What's on your wishlist?

What's on your wishlist?



I want it to be true to the tabletop, and I want polished gameplay that in the Witcher.

piles of useless crafting shit inside every crate and trash can & color coded loot

next year's gonna have some crowdfund kino
battletech and deadfire specifically

cop job

>What's on your wishlist?
For Cyberpunk 2077?Big cyberpunk tiddeys and cyberpunk degeneracy!!!

piles of scrap electronics would be pretty cool if you can spec into turning it into useful items


Character creator that lets me make cute girls in fashionable outfits

Netrunner easily

Vampire Blood lines with Hot cyber babes and 2deep5me meta plots

>Making me pick just one
That's cruel. Probably nomads, they would be most similar to pic related.

Anything other than Solo and Cops sound like shit

A NOmad or a Techie.

I want a fully realized aug industry with multiple tiers and sidegrades of limbs and body mods you can swap out throughout the game.

My time has come.

I am too hyped.

In-depth character customization that lets us shape our appearance and personality in notable ways.

And a densely interactive city with fleshed out quest-lines and characters that makes exploring random clubs and alleyways feel worthwhile.

I want this so badly. I want to get a cool cyber arm whenever I want to.

they probably will have that. It will be like +0.4% crit chance or something equally banal

Nomads easily

Summed up what I want pretty nicely. Unfortunately it's probably not going to turn out this way.

Writing for random NPC's done by whoever wrote VTMB also the composer aswell.
Good character creation
Melee combat that's good
Mobiltiy of some kind, jetpacks, grappling hooks, sticky gloves, etc...
Sick augmentations like spikes that pop out the back or lazer vision
Wanted system like GTA 5 where the longer you are chased the harder it gets with flying vehicles and mechs coming

Yeah, but I can dream.

a game

That's all we can do right now, user.

>Mobiltiy of some kind
I really wonder if they'll do this. There will for sure be hover cars. Also makes me wonder how many of the buildings making up the cities will be explorable/interactable.


a Ciri sidequest.

Can this just be Akira the Game?


>There will for sure be hover cars.
I feel like if it's anything like the Witcher template that they'll keep any vehicles you can use out of heavily populated hub areas.

Unless it's like Omikron where you could hail a taxi for a bit of fast travel.


>Xcom with robuts

>Heavily populated hub areas
That's going to be near impossible assuming they make the game one or several giant cities.

Didnty they just finish the engine?

I doubt we'll be able to talk to every NPC. Just spraypaint a few punk-rockers with randomized hair/clothing colors and let em walk around.

as long as they don't go overboard like witcher 3. It got out of hand with all the rope ladders and ladles

they switch over to chris roberts star engine

Are you kidding me? The Fixer life is the best life

Cops. Duh.

I'm going to buy it even without the steam sale. The last thing I did that for was XCOM2. Not even out of the tactical element I just really like a good rpg. XCOM is simply addictive and fun to play. OP is the only other game on the list but I'm ready to be disappointed if something happens to it.

Psycho Squad. Fuck you other civies.

Fixers Inof brokers

Netrunner. Easy.