What is your opinion on griefing in video games? Stuff like blocking certain NPCs in MMOs...

What is your opinion on griefing in video games? Stuff like blocking certain NPCs in MMOs, destroying some kids house in minecraft or shooting your own team mates in team based games and stuff.

Do you do it yourself? Any good stories to share?

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griefing is dead

>chaining her paintes
That's fucking genius.

Yeah, it's kinda sad that modern games have a tendency to overpolice everything.


Um yeah this one time in wow I stood on an npc with the mammoth mount and someone whispered “move it fatty” to me

If it's every once in a great while for a goof who gives a shit?
If you're just playing to make other people miserable then I'd say you are probably not in a good place in your life and you should do what you can to improve your situation.

"If you're going through hell, keep going."
-Winston Churchill

>overusing a taunt voiceline is enough to get permabanned now

it's not games that have changed, it's griefers
griefing used to be funny, now it's just children with pepe avatars calling people niggers until they get banned
then they come here to whine about it

I used to occasionally but these days it's impossible because I don't care to do it to randoms. I mostly did it in WoW, and with server communities being what they are (or rather, have been since WotLK), I don't actually know anybody/any guild member who "deserves it" anymore.

t. video game cop

I'm pretty sure that things like "toxic" or not playing the right hero in certain games was never an issue. Racism etc were.

It isn't funny and never was
>dude lmao I deleted all your items get GRIEFED
Where's the fun in that?

I'm about to play MH for the first time with MH4U.
Convince me NOT to use the Greatsword.

>Griefing victim detected

Her own fault for not wearing thights in a breezy day like this.

shut up baby boy

The only time I had fun griefing was camping people in Un goro, playing a druid, I would kill a full party of 50's over and over and over again, until they called the people from the zone, and then I would kill them as well, and then they would call their guild mates, and I would kill some of them until I got bored of it.

Why is no other game with open world pvp as fun as this?

In no game ever

>world of warcraft during BC
>that sunwell isle unlocks
>a few weeks later after everyone farmed reputation the vendors were unlocked
>stood ontop of vendor with a fat elek
>horde players who accidentally right click you get immediately charged by elite guards that oneshot them

A game master teleported me off the NPC like twice before banning me for 3 days. Good times.

Camping isnt really griefing though? Especially in a pvp game

it is in Overwatch

I wish there were games where you go around bullying NPCs like in the OP's picture.

Someone once chained a girls underwear to a bench she was sitting on.
So Im assuming this is based off that video.

t. epic_griefmaster27314

how? all she has to do is step out of them

What would tights change about the situation?

Exactly. She CAN escape at any time. But only by causing herself more humiliating. The only thing keeping her there is herself.

i used to have a couple of javs where guys would run up to women and put a bicycle lock/flex lock through her panties

griefing is funny when there's some aspect of out skilling the person being grief, but most idiots now just do really obnoxious shit that isn't clever at all and is usually just spamming chat/voice, it's basically the "it's just a prank bro" of video games.

Grieving is honestly a shitty thing to do.

I think there’s a distinction that needs to be made first between griefing people and just fucking with them.

Shit like bodyblocking and abusing exploits is just fucking around, and I have no issue with that.

Real griefing like getting an accounts banned or corpse camping is just shitty in my opinion.

If you’re just fucking around and being silly and some prick gets upset over it, then fuck em. If you enjoy making other people miserable, then you might have some deep seeded emotional issues


if you want to be a nuisance I suggest long sword or gunlance

Nobody cares what weapon you use, faggot. Greatsword is the de facto starter weapon for a reason.

Keep crying, your shit's still gone.


except nothing keeping her dress up, except her own hands, which she can lower one, then push the chain off her dress, and then lower the dress, and work her way out of her underwear.

the only difference is now her underwear are attached to a post.

It can be fun

I set beartraps in front of windows in Friday the 13th to fuck with people coming in through them.

lost somewhere on an old hard drive user

i doubt youd like them since one of them was specifically about messing with women on their way to the bathroom and making them piss/shit themselves

What is this fetish called I need to know for research purposes.

Oh jeez. You might be right about that.

It's extremely specific, but I specifically love dresses being tied over their head.
No idea how to even search for that.

I tried reverse image searching no luck though.

> be me on tf2
> doing that shit where a friend on the enemy team piggybacks me to get to the 2nd floor of 2fort spawn
> me as spy
> starts spawncamping in their spawn with eternal reward
> normies confused, keks ensured
> enemy team flames me in all chat
> kid sees and asks on mic, he sounds about 10
> "how did you do that!??!?!"
> hatches evil plan
> teaches kid how to enable console
> asks him to type unbindall in console
> kid actually does it
> completely stops moving, mic button unbinded so he goes silent
> only mouse movement, still body in spawn looking around
> crouch nudge him to the 2fort bridge
> enemy team gladly takes his life
> ally team starts helping us nudge him there
> do it a few times
> kid DCs and RCs to no avail
> eventually get bored
> starts communicating with him nodding and shaking his gun with the mouse
> teaches him how to rebind his mic button
> kid sobbing over mic

God damn it user, you better be able to name those videos

> then you might have some deep seeded emotional issues

When I enjoyed griefing and did it actively, I was at the lowest point in my life. When I started to recover, I looked at my "friends" who were griefing still and thought about how far I'd come and how pathetic and strange they all were. To this day, they're like 26+ years old with anime avatars and spammy memes on each others' Steam accounts. I know one guy eventually went to AA, which was pretty shocking, knowing him.

