The Future of Final Fantasy

>Final Fantasy XV confirmed to be a massive success with 7 million copies sold becoming the fastest selling game in the franchise, it's getting a PC port and getting new content and a new gameplay experience according to Tabata for next year

>XIV is one of the most successful and amazing MMO's right now

>Dissidia NT looks amazing and it's coming this January

>A rumored Final Fantasy collection is coming as well to celebrate the 30th anniversary

>Square Enix producer claims that 2018 will be a huge year for Final Fantasy hinting about VII Remake news

So, what can else we expect for this magnificent franchise?

Other urls found in this thread:

>>Final Fantasy XV confirmed to be a massive success


>Final Fantasy XV confirmed to be a massive success with 7 million copies
>took a whole fucking year to get there

I'd like to rub this one on that one fucking guy who claim that shipped = sales.
All those physical sitting on the shelf ain't moving son, so no new shipping is coming and most of these additional sales is most likely digital only.

>Final Fantasy XV confirmed to be a massive success

people hated the corridor style gameplay

and also hated a incomplete sparse open world


I hope it comes to pc so I can pirate it and see what all the normies are on about. There hasn't been a good game since x-ii and I'm including the mmo.

>Dissidia NT looks amazing
It looks like a complete clusterfuck. In multiple ways.

A complete, decent to control game on release with a reasonable and justifiable expansion later on after release

>XIII and XV still higher than 8/10
>there are people out there who believe metacritic helps them make informed purchase decusions
Fuck this industry.

Those are good games tho

all of these games are garbage though

>a new gameplay experience

oh boy, I can't wait to hold O with a different character

It's popular right now, so Sup Forums hates it.
Give it like, 5 years. Then it'll be loved by this board.

( y o u )

The normies didn't like it either.

But they did?

they did at first but came to realise it wasnt what they thought it was

XV made me appreciate XIII for at least being a complete game. Can XVI possibly lower the bar any further?

>yellow user score on metacritic
Kingsglaive was received well too am I right?

metacritic is as much a paid site review as it is a platform for autists who have never played the game to blindly hate on it.

Please be less retarded in the future. And don't try and play it off as trolling.

>user score

Just like how "the normies" didn't like Fallout 3 or Skyrim despite both being GOTY. Face it, Sup Forums has no clue what anyone besides themselves like.

Why? Both XIV and XV are fucking trash, I already moved for Shin Megami Tensei in the last generation.

>metacritic is as much a paid site review as it is a platform for autists who have never played the game to blindly hate on it.

all metacritic does is compile the average score of all the reviews

still a score.

Come on man, I asked nicely for you to be less retarded. Don't be a cunt.

>"B-b-b-buh this game is fucking trash!"
Oh, you're right. I guess the millions of people who disagree with you are wrong and YOU and the 4 people in this thread who agree with you are right.

>simply an average of reviews

People paying for XIV are literally retarded, they don't count. XV was very unpopular too.
>no general
>FFG just shits on it
>Sup Forums shits on it
>no one elsewhere talks about it
>just XV-kun sperging all over the place

>MILLIONS OF PEOPLE like something
>But I don't like it so THEY'RE retarded

maybe it sell because PS4 don't have good games to begin with, just like Fire Emblem Awakening was a success because early 3DS didn't had too many rpgs.

They're objectively retarded.

Yes it can be, but at least we have another century to expect another mainline title.

It's like saying that people who watch heavily marketed flicks have refined tastes.
This is the magic of AAA marketing budget.

>no general

It got discussed a lot

>Sup Forums shits on

Sup Forums is contrarian as fuck but still many people enjoy it

>It got discussed a lot
About how shit it was.

>still many people enjoy it
Shitpost thread I see.

You're fucking retarded, being a shitty game might not apply to XIV (ARR at least) but XV only sold on brand loyalty/popularity, so don't delude yourself. Haven't you noticed that the interest in the game plummeted to zero after it's release? Even the desperate updates don't do any favor.

Square became a shitshow company the last few years. FFXV only selled because of high expectations.

>didn't mention TZA

>>Dissidia NT looks amazing


Garbage remaster.

>People paying for XIV are literally retarded
I'm paying for XIV. I'm not retarded..

And of the Versus XIII hype maybe? The majority here probably forgot it was a thing sadly, because this pile of shit took a decade to get released.

No, you're just an actual, non-meme autist who can't accept that people like things that you don't like. Go to bed.

>posts a picture of ((his)) female character
You're a fucking sperglord and you just proved it.

Fuck off Barry

>pay monthly for a shitty game
>not a fucking retard
Hmmm the math isn't adding up here.

>has a picture of lyse saved on his computer
>not a retard
i dispute this

Final Fantasy is a shit series.


>Sup Forumseddit suddenly hates Final Fantasy


literally this, only FFVII and FFVIII were good.


what, that game is clearly like a 6 or 5 out of 10.

I think it's all time we agree that FFXIII was a lot better than people said so initially.

Is 7 million sales really that impressive when it needed 5 million to break even and they still have hundreds of employees work on it for 1-2 more years after release. It all comes down to profit and not simply how big the sales numbers are.
Even the KH remasters sold 2 million this year alone and they're made by 3-4 guys

They broke development costs at launch

Where did you get that about needing to sell 5 million copies?

