See /vg/

>see /vg/
>search "Mega Man General"
>0 results

I remember that general months ago
They had resorted to discussing donut steels like it was a fursona convention
Good riddance

>starts thread with Roll
>not Ciel

time to die dumb nigger


You think there'd be a hella-active thread with 11 just being announced. What happened?

Its a robot, it can be any color you want

back to tumblr

Yeah most generals turn into shit over time

The only general I can think of that didn't is the roguelike general and that is largely because the genre keeps retards away naturally and that the posters are extremely hostile to retards coming in wanting to discuss binding of isaac/rogue legacy and other casual pretend '''roguelikes'''' and so the retards are immediately forced out, kind of like how Sup Forums used to be actually

There was when the game was announced weeks ago.

wowsers dude chillax


Roll mating_press nakadashi instant_loss_2koma size_difference

Roll is a set robot

They've run out of things to talk about.

So fucking make one.

That was like a year ago, and we stopped doing it because we realized how cancerous it was.

megaman / roll thread

do you want her playable in 11 ?

We were literally shitposted to death, and no one out of the old group wants to even bother starting it back up again. Discord ate another community, because that's where they migrated.
Someone jumped the gun and made a new general the day after 11 was announced, and the shitposter immediately returned and shitposted the thread to death. When the bump limit was reached, a new thread wasn't made and that was the end of it, again.

That's why there's no /mmg/ anymore.

sounds shitty

Chose death over cancer?
Good for you

What was the shitposting about

How do you shitpost a megaman thread?

the same way you shitpost any other thread, I would imagine

The same way you shit post anything else.

Inafune was a mistake.

I want to hug her.

I want my own roll robot and let her known she's the cutest little sister I'll ever have

This thread didn't even hit 100 posts, and you expect a general to survive?

This. Megaman isn't truly reborn yet. It needs MM11 and more games to be alive again.

I want to be_ her.