>Ace Combat 7
>MH world
>Dragon Ball Fighterz
>Dragon Quest XI
>Code Vein
>Ni no Kuni II
>Project Octopath
>New Etrian Odyssey
>Persona Q 2
>Alliance Alive
Feels good to be a weeab
>Ace Combat 7
>MH world
>Dragon Ball Fighterz
>Dragon Quest XI
>Code Vein
>Ni no Kuni II
>Project Octopath
>New Etrian Odyssey
>Persona Q 2
>Alliance Alive
Feels good to be a weeab
Too bad most of these games will be used for consolewar shitposting
Code Vein, but no God Eater 3? For shame. Not even a mention of Hacker's Memory either.
Sorry forgot about those
Too bad? That's why we have half the users here.
Looking forward to AC7 and MHW but not really fussed about the rest. Still, those two plus the games from this year I've not finished yet will probably do me.
I hope we get more info about AC7
you can't even pronoun weeaboo or weeb right you poser
Sorry weeb
what a winning design
Of course
Is there a God Eater coming up?
>feels good to be a weeb
would feel extra good if they released DQ X. It’ll bother me since I plan on trying to complete the games again in order one day.
Yeah, I hope they release it
Can't wait for MH World
>MH world
>Dragon Ball Fighterz
>Dragon Quest XI
Those three might be good.
Other I don't really care.
Not even about KH3?
>Dragon Quest XI
Will we ever get a confirmed release date besides "2018"
Probably not until like a week before release, you know how much Square hates DQ
Ni no kuni 2 looks garbage and completely misses the point. They literally refer to the world as Ni no kuni in the dub, they refer to their own world as "Another World".
They've also removed all the subtlety and subtext which imply that the world is the invention of a child as a coping mechanism for his Mother's death. Kt will bomb harder than Valkyria Revolution.
Muh lore
Can we stop posting anime girls to start a thread? This shit is not vidya it belongs to Sup Forums.
Ace combat is western...
>Ace Combat 7
Friendly reminder that the reason the PS2 trilogy sold so well is because dads bought it for their kids PS2s just because it had fighter jets in it
You forgot:
>BNHA: One's Justice
>Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker
>Gintama Rumble
>One Piece: World Seeker
Enjoy eating shit, I guess? I look forward to your angry crying wojack thread when it turns out to be gale force trash.
How can anyone be excited for Ni no Kuni 2 after how dogshit the first one was? Level 5 hasn't made a decent jrpg in years.
hell no
wtf are you talking about, NNK1 was one of the best JRPGs of the PS3
fuck off with your revisionist history xboxfag
Everything they make is Godsend you shit taste casual
Those games all sound like trash z-lock fighters.
Your loss, fgt.
You forgot Yakuza 6
Yeah Shouta is great.
>forgetting about Valkyria Chronicles 4
Also Soul Calibur 6 and DOA6 for fightan
>caring about VC after 2 and 3
especially when wearing girl clothes
>BNHA=Arena fighter with wall run mechanics
>Naruto=Revolutionary action fighting with RPG mechanics
>One Piece=Open world
>Black Clover=Arena fighter i think but i'm not sure
>get laid all the time
Feels good to not be a weeb
video games > sex
If you disagree why are you on this board
>get laid all the time
Get a load of this alpha who spends his allowance on hookers
>look how much I get laid
>I'm totally not a weeb haha
>goes back to lurking Sup Forums's video game board
Better than spending it on figurines, manga, and RPG clones
t. someone who spends his time on all that pretending otherwise
You're not fooling anyone.
what is it with COOL and /ss/?
you must be a fellow ironic weeb
what's your favorite papa franku video?
keep projecting
>Ace Combat 7
fuck off m8
you need to be 18 to use this site
>linking to Adult Requests
>not understanding implications
Are you even over 13?
Nobody in this thread is a weeaboo.
You tried linking to rules and fucked up. Just fuck off and "get laid" with your uncle again.
Wow are us weebs really like this? Maybe it is time for some self reflecting... I personally visit Sup Forums and Sup Forums more than I should and when I'm not doing that I'm watching anime or my favorite e-celebs. I really should be doing more than this with my life, it's getting old.
What rule states you can't be a weeb retard? Why would I do that? Look how stupid you seem, /r/(subject) is for reddit, where you belong.
Seriously /rules/Sup Forums doesn't even make sense. What other sites would we have the rules of? You're just that fucking dense. You're probably trolling and I'm biting because in the end you're just pretending to be a retard on a video game board jerking off to anime.
>Ace Combat 7
Won't capture the magic of Shattered Skies
>MH world
Maybe when the MH World Super Ultra Triple-X version is released
>Dragon Ball Fighterz
Looks great, but it's a Fighting game
>Dragon Quest XI
Gonna be fantastic
>Code Vein
Easily a 7/10 filler game
>Ni no Kuni II
Worse than the first
>Project Octopath
Looking to be Square's Swansong
Series died with 2, the spinoffs were just multiple nails in it's coffin
>New Etrian Odyssey
Etrian Odyssey V sucked though, they seem to get worse every iteration.
>Persona Q 2
Mite b cool
>Alliance Alive
Heck yeah, Legend of Legacy was a sleeper-hit.
Game of the year.
>/r/(subject) is for reddit
Its time you went back.
Sorry you were right. I will go back to the site I came from(you already know the one), I just don't think I belong here.
>Etrian Odyssey V sucked though
shit taste
Nice shitty (((opinions)))
What's with all the reddit posting in this thread? Are weebs really this sad?
>hated EOV
>excited for PQ2
nigga wut
>31 IPs
>redditors samefagging hard
Ruined this board. We need IDs at this rate like /v*nt/
>31 IPs
>71 posts
What's so weird about that? Fucking FFXV threads are 30 IPs 500 posts all the fucking time.
more proof of weebs being terrible
I wouldn't call FFXV a weeb game by any means. It's pretty much the complete opposite.
Can someone recommend me good gentle /ss/ doujins?
>Ace Combat 7
>Won't capture the magic of Shattered Skies
What? The gameplay in 4 was the most shallow of the trilogy, the story was good but nowhere near as good as Zero. 4 was the weakest entry in the ps2 series, and Zero was a direct improvement on all fronts
I'm not sure about complete. It does make a more unique world but definitely has some anime inspired themes
>ace combat 7 won't capture the magic of shattered skies
You have been proven wrong twice by history
What, because they talk to eachother?
>be a weeb AND get laid all the time
feels good having good genetics
also where's the /ss/ doujins, chop chop /vee/
>New EO
I'm so fucking happy we get 2 more EO games, I thought EOV was going to be the series swan song. I fucking love making maps.
>The Alliance Alive
This one I'm the most excited for though, it looks amazing and it's genuinely the title I've been waiting for for years.
SMTV looks cool too.
Yeah, I'm hyped for the Alliance Alive
>That thing to the left is a guy
Why do you do this to me japan?