ITT: scams

ITT: scams

Other urls found in this thread:

It's not fair, it's not right.



Any early access game (especially as we all know, those with open worlds, crafting, and procedurally generated content)
Any game that uses the Unity engine
Any AAA release nowadays that has multiplayer
Singleplayer games with less than 40 hours of content
Games with repeating missions
Nier Automata
Visual Novels
Payday 2 (gameplay-affecting DLC)
Rainbow Six Siege (gameplay-affecting DLC)
Season Passes
"Game of the Year" editions for games which did not even deserve a GOTY like Fallout 4
Telltale Games series
Pre-rendered or rendered in game engine trailers
Any game that uses a rap song/ Eminem song in its trailer
Games in a series that typically uses numbers to denote sequels but a particular entry uses a subtitle instead (Mass Effect Andromeda)

>Any game that uses the Unity engine


name a single good unity engine game

endless legend

trimming gold armor free PST

>There are deluded fans that think there will be another update

Game of the year editions pretty much just means "all in one" anymore. That's all I've ever taken them as. A lot of the rest is just a shitty opinion but I can't disagree as I'm even more pessimistic and jaded



literally who


It'll release any year now...their last video said its vaporware if it doesn't come out in 2019

>Game of the year editions pretty much just means "all in one" anymore.
did fo4 have anything?
i've always seen it as "this was popular and/or we wanted to sell more of it so buy it since we're saying it's good"



Oh man this was probably my favorite disaster to follow.
>People unironically thought a couple of youtube letsplayers could make even a half decent game

>they made up to their customers by giving them keys to another early access scam that failed

what it's just 4 years late

Which one was it?
That's hilarious if true.

Their art guy has several-hour long streams three days a week where he's working on the game and gun's.


I am fully aware of how stupid and awful this decision was and have been constantly reminded of it by myself and others for over 5 years.
please no bully

you're a dumb nigger

>dropping that much dosh on fucking homosuck

its okay user, you're in a better place now

Goddamn I remember first seeing this and thinking it could turn out to be an awesome game.

I think they called it Pipboy edition but yeah, it got a GOTY release just like Fo3 and F:NV

Also amazing how quickly people seemed to have forgiven them

>They've added some of the features promised at launch over a year later, gg!

The comic had yet to have gone to total shit and I wanted to support hussie.
I quickly came to find out just how bad of an idea was, and that was BEFORE him spending egregious amounts of money on a penthouse in NYC and having half the money being stolen by the odd gentleman to fund the new kings quest games.

Did the game even come out or did they just release the demo?

>bropak pro
What the fucking shit did you even buy?
I'm cringing just from reading that.

>how quickly people seemed to have forgiven them
More like howeveryone forgot about this game and never went back to check out the new stuff.


An art guy shouldn't be working this late into development. Those guys are usually the first to finish so if he's still doing stuff that means the game is nowhere near finished.

What's there to scam? Isn't it just a full priced title?

>violated their contract with Crytek
>getting sued for clear breach of contract
>next day they start seeing plots of virtual land

Biggest scam around

well, at least we learn from our mistakes
hindsight is 20/20 after all

shitting on NMS was an easy target anyway, you should know better than to fall for marketing hype

Well first the game went from a 3D adventure game to a 2D walkaround
Then the game was split into two parts
THEN the game was split into 8 parts
The first part came out a few months ago and it was as bad as everyone expected it to be.

The game is the game, the rest is merch. I didn't have the foresight at the time to realize they would just sell all the merch normally later on, as getting that is the majority of the reason as to why I spent so much.
At least the merch itself was mostly good.

This looks like Minecraft.

I don't get it. What's the difference between this and minecraft supposed to be?

>xbox one announced
>literally an NSA box for the living room that can't even play used games
>jk you can play used games
>no man's sky's devs and sean murray completely silent
>oh i guess we fucked up lol
>battlefront has no maps
>it's okay guys, battlefront 2 has more maps
>lol loot boxes oh fuck just kidding we'll take them out for now
I don't fucking get it either

There's falling for marketing hype and then there's blatant lying from the creator

I'm so glad I didn't back it because hussie pulled this kind of thing before and he's overall unreliable with releasing anything. I bet the fandom is still defending him though.

What's going on in this thread?