Tabata said it needed 10 million to break even. Don't listen to the damage control.

Citation needed

He said his personal goal was to sell 10 million

Nothing is as impressive as SE's gacha games.

That's because XII was trash too and FF stopped being good since X-2.

>He said his personal goal was to sell 10 million
That was the damage control.

XIII isn't bad.
And again i never said they didn't break even day1, but they also have tons of people from the division work on it for at leas 2 years and the definitely don't do that shit for free.
Without the infinite marketing and sponsors this shit could've easily gone wrong. Don't worry i'm not trying to shit on XV or something before someone freaks out again over a videogame. Just saiyng that Square needs to stop throwing so much money at their mainline games.


The game has been successful for them considering all the wave of new content that is getting

The last 10 years

don't tell me you actually believe the damage control

We believe there was a communication problem during the conference. In fact, Tabata was referencing 10 million copies only as a high goal which the development team set to realize their ambition to make the ultimate Final Fantasy game. And the comment was never meant to be referred as a recoup line of the investment."

> "We’d like to make a comment on the news reports that state Hajime Tabata, Director of Final Fantasy XV, commented that Final FantasyXV needed to sell 10 million copies to recoup the investment at the press conference held yesterday in LA.

>We believe there was a communication problem during the conference. In fact, Tabata was referencing 10 million copies only as a high goal which the development team set to realize their ambition to make the ultimate Final Fantasygame. And the comment was never meant to be referred as a recoup line of the investment."

Look at Square Enix profit reports, XV have been making bank for them

>We believe
Good goy.

action happened
so much went wrong

Those are just some nmbers from people who played it. Many more people bought it. Turns out shit isn't based on what some retard on a website says.

>fantastic battle system
>all you do LITERALLY is change between modes

>he still plays Fujo Faggotry
>he hasn't moved on to Persona, SMT, Dragon Quest, Xenoblade, etc



Final fantasy is a dead franchise under enix. The best enix made final fantasy is World of FF. Dissidia looks like more hold button to win trash with piles of fanservice. Rereleasing ports is just lazy. I can't imagine 15 will sell well on PC, PC users have better taste. DQ11 will be the only decent game from enix to come to the west next year, and that's if it comes west next year at all.

You heard me.

Just playing XV right now...feeling already at level 20 that I wanna stop playing. I honestly had high hopes at the beginning and there's some carrots on a stick indicating possible greatness, but right now I feel a fucking fool that I though Square could make a good game once again.

Best parts: graphics and recreations of things that made classic Final Fantasy games cool.

Otherwise it's a complete fucking mess. Huge open worlds with literally nothing. The whole experience is once again bottle-necked although the initial impression makes it seem otherwise. Fucking irritating party members who say the same things over and over again and are seriously fucking gay. You can't even use them.

I literally can't remember the story. Something about a prince and magic powers blah blah jesus how fucking original. The voice acting is SERIOUSLY bad here too. It's like they hired social awkward anime voice actors and told them to max out of sudo-orgasmic sighing and feigned unnecessary gasps and reactions.

Fighting is a tactical no brainer, although visually quite neet (if you don't mind framerate dropping to shit). There's no skill to use at right times, just run up and press O and heal when needed. Boring.

Traveling in the car become after the first few times tedious and also boring.

I just can't believe I fell for the Square shit again. I'm more disappointed in myself. I'm not going to buy the remake of 7, I can see the writing on the wall. Squaresoft is the most anti-fanbase company in the history of computer games. Over ten years of solidly over and over again not giving a FUCK about what made them good in the first place and over financing reviewers and advertisers to make up for lack of quality.

you're dumb

Nice argument.

Shit opinion desu.

I'm just agreeing with you not arguing. You're actually fucking stupid.

I just bought the Season pass to try out all the DLC
What a mess

Honest question, why do a lot of people pretend Xenoblade isn’t one of the best JRPG series nowadays?

>So, what can else we expect for this magnificent franchise?
Unfinished $60 games where gameplay elements like switching party members is $30 dlc not included in the season pass and healing items are only available on loot boxes.


Better question

Why do people pretend that Xenoblade is one of the best JRPG'S nowadays?

They're barely above average

>I just can't believe I fell for the Square shit again. I'm more disappointed in myself.
He agrees he's stupid He even wrote an essay on how dumb he is.

Start with Comrades.

It's literally impossible to discuss Xeno 2 normally right now.

>Final Fantasy XV confirmed to be a massive success with 7 million copies sold becoming the fastest selling game in the franchise

If that's true, that's really sad as it's essentially an early access game with atrocious combat, story, and characters.

>reflections are still fucked

I've finished all of them already
Comrades ending was the most retarded, but I do hope they add more stuff


>I just bought the Season pass

what an idiot

>high hopes at the beginning
>high hopes while pushing a fucking car for 5 straight minutes

it's my money fuck you

I had high hopes for VIII as well
>That intro
>That everything up until Disc 2

Everything after Disc 2 was a dissapointing experience