ARMS thread
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Dead game
Reveal when?
Will bee xcited when they actual lee show her but this is ant surprising or un xpectwd sooo hoo kares
Post release support is pretty good.
Well so far we have this from the Grand Prix
Skip to 3:54:33
More EVO support than MVCI kek
It will probably be dead by Evo, nothing against the game but it's limited appeal is quite clear.
She looks like a villain
ARMS is fucking fun, I just wish I could stop playing Splatoon
>Those Hedlok-looking arms
Is this Dr. Coil?
Need a gif or webm of her teleporting next to Max Brass.
Yabuki said he wants to have the update out before the new year.
I wonder why they're not releasing the new character in January because with Max Brass, Lola Pop, and Misango, it was every two months. Maybe it's just to have something fun for the holidays.
Looks hype. In so fucking mad Sup Forums never wants to talk about it.
new character looks fucking tight
>Basic glove is more effective than gimmick gloves.
I think that's very fair.
new character is a semen demon
Considering her arms seem to be magnetic coils, it'd certainly fit.
I mean, it's a good game, but there just isn't much to say about it.
Best girl.
>than MvCI
That's not really saying much
Min Min should have won the party crash.
those high heels
>SJW hair and roller-derby padding
uh oh
user pay attention to the hair
it's a thumbs down
I'm just saying, I picked up on some red flags and this dying game can't take any chances.
>just had a massive expo
good one
NintenSJW strike again!
What's your name?!
Is it a fucking girl?
The game needs more porn.
The Bugster!
lmao lik ur mum
how hard was that.
>inb4 her name is revealed to be tesla.
She's the one always referred as Dr. Coil
God damn I would worship those calves.
Min Min is a futa
>tfw no cute girls since the Twintelle reveal
She is like a female M. Bison or something.
But is she meant to be the head of that research facility that made DNA Man and Headlok or stuff or something?
I feel like they're slowly building up a story here.
>helix is man-made ARMS
>hedlok is an experiment gone wrong
>the party crash is organized by the AMRS lab
>now doctor Coil
I kind of expect them to add a full story mode down the line. Would be a pretty cool way imo, adding world building first, then creating a story that happens in that world.
Also did anyone notice that one of her ARMS in the trailer seems to split up in one scene?
It looks like she has a third arm on her right shoulder. That might be part of her gimmick, or a new ARM altogether.
God I love it when games start dropping lore out of nowhere.
Like how Splatoon established that it takes place on a post apocalyptic Earth or that Springtron was made to examine each fighter's weakness.
>Also did anyone notice that one of her ARMS in the trailer seems to split up in one scene?
Looks to me like she gets a third arm when she is fully charged.
I am guessing it's like Min Min's dragon arm. But a whole third arm.
But unlike Min Min's dragon arm I am guessing the third arm is temporary and need to be recharged.
Could be interesting.
This game looks like it'd be damn fun if it wasn't dead.
Maybe I'll pick it up if it ever goes heavily on sale(doubtful since it's Nintendo)
>if it wasn't dead
It's not dead at all though. People repeating that it is doesn't make it true.
I have never trouble finding people online
Why would so many people say it's dead then? There's nothing about this game that seems like it'd make people hate it and lie about it being dead...
Oh wow. She has Hedlok arms. That's perfect.
I have more trouble getting OUT of a match because God damn the game finds online opponents way too fucking quickly.
Which is a good thing.
>Why would so many people say it's dead then?
Literally just forced shitposting. People have shat on the game since before its release and it never stopped.
Literally picture related.
It's just memes. People think that you can't play both ARMS and Splatoon, which started the shit posting.
>Ninjara's teleport
>Mechanica's hover
>Ribbon Girl's air game
>Mummy's hard-hitting heavy hands
>Headlok arm
Good lord man. I guess she's the one who created Springtron to analyze battle data for her?
>There's nothing about this game that seems like it'd make people hate it and lie about it being dead...