I still have my login for this and play it every now and then
it's barebones but still fun to play

this one

>will you be able to play with your friends
>oh, the universe is simply too vast for that to happen
>so, it's possible just really unlikely?
>hehehehe... yes
>will the game have any sort of matchmaking or friend inviting?
>after such a long day of rubbing my own bare feet, i'm afraid i'm not for further questions. thanks for coming in though, love


>I bet the fandom is still defending him though.
I'm sure there are still some idiots who are chugging along defending him but the vast majority of people have long since realized how shit he is.
A fair few people got into this, but I think most of their reasoning is "Well he can't possibly fuck up a physical book as much as he could fuck up the nebulous concept of 'a game'"

Endless Legend
Thomas Was Alone
Shadowrun: Dragonfall + Hong Kong
Sunless Sea
War for the Overworld
Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
The Silver Case (remake)
Hollow Knight
The World Ends With You: Solo Remix
Kentucky Route Zero
DJMax Technika Q
Dreamfall Chapters: The Longest Journey
Hitman Go
Monument Valley
Grow Home
Cities: Skylines
Ori and the Blind Forest
Super Bomberman R

they probably had noble intentions when they started and actually wanted to make a good game. but after all that money started rolling in, they got lost in some good old fashion greed. they arent developing a game anymore, they are developing a marketing campaign. stay far away.

man you think he'd learn how to draw faces by now


This is a very poor attempt at viral marketing

>asks what a good unity game is
>give an answer
>"hurr what?"
>"fucking marketers"

pillars of eternity

Subnautica and Slime Rancher are both excellent examples of "early access done right"
the DLC for necrodancer too

never again

Subnautica is sort of on the edge for me with how many delays it has gotten and how overdue the promised optimisation patch is
I guess we won that battle eh?

Keep crying faggot.
You asked, it got answered and now you are playing dumb.

I never donated to a single kikestarter. You can all suck my dick.

this and ground zeros

you can see they were trying to implement micro transaction but didn't due to time constraints. i bet most of the money and time was spent on kojima taking stephanie joostan out of dinner and taking her laser scans and kiefers pay check, and the songs they had like we are not your kind of people which didn't even make it in the last game or the David Bowie songs. They whole game is missing a lot of content and feels unfinished it's pretty good what they have but it feels so shit in a way like it was not the complete game it just doesn't feel perfect like the old games

god knows how bad the death stranding vids is going to be

also where is caramel

I mean fuckups can happen but as long as they're consistently and actually working on it I don't think it's that bad.
Optimisation could have come out sooner but I think they just want to get it out of beta before they go around trying to fix things that might break again later. Are there any other big 'bugs' besides some pretty serious pop in? While that is rather annoying it never took me out of the game that much.

Starbound and that supposed Destruction Derby spiritual successor

Um, how big is it?

Unless they completely revamp how they built the map the periodic stutters when loading shit in is permanent.

And all because they started out thinking they might make it voxelbased so they could have Minecraft-style terrain deformation, which they ditched ages ago even conceptually.

No game marketed as procedurally generated can ever be good. Anyone with a brain had already jumped to the conclusion that this game was going to be shit from the very first announcement trailer.

Starbound actually boils my blood. It was supposed to be a dark, space-themed Terraria but everything went wrong. Combat isn't fun, mining isn't fun, exploring isn't fun. The only fun part was building comfy houses, but what the fuck is the point when everything else sucks? Also they decided to make it "lol so random" instead of moody and they cut a ton of features. But what the fuck did I expect from an indie studio led by an idea guy who doesn't know how to program.

How much money did BSUaJ 2 pull in anyway? I kinda forgot about it because I was never dumb enough to donate to a kikestarter.

t. Brainlet who has never played any of the dozens of good procgen games

>the underground is the same on every planet
they couldn't just make generic cold/hot undergrounds
if you dig deep enough on a molten fucking magma planet the underground is the exact same as on a garden world
i hate starbound and everything it stands for

Not to mention those months of waiting for a new update

name 3

>No game marketed as procedurally generated can ever be good.

Binding of Isaac
Crypt of the Necrodancer
Enter the Gungeon
Nuclear Throne
Rogue Legacy

Crypt of the Necrodancer
Dwarf Fortress

don't forget how everyone lied and said GZ was supposed to be the first half of MGSV, then it turns out to be a 40$ tech demo.

autism is no game, friend

Diablo 2
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup
Dominions 4/5

>Any early access game (especially as we all know, those with open worlds, crafting, and procedurally generated content)

Seven Days to Die is good though.

I'm gay

How long has this been early access now, I remember first hearing about this years ago and its still in alpha today.I'm so glad I didn't buy this scam.

Not arguments

Arn't they delaying it's release because when a game comes out of early access you have the option to refund again?

Not argument

Heard Garry is already jumping to a Gmod2 or something without fixing this shit

JUST lol

about tree fiddy

Hey, you. Looking at the screen. Lemme ask you a question. Do you like awesome things that ARE awesome?

like an anime fan on prom night

>never backed a kickstarter
>never pre-ordered a game
>never bought an early acces
>never bought a flavor of the month meme game

damn, it feels good

forgot image


Do I really need to say more.