Has Sup Forums played Furi? What did you think of it? Who was your favorite boss to fight?

Has Sup Forums played Furi? What did you think of it? Who was your favorite boss to fight?

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I played about an hour of it. After I found out I could die as much as I want without any reprocutions I dropped it.


It's a boss game. If you die you start the boss over. What did you expect?

>you start the boss over
No you start the phase over, at full health with the bosses staying at the same hp as your last checkpoint of hp bars

It's piss easy.

I never found out because I didn't die until the 2nd or 3rd last boss.

I think you're confusing lifebars with an outright game over m8, unless this is some Easy Mode option that I never experienced.

>mfw fighting furier mode Scale
I'm going to send a strongly worded letter to whoever designed this.

Do the boss fights change much? I know that The Chain changes.

Hardest to easiest:



You're almost near the end of this phase. Shame if something were to happen.

>mfw beating Star with one hp block left

God the final phase fucked me over so much. It got to the point where I could do all the preceding phases blindfolded.
>That bit where she sweeps the last back and forth
I swear it's fucking impossible to get through that bit without taking damage

I actually had a pretty easy time with The Burst. The Star and Edge were harder.

After a few deaths I got to Edge's final phase in 2 minutes without even realizing it. Learned to stop panicking and wait for the cue.

>Do the boss fights change much?
Oh do they. Attacks and patterns are switched up to make it harder, the final phase danmaku barrages in particular.

Furier mode Scale has several changes that border on unfair. During duel mode, he can follow up a melee attack with a circle aoe that requires on the nose timing to dodge, and his final clones attack has the clones having invincibility frames while charging their double shockwave attacks and oh fuck the screen is now full of death. And then there's his final barrage.

Is this for easy mode? Because it's wrong for normal and hard mode.

Is The Flame dlc worth picking up?

Did you play furi and go 'Man what this game could use is a 2 new boss fights?

Best boss theme in the game and hype as hell battle, absolutely.

I got this game for free with PS+ when it released and I felt like that was robbery to the devs, great game.

The cool old man was the most fun fight with the best music
Toxic guy was really frustrating but at least felt rewarding to beat, the invisible sniper bitch was just a disgusting fight all around.

>Playing through a short game on normal difficulty getting KO'ed 30 times is all there is to it.
>not S-ranking all bosses on Furier difficulty
Get the fuck out, casual.

The bonus boss it adds is by far the best in the game

>decide to get the song's ending just to see what would happen, so I can reload the save, kill the bitch and continue the journey
Holy fuck.
And you have to do it again at the Star if you want that achievement.

>yfw this song comes on


>getting S ranks on video games
What's it like knowing you'll never amount to anything other than living in your grandmothers living room?

You can prevent the lines from bisecting the arena by parrying the projectile that makes them as it comes out. You can also just take the hit, having a safe area to dash in likely will prevent more damage than you lost.

What. The bosses are fought in phases. You get three "lives", and if you die both you and the boss restore to full HP of that phase but you lose a life.

If you run out, you have to start the boss over.

The final barrage is really easy if you just jump quickly between the top left and top right square. They come pretty quick on furier but it's very easy to process if you just need to dodge straight left and right.
>playing casually several games like an ADHD ridden mouthbreather is superior
>that projection
I prefer playing actually good games properly, loser.

The real trick to those AoE attacks is to just swing a melee attack. It's kinda cheesy though and it also lengthens the fight because they'll try another combo instead of leaving an opening.

Invisible Sniper Bitch was a pretty great fight. Partly because its the last real fight.

After her all you get is Parry Practice feat. Boat Paddle, Child Murder the Platformer and then Danmaku in a Jetpack.

>tfw I still have a save at The Star on Furier which I haven't been able to beat

I really liked the Ganryuujima/Musashi references in that fight, but then again I'm a dirty weeb.

Beat it on Furi in about 7 hours. About an hour was actually walking around each map thinking I would find something secret after stumbling upon The Voice away from the main path. Also, some time spent exploring Earth. Favorite boss was either The Edge because I liked the rhythm of the fights and the dock dodging or The Star because it was the hardest and most spectacular.

No, you retard
You have 3 lives, every time you lose one the boss gets healed to full, same as you
When you lose all 3 the boss starts over completely

I feel strong hatred for The Song.


The Beat's theme is way too short for the godly bass riff at the end

Never finished the game, sniper bitch is bullshit.

story wise the hand made me cry like a little bitch

Tried playing it, liked theme and everything but it felt like everything had some kind of delay that made the gameplay clunky and unsatisfying as fuck. Like the dash would happen a full 1-1.5s after I used it.

I never finished it because I got bored with all that walking.

dash activates on releasing the button rather than pressing it because you can hold it down to charge it for more distance


cool game but hurts my eyes, cant play it on a big tv because its too much to focus on, havent really tried to beat it in a long time because its kind of punishing and not fun

really good overall design and music. couldve been a better game

You all beat training mode... right?



Short but sweet, great music, some very nice quotes.

Overall great experience.

>What would you do if had an eternity to do nothing but wait? Do you keep busy, do you daydream, do you freak out? He trained.

>couldve been a better game
it was made by like ten frenchmen who managed to stop sneering and drinking wine long enough to make a game

j'applause, hon hon hon

I found it kind of anti-hype that the new fight was just some dude who served on the team that captured you with The Hand (probably as an engineer even given his equipment and fighting style) that figured the best place to wait for you was the elevator to your ride.

Like, I get his beef and that's cool but if The Hand couldn't do it, what hope does he have even with his powered armor?

>He didn't blow up the world to skip The Star

Unironically my GOTY
Also I fucking love full arrange of 6:24
Especially that vocal part which comes on at 14:30 and 16:30. I only heard it ingame once during my first playthrough of furier and it took me by surprise so fucking hard

The soundtrack alone makes this game worth purchasing
The bosses were good, definitely. What I didn't like was the game being so short, and the boring (true) last boss.

bought it on vinyl and loved it
the vinyl mix is a lot more bass-heavy

I need to pick it up again and finish it. I stopped at this shooting flying chick with wings, worst fight so far

yiff in hell fags

Its a fun little game but it definitely could use another difficulty and more challenges maybe

The Song was glorious in terms of theme.
Right from the get go they make you want to hate her in every way.
She's seems arrogant, shes the one who got the voice locked, all this was her fault entirely, shes the first real bullet hell you come across.
And then the moment you step through, despite all the countless warnings you have been given that she's a siren bitch, her fake kindness is so believable that even rider himself hesitates to kill her.
Most "siren" bosses are just pretty, but the devs really pulled through with her.