does this game even have a japanese version?

Go circlejerk on about your favorite waifu

No. It probably won't ever get one because fake weeb shit is their least favourite genre.

Pewdiepie ruined this game by covering it. Fuck Pewdiepie for killing everything he touches. Fuck him so much. All the normies I know and hate are now spouting shit like "Just Monika XDDDD" and "le waifu XDDD" in college hallways and I preferred if they all shut the fuck up. Seriously this game was better when normies weren't involved. Fuck normies and fuck Pewdiepie for spoon feeding them. Fuck him straight to hell. I fucking hate e celebs and they're all cancer. I want them to die right now. I want Net Neutrality to die ASAP to make these fuckers go homeless. I want their bodies hung from a rope from the top of a sky scraper. I want their bodies dropped into a volcano. I don't like the idea that they can have off spring. They need to be erased from the planet and their bloodline eradicated.


It belongs in the trash, fucking meme VN.

Didnt they like Katawa Shoujo tho?

Why do you post this in every thread?

Why do you not just fuck off to your general instead of spamming threads back-to-back?

And actually it wasn't even that well liked. It just had really autistic fans, which seems to happen with a lot of indie games.

>normies instead of normalfags

You're the normalfag, user

Uh, excuse me?

the VN could not be any more normalfag if it trie
its got youtube meme game written all over it

I don't care what they should be called, I just want them gone.

I'm not the one creating them. Answer the question.

Its your future now.

No, they probably don't

His face makes me want to destroy everything he loves in front of him, and then shooting him from the back of his head when he begins to cry.

>normalfags instead of normans

This Saxon patrician knows what's up.

I ran off the Love Live fanfags that were spreading throughout Sup Forums.
Nice to see Sup Forums following similar footsteps with Doki Doki Literature Cancer.

durr hurr, the game has a slightly bigger fanbase thus the game itself is ruined and I don't mean the community, but the actual game, me smart boy

This. Nips love Undertale.

They love shit like RWBY too. They'd be all over DDLC if it got a Jap release

Not really, there's like 10 ddlc thread a day

I just started it and for now I'm not really interested. The art is bland, the backgrounds are bland... Even Ever 17 was more entertaining at first

weird VNs always have fans

How is Katawa Shoujo weird user, it just have some cripples

Why would they care about a bad VN?

youre a special kind of faggot

>Pewdiepie ruined this game
>not MatPat
He's turning this game into another FNaF or Undertale when he'll just produce 10 retarded theories for his underage fans to enjoy.