Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumskend

Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumskend

Ya beat me to the punch!

hard mode: don’t mention double trouble


I'm rooting for the robot duo.

what game is this

argumon server when

team isGREAT



>Whizzbang the Three-and-a-Halfth
Mah nigga.

Would he count?

Hot take:
WC is the only engine in which healing is any good.

We need BOYHECOMIN added to this now.

Argumon's super secret mode.

Project 01
Crazy House
Team isGreat
The Spirit of Christmas
Objects Uprising

I just made this

That well vermin, whizzbang and the vermann vs machine factory

Post new vermin

The pressure of hosting is probably great because of the hate they get. Consider any mistake any host has made at any point. VFC still gets grilled over Warfag vs. Fagwhale.

My boy

my team but also Crazy House/Mechanimals/The Spirit of Christmas.


so when is the christmas tournament?

post brush settings

god bless robots

For that Evol vermin thing.

Next weekend.

3px binary

find a flaw i dare you

Next weekend

Next week

I want to cash in on this slumbergeist/scroogie craze
If i were to draw another big painting thing what should it be?
hard mode: no bara

also don't count this one it was just an ebin shitpost

My first Duel Tourney specific vermin

3px curve/line tools.




the ultimate battle of the memes
/OUR/ vs NUT

NOTE vs Null

Popssi sitting on a chair

Does the Joker card remove all other Jokers and replace them, or does she only have the Joker card if she didn't beat anything yet?

metal reptiles vs psy guys

Avast, ye scallywags!

I be gonna needs every single one o' ye t' do draw yer 'mins as Pirates! (or any landlubber from that time period)

Me gonna be acceptin' all kinds o' Deckhands and Buccaneers so get drawin' mateys or ye're gonna walk th' plank! ARRR!

The former after one is used. If she hasn't beaten anything then they just stay.

>drawing two of the hardest teams to draw in the same picture
Do you want him to fucking die?

Uhh statted it
I wonder how he's doing in Mooks v Bursts.

It is a high level challenge for a high level drawfag.

Remember that butte is actually good at art but he just shitpost.

Progress has been made.


sure i guess
need two more
sorry trixie, too humanoid

What programs do you use to draw your Sup Forumsermin? Do you go full mspaint, or do you use a different program?

>he uploads to the booru with an account
wow gay

what is that

MS paint or DIE!

I use Piskel for anything serious
MS Paint is for anything else/big projects

Sai but only using the binary pen to keep the aesthetics.

A joke picture.

Clip Studio, used to use SAI

Paint.NET mostly but for quick shitposts I use MSPaint

MS Pain only

I'm an MSPaint purist fo sho, but I recently picked up for the purpose of doing transparent models for Argumon

Here you go, I guess.

Correct answer

Clip studio with a no-antialiasing brush.
3 px to keep that MS Paint aesthetic.

Alright, that argument seems sound. i'm taking this.
also, thanks user

so no one actually gave me any feedback about is this is over/underpowered yesterday, hoping for some feedback today
just mspaint mostly

>MS Paint cockfights
>Not using paint for vermin
Fuck off. Use Notpaint for fanart keep the vermin the way they should be

it's too mini in its first form and too mega in its second form

The best of luck to you.

But I just said I use MSPaint

I mean, seems fine, the abysmal accuracy makes up for effectively having no particular weak points otherwise.


Good luck, my dude.

so do you want me to draw my team or your team

I've finished this radical fusion, any thoughts?

MS Paint, since my tablet doesn't work in any other programs. I fucking really wish that I could draw in one of the better programs


Not radical

should i give up n my engine?

Is pretty cool.

>for quick shitposts

still need 1 fukn min
entirely complete originality


this is way too good
fix the skareboard/pot thing, add some shading to it

draw thy team


nah, unless you're oathost, then yes

who you be

But I still use it


Show your engine.


even the creator of Sup Forumsermin doesn't use paint.

>tfw no one replies to you

I'm oathost, should I give up on my engine?


I'm oathost, should I give up on my engine?