It's a Nintendo exclusive.
Nintendo exsclusive with wagglan and similarities with Wii sports, also the whole "It's not a TRUE fightan" thing like with Smash
Porn wheeen
I need her Tesla coil around muh dick
People kept insisting that Splatoon was dead too for the longest time. But you should know that was never anywhere close to true.
Gee... Why would so many people on Sup Forums say Zelda was shit? Maybe people are just shitposting and people actually play ARMS, Zelda is fun and Splatoon 2 isn't just a Splatoon 1 DLC pack?
Shit, that fucking sucks. I'd have picked this up months ago if it wasn't for the "memes" convincing me it was completely dead.
I'm gonna get it off the eshop and download it later today, you guys better not be lying to me.
Make a thread here when you wanna play it together, user. We need some ARMS Sup Forumseekends
No threads 24/7 on Sup Forums about a game I don't have = game is dead
I have no guarantees you'll like the game. I really like it myself and I'd argue that it's a great game.
But in terms of it not being dead, that I can guarantee at the very least.
Go ahead and try it. If it looks interesting to you chances are good you'll enjoy it.
You do need to get good at fighting game fundamentals to do any good at the game though. Just be aware of that. The AI is also pretty damn ruthless at the highest difficulties but that's also pretty nice because then you're fairly well warmed up for when you fight actual people online. Even though the vast majority of people online fall well short in comparison to the high difficulty AIs. Unless you jump up in the ranks in ranked.
But yeah it's a cool game.
Here's a tip: Main Byte & Barq to obliterate the shitters.
It's fucking dead like Guilty Gear, user.
She better have a light purple alt colour.
I just got it with my switch for 90 leafbux a few weeks back, game is alive and kicking. These new party crashes are a blast, online is always active, and they are dropping characters like there's no tomorrow.
I wouldn't be surprised if the full roster reaches 20.
she's the one holding the photo in Springtron's ending
Oh shit you're right. I wonder if she's the one in charge of the ARMS Lab.
But the skin doesn't match.
oh crap I thought that too
>yfw it's actually Twintelle who's secretly a Springtron fan
Dark skin is used as a metaphorical representation of evil in Asian countries sometimes. That could be why her skin is shown as dark in that image when it's actually light in game.
Will there be updates next year too?
at least a year's worth
>responding to obvious bait from a barneyfag-tier autist
No amount of last minute lore dumping is gonna save the game from dying though. Another reason FGC is not interested in ARMS (besides the puddle deep, ""'streamlined""' fightan mechanics) is because FGC does not give a fuck and does not feel attached to the paper thin characters and fuckall world building.
Why did you shoop those boxing gloves onto your portrait?
>last minute
nigga they've been sharing this since its inception
Do we have a date for when the update drops?
>ARMs is getting better updates than OW without microtransactions
>1.0 was Springman vs Ribbon Girl
>2.0 was Springman vs Max Brass
>3.0 was Ribbon Girl vs Lola Pop
>4.0 is Ninjara vs Misango.
I assume 5.0 should be Mechanica’s, but personally I think either Helix or Springtron would make more sense
Nobody is saying it has the deepest lore, it's just nice having some depth to the characters.
Why are you so angry user?
I'd imagine it being ARMS Labs related somehow.
>"Nubodyies seyin' eet has da deepes' lore, eets just nice huving some depth to da chracta's."
>"Why are you soh angery anoon?"
most probably next week. i doubt they will go for a christmas release
It’s a damn shame that the male cast barely get any lewds or fanart itself.
They are Dragon Ball Tier of Husbandos, and funilly enough they get the same poor fanbase treatment too.
I've seen plenty of gay art though.
thanks doc
>the male cast barely get any lewds or fanart itself
Snakeman, Toothpaste and Ninja get plenty. Mostly the later two.
Brass too.
Max Brass has just a few in comparison to the Vanilla spring, and none if we compare it to any girl from the game