Catherine Follwup

You ready for Golden Playhouse 2, Sup Forums?

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It like Atlus was trying to combine a guaranteed failure of a puzzle game, with a cinematic experience, in order to sell the shitty puzzle game.

Catherine is shit

>Catherine was on PS3 and 360
Please come to Switch

>Atlus pushing competitive Catherine in Japan now

It's happening.

The puzzle game was awesome though.

I wore that shirt on a casual Friday at work and got sent home because my female manager thought it said rape.

Can't really blame em, I had to take a good long look at the shirt before I realised what it was saying.

Keep begging Switchfag

t.hasnt played the game

Oh look, Atlus proving once again they lack creative control and need to make every game in to a series.

Is this really fair when you consider just how many series are under the megaten umbrella?

>shin megami tensei (mainline)
>devil survivor
>digital devil saga
>devil summoner
>jack bros

and more.

No, the game was an experiment, it finished, the story was told. Not like it was a mega seller or whatever, many people didn't even give it a chance because it was a puzzle.

The only thing that could happen, is a switch port. Doesn't cost much, and should run well.

Pretty sure all Catherine events are just run by fans.

>switch port
Not happening

I enjoyed Catherine, but it does not need a sequel. Besides, the team that made it are working on Re: Fantasy now.

This game has the most hittable, irritating, whiny wish fulfillment mc I’ve ever seen in a game. Christ I want to choke the shit out of him every time he makes that bug eyed face

but this time, the game will be an official part of EVOjapan.

they should make the game separate from the Catherine storyline for single/multiplayer, basically Rapunzel DX or something.

The gameplay of Catherine was so good that it became a competitive game on its own in Germany.

You know they will. There isn't a single game released nowadays that isn't BEGGED for by Switch owners (who are already drowning in ports they won't even play)

I have this game sitting in my cabinet. Is it good? How's the gameplay/story?

Both are great, play it.

>popular PS3 title
but Catherine was on 360 too

If you’re a weeb with no standards for storytelling and love to self insert as the protagonist you’ll love it. Otherwise it’s a shitty puzzle game

I think it's safe to say a Switch port would not be left out at this point.

Both are great, just be ready for the Atlus difficulty.

I remember in the Golden Plahouse event hearing about that red afro woman being at the center of the game. Oh yes please.
Gimme Cathy 2 now please !

The first one is a masterpiece of action-puzzle game, and anyone who has the platinum trophy knows what I'm talking about.

Catherine doesn't need a sequel. Just give us new stories and characters set within the frame of the Golden Playhouse show

Say it says rave, and that the heart is a V. Hell write a goddamn V on it with marker if you have too.