Do you get your games physical or digital and why?
Do you get your games physical or digital and why?
Both. On console I get physical only and PC it's mixed. Once steam disappears I can just jump on pirate bay so I'm not too fussed but I can't do that for a console game without modding.
always physical. it feels better to have something you can touch and put on your shelf
I try to get physical copies when I can to save space on my hard drive and to add the case to my collection.
I'm a collector fag so usually physical.
Console physical, PC digital.
the positive side of the digital games is that they're instantly available on your home screen. you can switch between them in seconds. it's great for multiplayer games
Digital - I've had to purge my physical collection so many times due to moving, at least digital takes no space and is available for re-download without any fuss.
physical unless the digital version is $10 or less
Shame about net neutrality
Depends on the system. If it's a console I have, I'll go for physical. If it's for a console I don't have, I'll go with emulation. PC is different. New games I'll go with digital obviously, but if it's an older game with a physical CD release, I'll usually see if I can find a physical copy. Or I just pirate, but only for the old games.
Physical, makes no sense to me to pay as much as the pshysical and have nothing in my hands. Digital only if the price is 10 bucks or so.
20 bucks for a digital game are already too much for me.
Digital for multiplayer/roguelike games. Zelda, Mario, XBC2 etc. are all physical. Lost my switch last month though, so I will have to double dip now ...
Physical. Theyre mine. before you say anything i owned both
>Scott pilgrim vs. the world
Now im fucking terrified that someday the overlords will take everything we own digitally and we wont be able to do anything about it
also when im older, and have kids, i can sell my collection if i outgrow it, and need to for extra college fund.
Theres literally no reason to own digitally, unless you're so lazy you cant be assed to open a box and put it in the SLOT
and look, you can tell me all the reasons you buy digitally until you fucking die of a stroke, but in the end your'e a niggerfaggot
going full digital atm and getting rid of consoles. all the clutter and videogames on display in my place seems kind of childish and useless to me.
A mix of both really.
physical on consoles and digital on pc.
why? there's not really a choice on pc since 99% of newer games you have to register the game to some service and then the physical copy is basically useless. physical on consoles because i can. easier and faster for me and at the very least i can always sell or give the game to someone else and it works for them.
PC: I don#t really care. Most digital because Steam
digital for portability.
Also being able to switch from one game to another within 5 seconds is pretty handy
However I wish you could buy a box then copy the game 100% onto your system to get the best of both worlds
Why don't you just ditch gaming all together ya fuckin wannabe normie. Nothing like keeping your inner self In the closet like a fag amirite.
your collection of mediocre 7-8 gen console games isn't worth shit. unless you have some weird old nintendo games you dont actually want to play anyways (also they could be played with emulators) its litteraly just a waste of time and space.
yeah why dont you go out in the park with your weifu then you fucking weeaboo. xD
Console games 100% physical, if a game's digital I won't buy it. Consoles have a lifecycle and past that point it's a pain in the ass to play any of those games again. I don't have enough HDMI ports on my TV to keep my PS3 hooked up so all those games are basically worthless to me. This gen I'm selling my games when I'm done with them.
PC games 100% digital for the opposite reason, digital games I bought 15 years ago are still a few clicks away because PCs by design have unlimited backwards compatibility and endless storage space. There's not really any such thing as physical PC games nowadays which I'm totally fine with.
Not him but I own games on the SNES and Mega Drive that I could easily sell for hundreds of dollars each.
>Now im fucking terrified that someday the overlords will take everything we own digitally and we wont be able to do anything about it
>wont be able to do anything about it
You can start by not supporting console gaming anymore
Consoles are the last bastion of good games though.
>biggest game of the year
>24fps Xbox One
>27fps Xbox One X
>up to 240fps on PC
I guarantee somewhere in steams ToS that if their service went down for whatever reason be it temporarily or permanently they aren't liable for your lose. You're free to correct me though.
The human eye can't see more than 24 fps anyway...
there is more to my "inner self" than just gaming no need to mess up my apartment with dvd boxes. all the consoles are permanently online anyway so if that all shuts down half of your pysical games are still lost and its just not as convenient.
It's hardly the same when you can pirate just about any game you've bought on Steam. You can't pirate P.T.
You need at least 48fps for smooth motion for both eyes
I still buy physical PS2 games, because I only have a shitty laptop that can't do PS2 emulation.
>not supporting console gaming anymore
lmao pc cuck
why not sell them right now? what do you need a 200$ dust collector for? you can still play the game on emulator if you actually enjoy it.
Digital. Ain’t nobody got time to switch carts in and out.
Human eye can't see more than 12, that's why movies run at 24fps, 12x2=24, you have two eyes.
Fucking burgers I swear.
Do you own the best game on the system? Contra Shattered Soldier
>Sony literally taking games away
>b-b-but it's PC gamers getting c-cucked
xd owned kid lmao
>hundreds/thousands on a gaming pc
>only play minecraft and Flash games
if you actually belive that you are absolutely brainwashed by console marketing hype.
One of you is lying
stay salty you never got bloodborneTM
I get attached to things. I still remember how I found some of those games dor super cheap, while strolling through the city with my brother. I'd sell them if I ever really need the money.