When I get griefed in a game, I think of them and just feel bad for the griefer. :( Get well soon, dude.

Love you no homo

Are you blind? Her hands are chained with her dress

Trapped panties seem to be of special interest to this artist

i gank people on dark souls with friends because i hate the pvp culture that rose out of the games

it's disgusting and if you take it seriously you need to kill yourself, or at least enjoy being gangbanged off a cliff by people like me

sorry ive had my hands tied enough times to know that doesnt hold your hands together.

Thanks, bro.

Reverse image search. Also, you might like the timestop fetish.

The chain is over the dress, and the dress is over her hands.

But at no point is there anything holding them together.

If her hands were handcuffed to the chain, then she woudlnt be able to freely move them out of this shitty attempt at binding her hands.

If you wan't to grief it's better to put a bomb in front of GS users when they try to do a charge slash.

maybe people don't take it seriously and like summoning for PvP
you should only gank on invasions, not summoned reds

what would be the name of said artist?

It's fine if you're doing it to fool around, even if the fooling around is kinda bad for other players.
But if you're doing it specifically with the intention of making someone else's time worse then it's bad.

Sure you have, tough guy.



It's fine i guess in small doses.
Griefing has no place in ranked modes.

>chain loosely wrapped around wrists


it's O.K. because the person is probably happier they deleted my stuff than I was having that stuff

I don't understand why people get off on ruining the gameplay experience of others. I understand trolling in text or trash talking in chat, but when I'm playing Warcraft 3 and some guy town portals all of his militia to my base and kills my town hall before DCing I don't understand what he's getting out of it.

I wonder what she was thinking throughout the whole thing

Now it's called going AFK or instalocking Hanzo.

>ayy lmao
>rip my vagoo xd

THAT is a contrivance, I'll grant you. You could also say she's panicking at the situation too much to think logically like that.

What he's getting out of it, is a feeling that communities like teh epin 4chanz would approve.

"Trolling is a art" Tee hee, he's mispelling an on purpose!! xD

It's like when someone quotes Game of Thrones and you don't care about the show, haven't seen the show, and you tell them this, but they know more people are not like you than are like you, so they just continue doing it. So they have a story for later. Or some shit.

I really hate that this place was set up as an edgy kid refuge because we'll never rub this stink off. I just like the anonymous bit, really. Makes the high school-esque drama sniping (the root problem of ALL forums) virtually impossible.

If you're looking to grief, charge everyone with the Lance.

>Play Ark: Survival evolved.
>Destroy a guys home
>He goes into chat and tells people what happened
>They give him supplies and help him rebuild
>Feel like a piece of shit

I dont know how people do it. Gotta be IRL sycopaths or just hate themselves to no end

its fun

>ITT: Overrated user post


And yes, everything can be explained.

>no game about a gang of ruffians that run around playing petty pranks on cute girls

I was griefed in UO when I was 12. I nearly had a hysterical hissy fit. Thinking back on this, that would be pretty funny to me if I did that.

t. blacked, cucked retard desperately trying in vain to regain his dignity by violating others

Enjoying griefing is probably a sign that you're a sociopath.

I love griefing, specially when its not part of the game one bit, finding the way to affect others when the game creators tried everything to avoid it is the best feeling ever.

It's just a game.

>It's like when someone quotes Game of Thrones and you don't care about the show, haven't seen the show, and you tell them this, but they know more people are not like you than are like you, so they just continue doing it. So they have a story for later. Or some shit.

TF2 griefing was the most fun I've ever had in a game. Also I've never finished a Halo co-op mission, and my friends all hate me for that.

big ansty fucks like you are exactly why people troll

low effort for high response, as is 'trolling' when applied to fishing, you just leave the line in the water and scoot around and wait for some dumbass fish to ignore the engine noise and bite your hook

no hungry fisherman is going to throw back a fish caught that way, and nobody looking to get a rise out of someone is going to just stop needling while the target is still seething

you kids really got fucked up by the whole anti-bullying push of the last 20-30 years

its the same as pranks irl, when ur on the recieving end you usually dont feel good

>do something
>get a reaction
>feel rewarded
ganking in wow wasnt fun until some guy got assmad and whispered you with a lvl 1 char how gay you are

I really need a video of someone doing this.


This was only possible if the guy was a total loser with 2 wow accounts

What a faggot. You realize people can pvp by summoning with the red soapstone instead, right?

Griefing Story
>playing dystopia
>1v1 because dead game
>I have silencer on and can see audio
>I just keep running away so that he can never see me
>one spectator is watching
>"This is precious."

Good lord, you dork.

I don't fall for what you think I fall for.

That's a comfy looking bus sign.

the people who do it right pick their targets, they don't just strike out at random

people responding like you describe all of the time would eliminate trolling. but there's a few kids like this vid (youtube.com/watch?v=xYB4v8uThXc) that just make it too entertaining to pass up when you know how to identify a victim

I can't even be evil in single player games.

It's because you did it behind their backs like a coward, and you need to justify your might by conscripting an army for the causes (yours).

good, you're not one of the people targeted to be trolled. congratulations, why is this a problem?

it's like saying "I don't have a cold so why the fuck is there cold medicine?"

stgggs died for our sins, remember him.