Demon Souls is sort of primative and a few mechanics are rough around the edges

>Demon Souls is sort of primative and a few mechanics are rough around the edges
>DaS1's unfinished and unpolished nature shows, and lost izalith exists
>DaS2 has an unearthly amount of glaring flaws
>DaS3 is incredibly derivative and replayability is at an all time low
>All the games are unfinished, even with DLC
>A finished, perfected Dark Souls game doesn't exist and likely never will
It hurts. What would the perfect souls game look like to you, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

It would be Dark Souls 1.

BB>DeS>DaS1>ass>tits>>>shit>DaS3>>>>>>>Superman 64>>>>>>>>>more shit>DaS2

Dark Souls 2 is shit, there! I just saved us like 5 hours of arguing over a shitty fucking game.

dark souls 1 with some features from dark souls 3 and 2, a few covenants reworked, some fashion from both 3 and 2, fixes to unfinished areas / added cut content

It's called Bloodborne.


BB has tons of cut content too, we just never knew because no PC version meant we couldn't datamine it, until now anyway

Bloodborne you stupid nigger.

cut content or not, still perfect souls

Nearly every game ever has cut content. Thats just how game development works.

The ""platforming"" in Dark Souls 1 is garbage.

Not a souls game.

not a valid post

Its literally the same shit as souls. All they did was take out shields and change the dodge animation.

not an arguement

Take the level design of DS1, the dragon waifu of DS2, and make heavy armor builds fucking useful.. All three games suffer from needing a rolly roll build

Armored Souls when?

Im pretty sure if DaS3 was as streamlined as Bloodborne, nobody would call it "perfect souls" & bitch it was dumbed down for casuals

What you like about BB is the unique refreshing atmosphere & setting, DaS3 was stale

and gameplay changes
and how everything just comes together, the world was incredibly coherent

>Dark Souls 2
>glaring flaws
What flaws?

everybody talks so much shit about ds2 ill give you that it wasnt great but it tried to do its own thing and failed ds3 on the other hand tried to copy ds1 and sucked for it imo a mix between ds2 and bb would be a step in the right direction to make a better souls game

Being shit bring a massive one.

Opinions don’t count

Dark Souls 3 was dumbed down anyway


Lost Izalith is overcomplained about pretty much everywhere. By the time you reach it, equipment upgrades let you tear through the level. I'm 99% certain that people having trouble with it had shitty setups and got trashed back to the bonfire every time they tried fighting something.

Dark Souls 2 is my favorite in the series but
>Soul Memery
>Level design outside of DLCs
>world design
>quite a few unmemorable/piss easy bosses
>looks trash in some areas (but looks amazing in others so take that as you will)
>very rushed in some areas due to development hell

Unlike the vast majority of games which use literally every piece of concept art created during the entire project.

nothing worse than big tits and a small ass. Big ass small tits is workable at least

Lost Izalith isn't hard, it's just clearly unfinished. I dare you to argue why dragon butt valley is a thing.

Biggest issue is Bamco forced a 360/PS3 version, if it was next gen only, it would have been vastly better

So much of the game was gutted & hastily rework to run on 360/PS3

>someone criticizes something for being shitty
>"git gud"

Every time.

I'm pretty sure he's not complaining about Lost Izalith's difficulty. Everything after Anor Londo is basically a joke. It feels like they originally designed it to be the final level. The difficulty falls off the cliff after Pikachu and Snorlax.

This isn't a get good situation. It's not difficulty that's the problem. If we're talking about the area alone and not the travesty that is the boss, then
>The same enemy copypasted 50 times throughout the level
>Eye rape lava
>eye rape lava + dragon butt
>didnt even make the dragon butts fuckable looking
>unmemorable level design
>pit of tube dudes that usually ends Sigmeyer's quest every time

BB is finished in every PVE aspect.

Objectively Bloodborne is the most attractive and fun
Dark Souls 1 is the most aesthetically pleasing and probably the best made out of all of them

>Dark Souls 1 is the most aesthetically pleasing
What makes you say that? It's pretty ugly in some areas

Nope, plenty of unfinished shit in BB

People always talk up the DLCs but 2/3 of them were just: small room, big room, empty open area, open area where 20 enemies spawn all at once, small room with a ton of enemies, hallway, hallway with enemies, staircase. The ice DLC is the one I really liked and it had those fucking hedgehogs

ehhhhhhhhhhh its kinda lackluster theres almost no NPC's also the pacing for the last half of the game feels off, everything past rom is kinda meh

except gehrman

the fire breathing statues get pretty tedious after a while. the hollows in firelink shrine are tougher to fight than them.