No. I have a lot of other PS2 games in my backlog though, so I'm going to play through those before getting more. I don't really have room for more PS2 games these days.
My PC has more games than I can play to bother spending $400 on Bloodborne :)
you need 172378 frames for smooth motion user
trust me im literally an eye
Nigger just stand up and switch the disc. Sitting down for over an hour slows your metabolism anyway
Physical on console because every major console manufacturer has already closed down older store fronts and services. Meaning that if I got all 40 of my PS4 games through PSN then I'd be shit out of luck in the future, whereas my SNES is still going strong. I don't really buy games on PC because paying for a game held on a server owned by a foreign, multi-billion dollar company seems fucked if they can revoke my access at any time and for any reason. I generally spend between $5 and $10 on each GoG sale though, sometimes get games on Steam with my trading card money
Post iris
and my ps4 has more games than i can bother spending >1000 on a fucking minecraft machine
Wish I could just have both. My ps3 can barely read discs anymore and if you could somehow activate the license from owning the disc version I'd have no trouble playing old games.
what if I'm just playing one game for more than one hour?
They both are. The truth is eyes don't see in frames per second. So it's like measuring sunlight with thermometer. If you find people dumb enough it sounds like a thing.
This argument is shit, both sides are wrong, but you can tell a difference between 30 and 60 from my personal, anecdotal evidence.
please get real here there is more on pc than minecraft and thats on consoles too. just admit that you're one of these people thats too lazy to get into building a pc and for that reason actively ignores the benefits of actually having good hardware.
Unless you're playing something that can't be paused you should try to do something small every hour. Go to the bathroom, get some water etc
you can even tell a difference between 120 and 240 fps. if people would actually bother to get educated on that subject. but its just ignorace to defend consoles.
even if I tried I cant sitt down for 1 hour. there is always something happening either i get hungry i need to piss i need to take a shit there is someone on the door i need to close or open a window ....
Console multiplats are basically demos of their PC versions
>there's maybe 5 games that let you choose what framerate you play at
>less that support mouse and keyboard
I do have a good PC. I still buy multiplats for consoles because I always opt for physical over digital given the option.
actually bringing up the I have a good gaming rig but still prefer consoles meme
Do you still think everyone is so poor they have to stick to one platform?
Nobody would buy a worse version of the game just to get a dvd case
My father was a pilot and again, anecdotal evidence, but his eyes are alot better than mine and he can catch stuff any normal person miss. Eyes too complicated to break it down to a single sentence.
Of course, I always try to buy the collector edition of a game if it exists.
physical, solely out of habit.
PC is digital of course, there's no question. Switch is digital as well because it's cheaper for me. Other consoles are a mix between digital and physical.
the prefer multiplats on consoles part is just redicolous. you maybe play some console exclusives if you have a good pc but who in the right mind plays multiplats on shitty console in 30 fps and only low detail if you can play them much better on pc and what do you have the pc for if not for playing multiplats on proper hardware? wtf dude? gtfo with your bullshit
Games like Arma 3, Witcher, Total War need a very strong rig to play at >1080p. I just prefer to play turn based weeaboo games on a couch. For stuff like first person shooters of course I wouldn't even consider playing them on consoles.
you can just hook a controller up to your pc and play on the couch.
I might take a look at Steam Link but not sure if the input delay would be noticeable.
>same price
Physical, every time. It's literally more product for the same cost (the same software plus the security of an inherent physical backup in a sense) and saves money and space on system storage memory.
>digital discounted, as it should be
Depends on the discount, and the format of the game. For cartridge systems like the DS lines, Vita, Switch and such there's really no point to digital unless it's a massive price difference (like over 50% off) since you're not gaining a read/load speed advantage over say, a hard drive or disc drive and especially with Nintendo systems physical is king since they make it as obtuse and retarded as possible to transfer anything digital should your system fail/damage beyond repair. I pretty much won't even consider digital unless it's at least 30% off, since I can get 20% new games regardless of format through Amazon.
Steam sales at 50% or more off games that are a little older and already down a fair chunk from their release prices start getting attractive but again, new releases can gargle my nuts if they want $60 for fucking digital.
individual cases, if it's the kind of game I know I'm only gonna play short sessions of between larger games, it's digital, if it's the kind of game I know I can pop in and sink a few days into at a time before getting the urge to switch games, it's physical.
outside of that, I'll get Digital if there's a good deal for it.
I'm more concerned about all the ugly dvd boxes that take space on my shelfs than harddisk space. you know 2tb+ harddrives are pretty fucking cheap these days
About 50/50. I've got 8 physical games, 7 retail digital releases, and 15 or so indies
Console games often require day one patches that fix crippling problems, ie, Zelda BotW, FFXV, everything by Ubisoft, etc, so you're fucked regardless
My copy of Majora's Mask 3D was patched out of the box. Maybe it's better to buy later pressings of games.
For Switch? I'm like 75% physical with an extra 64gb sdcard and I'm still losing space fast.
Is this bait?
digital since it's a portable console.
Besides, you can back everything up from the micro sd card onto your pc.
Whatever's cheapest at the time.
My endgame is usually to buy loads of games, enjoy them, then hack the device eventually and get all the rest of the games and all of them in one place.
Don't sweat the details.