>airport security
Airport security
To catch a terrorist you must think like a terrorist.
Makes sense
Best kind of persona
Since when did Sup Forums have desert-fever this bad?
90% of HP2 threads are about this girl.
I'd like to talk about Jessie, but she's now depressing and the hack fraud writer probably will not let me waifu her and cure her crippling depression.
>Hobby: Drinking
Goddamnit. I want to exclusively waifu her because it upsets me.
They're Sup Forums threads. Notice how everyone is immediately drawn to >airport security
She's the new fan favorite I guess. I think it's the mix of the attractive design, hilariously edgy description, and the general taboo factor of a Muslim girl. Put it all together and you have a winning combo for grabbing people's attention.
>Shoes: Flats
>Shoes: Flats
>you like politically incorrect jokes? You must be a nazi
Desert-girls are the only ones worth my time, and Sup Forums aren’t ever gonna stop me.
Their office will get bombed
Anyone have the reverse version of this where it's an alt-right dude in disguise? I wanna have them both.
The sandnigger was also the best girl in 1
i hope huniepop 2 will have feetsies
We're just here for the fucking hijab porn/lewds you fucking neogaf shitter
The whole hijab fetish is similar to nun fetish, at least I think it is
she was a pajeet
Desert girls are okay. Desert guys are not and we import mostly guys.
Were gonna need more posts of cute Hijab girls so that we can be united in dick
I just want Beli properly announced.
>doki shit
>hunie shit
If it's western it belongs into the brunable trash.
koons is an honorary jap though so huniepop is basically japanese
Weaboos are starting to get better at making weebshit than Japanese themselves.
Why indeed?
ah yes an enlightened centrist
how's that net neutrality repel treating you?
what arcana is that
please god don't let off-color jokes become a Sup Forums-exclusive thing now
How's Verizon's dick treating you Pajeet?
Beli best girl
I don't understand why it's a good thing it got repealed in the same way I don't know why it's a bad thing. From what I gather it hurts corp giants, but empowers smaller businesses like Comcast, who can be equally shitty. It's like trading one master for another. Might be awful for rural areas that can't select their ISP.
I don't get it. I don't live in a country with arabs.
Je suis HuniePot soon.
Is he the most /ourguy/ sonovabitch in the entire indie game scene?
How's Tyrone's dick treating your wife soyboy?
> From what I gather it hurts corp giants, but empowers smaller businesses like Comcast
isnt comcast the biggest ISP in the country? how is that not a 'corp giant'
post best grill Beli
>smaller businesses
Pick one
Well, when I think corp giant I think things more like Google, who was pro NN.
please explain
>smaller bussines like comcast
I hate Sup Forums faggotry but you're being a bigger faggot for being offended by a joke, fuck off
I almost couldnt continue the game after getting her sex scene.
what? the image?
as far as ISPs go they are tiny compared to comcast, thats why they want NN because otherwise big ISPs control everything
>This is actually happening to Hitomi Tanaka right fucking now
and Hitomi Tanaka isn't even that old
I don't get the reference to the image either
>small companies
Sorry dude, they are 31 on the Fortune 500. They got empowered so they are going to fuck you in your neckbeard neighbors ass and then put it in your mouth to clean off.
It's some doujin about corruption I guess
Desert guys are raised by Desert girls
the image is from a ShindoL hentai where a girl makes a series of bad choices and she ends running from home, becomes a prostitute, loses her child and aparently dies in the process, those are both her first and last image of the manga
Look up Shindol. You'll know when you've found where is from.
There are other Shindol girls you could be.
man she looks like Rin as well, I guess he had good taste
>Cup Size D
>Not C4
HuniePop devs missed out the chance to pushing this joke further
>current year
>unironically being american
Why is he popular, his art is ass and all of his doujins are fetish fuck fuel. We need quality vanilla again bois.
>all of his doujins are fetish fuck fuel
His best ones are vanilla, moron.
but his most popular ones are gross as fug. cmere gibe kiss
>He doesn't know
Read barrier free or fragile and tough.
Hell even the NatGeo one
>Her birthday is the day after mine
>2 inches taller than I am
And desert guys. And if they are not, it's typical single mother shittiness, universal among all races.
I need more stats about children with desert moms and white/east asian dads.
>united in dick
saved for Sup Forums posting
Very inspiring
there's nothing hotter than seeing hot muzzie women getting fucked
this way this guy draws dicks is fucking gross. these dark meat rods are going to make me vomit.
Honestly? Very heavy-handed and poorly done. Most of the drama is plainly forced. Like, shit not even people in 3rd world countries usually act like this.
I mean I get it, yeah, there's some people in the world who just don't care about anything and can probably do most of the stuff you see in this manga, they make headlines here and there, but thats the point - SOME people.
This entire story felt like literally every single character was a psychopath who wanted specifically to make the girl suffer. That is just not good writing, none of the characters were believable despite all of the people I see fawning over how "oh so realistic" it is. You realize dark and edgy doesn't necessarily equal realistic, right?
>smaller businesses like Comcast
Some of it is kind of grounded in reality. Kidnapping girls, getting them hooked on drugs, and turning them into prostitutes absolutely happens. Most of the other stuff though is generic porno garbage.
>Sup Forumsack with desert/jungle/yellow fever
>stormfags think I'm legit on their side
>mfw in reality my politics are just me playing out my BLEACHED kink
If you ever wanna have a good time on Sup Forums, start shilling BLEACHED/COLONIZED/BWC memes and watch the stormfags lose their shit. It's fucking hilarious watching the protracted autistic meltdown.
I masturbated to Mia Khalifa many times so thst didn't help things.
ok fragile and tough was cute, but thats surely a one off thing wth Sindol right. Everything else im seeing with this guy is fetish fetish fetish.
ShindoL will release a better game before this fag ever will.
I mean, the whole thing is clearly a joke.
Cool jew nose
Like I'd ever wife a bitch in the first place
That girl is not a thot though, she only had sex with her childhood love
Shitburin is even worse than slut, though. She can't sing either.
>smaller businesses like Comcast
This is bait.
No one is this retarded.
Nah, Comcast is decently small. Hadn't even heard of them until like last month.
I love the Japanese posters. I should really lurk Sup Forums once in a while.
>naked tits look exact same as when clothed
Kind of lazy
>womb jutting out of clothing
its like its reaching for dick
Anyone else disappointed by the new girls so far? I hope the hidden characters are better.
I like the designs, but I hope they aren't all too exaggerated. All the characters in the first game were cliches, but they had depth.
Yeah because they're just getting to your area. Where Comcast isn't, Time Warner is. Comcast owns NBC and is a gigantic company. In some parts of the country they have a damn near monopoly because it's all that exists.