are you going to buy her game? It comes out next year
Are you going to buy her game? It comes out next year
Other urls found in this thread:
What about her game?
It's already out anyway.
>Animation quality goes up
>production costs go up
>more world
>more characters
Yet, this last season I stopped watching at like episode 2.
>that webm of her licking a big dick
Oh wow, they actually got some proper animation in.
Now do they have proper:
voice acting
ignore her first game it's garbage
he's talking about her fighting game Blazblue CTB
story's ok
VAs are still bad
Characterization is better
Lore is still lame
Worldbuilding is there, but it's not great
Pacing is slow af
Only if I get to fuck Blake.
Mechanics look iffy as all hell and the intent to utterly casualize some of the controls don't paint the best picture for me.
Will most likely buy it to see interactions.
>her game
>crossover game
it's ragna's game, and yuu's game, and hyde's game and ruby's game
so what
Nah it's ragna's game and everyone has to share second billing
Link it pls
here you go bro
Where's the full version?
Does this show get better? I think I got to the part where the girl had revealed she was a robot (season 2?) and I just kind of got bored.
When Volume 5 started out, I would have said yes. 10 weeks into it, I can say that no, it does not get better.
Robot girl dies by the way
Sometimes in life you have to pursue what matters to you most user. You should ask yourself,
>how much is this ruby rose porn worth to me?
Only then will you find sauce
Today's episode was one of the best though, If you're referring with the so many episodes of talking then yeah that has been a big trouble for then but they are awared and even mentioned it that they will try to fix that.
All I want to do is fuck Ruby hard
Oh, it's behind a paywall, huh?
This has a virus
>Literally nothing fucking happens: the season
I have 0 hope for vol 6
>This has a virus
it's a godamn webm user, I bet you have malwarebytes, because I also got that notification, just add it to the exception
It gets better, later during V2 and V3 when shit start happening, V4 is slow as fuck since is more of a transition to the next arc, V5 has some issues with its pacing but it pays a lot when things and fights happens.
decidedly no
looks nothing like her
>goes back to safety
who /switch/ here
a casual system for a casual game
>you and your big fag di-EGO, your big fat ego
We just got done with Menagerie arc though, to be fair it paid off very well after so many episodes of nothing in Blake's home, and we are getting right into the big fight in Haven which has been shaping up since volume 4, after the whole team is reunited things hopefully will get better since that was the big issue with the two latest volumes.
can we just kill blake instead
Blake was actually great in today's episode, and mostly comparing how she has been before, if she keeps like this and continues to deliver and do shit instead of nothing like in V4, then she will finally reedem herself.
is the show any good? should I watch it?
No and no.
just watch it and see for yourself, honestly most people is very divided, but a lot agreed in that is very weak in a lot of regards and mostly see it for the characters or the action.
No and yes
No, weeb games suck.
Ruby on switch in blazblue
Hatkid not on switch (yet)
Ruby wins this switch owner.
3rd poor fag here, when it's on sale
Why do people ask “should I watch” something that is literally free? Just watch the first few episodes that are like 7 minutes long each and see for yourself. Watch in a fucking bus ride. How is this so hard?
>Literally nothing fucking happens: the show
Some characters die, I guess. Also back in Monty’s days there were some nice battle scenes.
V4 and V5 are pure fucking filler, though. There is nothing redeeming about this show anymore.
Honestly this, it was a very slice of life during the early volumes with some happenings there and there, never aimed to be some big piece of art, but after that now everyone expect every volume to be V3 when that had a lot of build on before.
I wouldn't call them filler because there's character development and plot progression. It's just that the pacing is really poor and needed a lot more action
>made in poser
Monty was pretty good at Poser, shame everyone else on the team was literal ass.
I'll give you V4 since even they said it was a transition for the next big arc, but slow pacing aside V5 has been decent, they're mostly shaping up for the big fight in Haven, also for the shitfest the Menagerie arc was at least it delivered some action.