How do we save jap games from this misery
Why does Sup Forums act like they're not ironic weebs even though they start most of these terrible weeb memes?
If you see someone using that you can automatically call them noobs.
By not having English releases. Then only true fans who learned Japanese will be able to enjoy them. All you other plebs can fuck off.
What's wrong with VLC?
It's a fairly popular media player, and that's enough for some people. Clearly, the more obscure your software, the more people you can look down on for not doing the same thing.
Most of these just got reddited to death. Just like every other fucking meme that doesn't die faster than dole dippers.
nothing. just a contrarian meme.
This is a community issue and doesn't affect Japanese game development.
Why does Sup Forums hate Mizuryu Kei?
Does reddit even like anime? I heard anime got banned from their front page or something
/jp/ and Sup Forums pioneered ironic anime shitposting until eventually it spread and wasn't ironic anymore.
Tragic, really.
Close youtube and convince Lost Pause to find another hobby
Perhaps send him to South Africa to work cleaning sewers
Too NTR-orientated, probably.
When I say reddited, I mainly mean been passed around the net so much that they no longer mean what they meant when they were created. Reddit is just the go-to for blame right now. I don't actually know what hip new sites kids trade memes on these days.
You mean youtube and facebook, right?
name one other player that can do video, music, stream net radio or livestreams, all in one with no hastle
Better question would be how we save Sup Forums from you constantly making these threads that have nothing to do with video games.
Ironic weeb is a newfag meme that is completely obsolete, because it implies that:
>there are unironic weebs
>weeb is not a demeaning term itself
Annoying people like that existed since the dawn of time and people usually called them normalfags or just weaboos.
no one cares, why don't you go there.
It was likely included in the image for the sole purpose of giving you that "Oh shit, this applies to me" feeling
but he brought it up
Ironic weebs are like weaboos in the original meaning of the word (ie. behaving like retards, spewing Japanese words at random, pretending to know anything about Japan) except they do it ironically to appear funny and fit in.
Just like the "lol I'm such a nerd XD, the cake is a lie" retards
>shove hobby everywhere
>branded clothing
Looks more like they're what normalfags think when they hear you watch anime or that guy you see in parodies or American live action, so you're mad that art imitates life?
normies use windows media player, you only have VLC if you want to watch subbed anime
>current millenium
>not using potplayer
more lewd
I love love live lads
What's the irony in that?
They were always just called weaboos regardless. This phenomenon is nothing new, so why coin a new term?
That they think they're not pathetic
>muh sekrit club
Because weebs didn't pretend. They were retarded, but did it sincerely. Ironic weebs and nerds do it to stand out and be quirky and lol so funneh on youtube and facebook
There's a difference.
The sekrit club is only bad for those (like you) who aren't part of it.
>trump's son is a weeb
>bin ladin plays ff7
>pewdiepie plays ddlc
>suddenly jap shit became hot shit
how do we save our secret club guys
>bin ladin plays ff7
Leave it to me
Stop making this bait thread.
>it's a "i just started watching anime in 2014 but need to make up new buzzwords for something that's existed in the mid-90s to feel superior over people who started watching anime in 2016" thread
You've read any of his doujinshis, you've read all of them. Every time it's same sluts, same faces, same outfits, same fetishes, same scenarios, same over-the-top-retarded ahegao he's putting everywhere so it loses all its meaning after second page. It's just lazy, effortless, and becomes boring really quick.
>he doesn't like rhythm games
Why fix perfection? People like it, what's wrong with that?
This is where I was at with Asanagi and Shindol 5+ years ago and time hasn't sweetened it.
Nothing. But Sup Forums have completely different tastes.
But where does irony fit into it, do they deny that they don't enjoy that shit enough to try and mimic what they see with the community?
Just feels more like the next generation's shit than this stuff I keep seeing reposted.
>actual people have the mindset of
Does it really matter what weebs think? I doubt Japan cares all that much.
>Kill la Kill
>One Punch Man
>Persona 5
None of these things are ironic weeb tier. They are entry tier at best to being a weeb. Might as well classify Naruto, One Piece, Final Fantasy or literally anything popular from Japan ironic weeb tier if that's your definition.
>Kizuna AI
>Youtuber in the top right
>Maid Dragon
>Shitty music livestream
>MAGA anime
All of these are correct because these attract individuals who have no interest in Japanese media other than to meme.
Japs care about their own market first. Some exceptions exist but no one thinks about overseas as much
thats the case with literally all of these porn drawers though, atleast mizuryu kei has some varied scenarios and characters and shit, this fucker raita draws the same shit every single time with his stupid magical girl characters
>Mizuryu Kei switch to oyakodon train
only this applies to me
What does pepe have to do with weebs?
It's inferior in picture quality especially when upscaling/downscaling to other players/renderers like MPC-BE + MadVR or MPV.
So people will sneer at you for using it because Sup Forums is inherently elitist (not a bad thing imo).
you speak as if real weaboos are better
Joyce would be proud. My sides.
>how do we save jap games from this misery
It used to be worse. If you can find a thread on Sup Forums where someone says anything good about it someone will immediately start dumping dozens of clips of artifacts and datamoshing.
>people actually think the West is the reason Japanese media is the way it is right now
wew lad
>people think that the current state of Japanese media is a modern problem and didn't begin in the late 80s
wew lad
He also had Bible Black on his computer.
He can't. Vlc is great, it just fucking works. It's just a way for people who don't know what they're doing feel superior for using media player classic even though it's shittier.
this isnt "ironic weeb"
its just the new generations of weebs. nu-weeb, neo-weeb, call them whatever you want.
you just get old
But user it is the west's fault.
>most western games shit the bed either from SJW influence, microtransactions, or just being a bad game
>people search for alternative
>people act surprised when japanese games popularity soar for being good
America and the rest of the western world have no one to blame but themselves.
>But user it is the west's fault.
Fanservice was just as prevalent in Japanese games then as it is now. It has nothing to do with the West. The only thing that's changed is the popularity of Japanese games, not the content.
The west is becoming more powerful as more and more japs spend all their money on mobages, rather than traditional vidya
Casual games have almost always dominated the Japanese market, don't kid yourself. Thinking Japs used to exclusively play 10/10 JRPGs and not whatever was cute or casual is just as dumb as thinking Japs used to exclusively watch manime and seinens when moeshit outsold them even then.
Oh. If we are talking about content then yeah that goes way back. I thought you were trying to argue the west's shortcomings wasn't responsible for their rise in popularity here. My mistake.
Wasn't the reason JRPGs even sold so well in Japan because they were easier and less confusing than their Western counterparts?
>Tfw you live in the middle of nowhere
I knew it would pay of at some point
What the fug did Montana/North Dakota/ Wyoming do to deserve those black dots.
Not a burger, but those are wheatbelt states, right? If so, they're a target because of their importance for their food supply.
jab gemu need chenge
This is so young it hurts
Is this how leftism loses in the end? It just gets nuked out of existence?
All the leftist gathering places get killed even in the 500 warhead scenario