How many years before vidya has global illumination?
How many years before vidya has global illumination?
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2 years before fusion becomes viable.
You know, it's pretty sad that when you talk about the future of energy, it's still just steam power.
mgsv had global illumination
That tech is old as shit. What do you mean? It's in everything these days. Unless you've been playing nintendo games or something.
VXGI/SVOTI is the next step unless path tracing filters suddenly become genuinely good enough on noisy tracing, maybe through some really clever machine learning
Also we are already using real time GI approximations in games
What is this?
holy shit maybe the holocaust really was a lie
If by "global illumination" you mean fully ray-traced environments with soft shadows then we are two-three orders of magnitude short on processing power to get that at interactive ( 60+ ) frame rate in 1920x1200.
But proper approximations exist and are widely used.
I'd rather have a full collision detection, so items in game would not morph through each other.
Path tracing has gotten a lot better in the past few years. You can play quake 2 on a titan and the noise is much lower that it used to be.
There was also a presentation or something that showed brigades current progress recently and I believe they had it running at 720p/60fps without noise on specialized hardware, so we could see it used in a few games within the next 5 years on pc and maybe even on consoles in the next 10.
Its also possible we might see hardware specifically made for path tracing, kind of like how nividia had gpus specifically for handling physx effects.
It already does.
any specialized path tracing accelerators would very quickly be embedded in the GPU die itself, quicker than physx
also I have that quake demo on my PC
the brigade one was path tracing using a data center iirc
wtf it was her turn
Sonic Unleashed in 2008 had global illumination.
Yeah but is it real time or baked?
The only game I can think of that uses real time GI is nier automata, which is also why it has terrible performance.
How will this make my Vidya better?
When are the dev gonna put budget into ai or level design?
stop whining
many games use real time GI aproximations