Jet Set Radio

>proof of concept for a new game turned down by SEGA
>doesn't even elaborate why

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Not profitable

That's okay as long as they port future to PC. Which they won't.

>Absolute fucking nobodies don't know shit about making games just do some shitty fan art and people are shocked why they got laughed out of the room.

Look up the companies' pedigree, for fuck's sake.

I love to hate on Sega's business decisions as much as the next guy, but what those Dinosaur Games guys did here pretty much seems like the equivalent of
>I'm an ideas guy, and I want you guys to do this! :DD
Don't read too much into it.

lol...Jesse Sosa is a 3d game art legend but he doesn't do anything but polymodel and animate. He doesn't use next gen workflows and hasn't changed much. Just good at what he does and has aton of experience in the industry.

I'd probably be most concerned with the fact they are a small team working in the Unity without being able to push it technically. Nor a tried and tested group of gameplay designers.

What happened to that kickstarter knock-off of Jet Set Radio? Even Naganuma was supposed to work on some tracks for it.

This is one of those games where it seems like theres millions of potential customers based on what you see on the internet, a big or medium sized project is made, and then it sells a few thousand. Vocal fans are so embarrassing of anything. FYI this game came with my Xbox years ago and I played it, solid game with some annoying blaring music but there's nothing else they could do with it besides give it new graphics.

It got released

Better make 50000 shitty sonic games

Optimistic: SEGA turned it down as they are working on something internally
Pessimistic: SEGA doesn't see much money coming out of the IP and aren't willing to spend the money

At least they funded sonic forces.

need to be more carton like puyopuyo. its basically a mix of american graffiti art and chibi pop anime artstyle.

jetset isnt a stylish game.

sega is a cunt but i dont really wanna play that persona-ish jetset

>but there's nothing else they could do with it besides give it new graphics.
Hey, don't doubt the potential of the game, because you happen to be an unimaginative hack.

I'd rather them just re-release JSRF desu

It's a crime that that game is confined to the OG Xbox

Literally who

This, they made Jet Set Radio HD back then and it flopped

>we made this very basic proof of concept using an IP that isn't ours and sega said "no, we're not going to spend money and help you make this game"
wtf broos DAE hate SEGA why can't they be like the dreamcast times when they did so badly they exited the console market???

Disproportionately inflated budgets are a hot new thing now, though. Perfect time for Shenmue to make a comeback.

>It's a crime that that game is confined to the OG Xbox
You can play it on the Xbone X though.

>Perfect time for Shenmue to make a comeback.
I have bad news for you, sonny Jim.

>An unsolicited pitch got turned down
Happens all the time

>it flopped
how do you know?
I bought it in the first week on PS3 at full price without even having played it before

But Jet Set is literal a million copies franchise

what the fuck sega

>almost 2 mil owners

Game barely sold when it cames out on all platform and Sega put it on ICE + now the team is gone.

Sega was right to reject their pitch.

>Hey Sega, we want to make a new Jet Set Radio.
>Look! We made a 10 second clip of a guy on roller skates grinding really... fucking... slowly... and... boringly...
>Look! We made some non-animated character models! Watch them slowly rotate!

This "proof of concept" video is essentially a bullshot pre-rendered video, and it's a lazy piece of shit. If you're going to do something like this, your pitch should look better than the final product, not worse.

It was given away for free

>no cartoon outlines

On a more serious note I wouldn't want just any dev making a new JSR game. It would have to be handled carefully. I don't want another nostalgia grab like so many other "revival" games. It has to pay fans of the series with respect and be able to stand up on its own to anyone who somehow has never even heard of the series.

That's because it was given away for free like a year ago.

Do you guys think buying the original XBox just to play Jet Set Radio Future is a good idea?
Are there any other good exclusives that are worth getting the console for?

Thread theme:

>Are there any other good exclusives that are worth getting the console for?

Xbox inherited all of SEGA, basically.
Panzer Dragoon, Jet Set Radio and so on.
From had a deal with them and made quite a few great robot games like the one about the US president.
Various experimental games, too.

The series just doesn't sell well, never did, it isn't the first time SEGA refused a Jet Set Radio pitch, for all the fans asking why SEGA doesn't make a new one they sure didn't buy enough copies prior to make the suits care.

You should just wait for the backward compatibilty for Xbox one, the next wake is for spring 2018 & it might even be enhanced

Given away literally for free after it didn't sell a thing.

Literally over 90% of its owners got it for free, and like 70% or so, I don't remember, haven't even as much as touched it after that. This is better proof than any that nobody wants it.

>tfw I played gt 2002 more than I played JSRF as a kid
Them menu with your little garage was so fucking comfy

Maybe Sega looked into the Devs and decided they simple couldn't make a game good enough to their standards.

I have no problem with this. I'd rather have no new Jet Set Radio than a garbage one that 100% buries the series forever

That's exactly what a proof of concept is. An extremely rough and cheap thing made to show that "yes, we have the general idea of what to do, please consider giving us money". It's supposed to only be shown to publishers (they're used to these things), not the general public.

just make a kickstarter then and show SEGA it's profitable. just like how Sony made a kickstarter for Shenmue 3

Sony didn't make a kickstarter for Shenmue 3
It was YS Net & Shibuya Productions

>Sony loved the idea of a new JSR
But I thought Sup Forums said Sony wanted to kill videogames

Too niche to make profit.

I fucking hate this industry.
I would kill for a new JSR. Hell I would kill for a JSRF port.