Is it stable yet?
Is it stable yet?
>Inb4 muh test server
The test server version is, the live one is not but 1.0 is coming out on the 20th.
Just play Fortnite
just play the mta battlegrounds mod
So I can finally refund this shit game?
No, aiming and shooting still feel like fucking shit
The framerate is improved a lot in the test server but it also crashes a lot more, usually when trying to enter a game. But that's happened before on test servers and they address it before release.
It's close to being acceptable, I'd say now. Against all odds, it's about to launch more playable than most multiplayer PC games do nowdays, pathetically enough.
Reinstall the test server if it's running badly for you. The last four test servers ran like crap for me until I reinstalled it.
Anti-aliasing is still fucked, though. Ultra just blurs shit in the distance like some kind of depth of field effect when it used to eliminate jaggies without much blur.
If you have a dcent computer and RAM, yeah.
>But 8gb should be enough!
Fuck off, the game is pure shit, you have to get RAM if you want to play it.
This desu, it's pretty much the same thing, only thing missing is prone position. Any chance they'll add it?
It is on PC.
I have 8gb and it's fine
No. Even if they stop it from crashing, what are they going to do about 7 tic servers and lag? That'll never get fixed. Nothing like landing at school before everyone on a blank roof only to watch weapons and ammo load in finally for the guys that landed after you after you've passed them.
I have Ryzen 5 1600, 1060 6GB and 16 GB 3000MHz RAM
Am I good?
I'm actually fucking amazed at the built on the test server. Feels like a finished game. UI is better, new map is better, replays, kill cams and shit just seems smoother.
>land first
>do a quick 360 spin to check whats around to go for
>theres a pistol
>run and get the pistol
>turn around
>fucking scars and m16s everywhere that didn't load
>people who were slower to touchdown than me get them
8gb here and it's perfectly fine
Why don't most play that then?
>8gb should be enough!
Even on base game, it is. If you have 2666 or above DDR4.
Doesn't have all the servers and it's coming out on the 20th anyway.
I'm glad this game exists, keeps all the casuals contained
True. Hopefully 1.0 is as stable
>Get pistol
>Get XBow
>Guy has Scar
>Guy can't hit me for shit
>He has level 3 vest
>Hit him 2 times with XBow
>Pistol him dead
>Other guy has M16
>He can't hit shit
>Xbow him once
>Pistol him dead
Just get good my guy. Pistol aren't that bad in early game. Just learn to close distances. Use your body language to symbolize you have nothing by running away, they'll chase you. Set up shop around a corner, shoot them in the head.
Casual Containment is still CS:GO or DOTA2.
No, this is PUBG on Asia Servers.
It's honestly more Chinese containment now
Does that mean I can refund it on the 20th?
>tfw no performance mode
this is the only game right now that I wanna play but requires non-toaster specs. feels bad because everything else I play runs perfectly fine.
>guy uses more than a single clip on a guy with a hitler mustache of health
>doesn't land a single shot
literally nothing to do with servers as it cuts off before the third guy who kills pan user appears
>Controller users
It's amazing how bad they are when they can't abuse aim assist.
I love killing gooks on the chong servers.
Idk but once it goes 1.0 I'm refunding it and buying Rainbow Siege