The design is very complimentary to it's cold lonely emotion. The range of somewhere like Ash Lake, the expanse of Anor Londo, and the fact that every area was modeled with extreme precision really adds to the immersion.
The connectedness of the levels and the comfort of Firelink make the game more emotional than any of the others to me

I stand by the idea that if you just fixed the fucking soul memory matchmaking 2 would have the best PVP by far
>Weapon variety (at least in mechanics, the movesets are a lot of the same yet still way more than any other game and in terms of ratios of wgt/dam/req stats it was always pretty accurate)
>Build variety
>Armor variety that actually made sense (Fingerless gloves weigh slightly less and have less DT than fingered gloves/ all armor took into account it's material and design into DT/weight)
>Rolls cost actual stamina so you can't just spam dodge
>If your movement takes up the last of your stamina it's 15% slower than normal
>If you run out of stamina it replenishes 20% slower
>Spell variety
>Casting mechanics fair as fuck and not OP/useless
>No fucking action queue
>Each weapon has a different turning radius so you can't just 270 with an ultra and swing 480 degrees
>Roll attack aiming has different timings on different weapons
>Counter damage mechanics on non thrust attacks
>Blunt damage actually does things
>Damage types have actual uses
>Armor DT mattered
>iframes in backsteps

All it needs is an iframe system based on your current carry weight instead of AGL, to be sped up just a bit and to not be on a shitty P2P server with a horrible matchmaking system and I would play it nonstop

>if you just fixed the fucking soul memory matchmaking 2 would have the best PVP by far
It still has the best PVP, even with that.


None of the enemies are hard, the dragon butts hide no loot and have shit animations in a frankly disgusting looking area so they might as well just not be in the game, ceaseless discharge is a boring boss, centipede demon a shit, reused ass demon a shit, bed of chaos is a broken mess, Siegmeyer's quest is basically impossible to do on your own without planning/googling/luck and if you fuck it up you miss one of two final upgrade materials in the game, terrible bonfire placement.

Theres more but I don't want to type

>this fucking meme again
dark souls 1's endgame is nowhere near as bad as retards on Sup Forums make it out to be
i and every one of my friends who played the game didn't even know about this "issue" until we started seeing it being memed about
it's literally the exact same level of quality except for some parts of LI, even then, it's incredibly short and not a dramatic drop in quality, and the area overall is still on average pretty great, with solaire's finale and all
stop this meme

As long as you also consider Red Dead Redemption as part of the GTA series and not the Red Dead series. And every Squeenix rpg as part of the Final Fantasy series.

>Datamined assets are cut content
I don't have a brainlet wojak on my machine but damn if this isn't a good moment to post one
protip lil nigga, games go through design iterations and some things just don't look, or play, or feel good, and they are scrapped. not because of time, not because of resources, but because they were just plain bad
sometimes one place will go through several designs until the better more polished version is done, and assets from the previous versions will be left over

Souls 2's biggest sin is being the first named sequel.

If Dark Souls 1 was Demon Souls 2 and Dark Souls 2 was Dark Souls 1, it'd be fucking adored.

It'd also be more thematically appropriate too, since DaS1 is all about Demons and DaS2 is all about The Dark.

DaS > BB > Nioh >DeS > shit > DaS3 > DaS2

I unironically believe Code Vein will be the best.

Slower, interconnected Dark Souls 3. They're pretty close already.

Demon's Souls:
Dark Souls:
>world design
>build variety
>trick weapons
Dark Souls 2/3:

>Dark Souls 2/3:
Not even powerstancing, bonfire ascetics, spices, or actual differences between NG+?
Not even the icon for estus changing depending on how much estus you have?

I'm still mad about NG+ locked spells and items. Even more so when ascetics are a thing but you still can't access them without actually going for NG+ 3 or something. The spells aren't even that great.

The charm of Demons Souls is that its formulaic. Wait hear me out there are only five worlds and three bosses in each world except the first which has four. In the whole series it is the easiest to pick up and play if you just want to blast through the bosses and power through the game.

There's almost no genuine dull parts of it. Except maybe the blood swamp part in Latria because you can get lost unlike in Valley of Defilement.
Being unfinished like 1, having glaring gameplay flaws like 2 and 3, or being washed out like 3, those things really cause a bother.
If they can't make a perfect one, then they might as well trim out all the unnecessary stuff. That's Demon's Souls. If you aren't knowledgeable on world tendency you might even see the game differently each time you make a new character.


When this is the best you can do for arguing against powerstancing, you know it's a good mechanic.

Better than literally nothing like the other games did. Even if you didn't like how it was implemented it was still a balance and well thought out mechanic that added an extra dimension to combat to mess around with

>Not enjoying powerstancing greathammers
Hey everyone look at the fag

The large majority of powerstancing movesets, outside of a couple of unique weapons, are absolute trash.

I'll take Ds3 dual weapons and their WAs over powerstancing any fucking day. The Valorheart alone justifies getting rid of that shit mechanic.

Not a souls game.

>The Valorheart alone justifies getting rid of that shit mechanic.
Even though the same thing could've been done with powerstancing Valorheart Weapon+Shield.
Name one valid reason why powerstancing and weapon arts couldnt've worked together.

this. and i say this as someone who thinks 2 is the worst Souls game PvE wise. hands down had the best pvp.

>Two jump attacks and r1 spam
wow one weapon that comes with a unique moveset is totally better than a whole mechanic

The only difficult part of Lost Izalith is keeping onion-bro alive. After the fight with totally-a-new-boss, the area is just super shitty.

Ah yes, the straight sword that blocks during its jumping attack, meaning it's literally risk free to spam it against anyone not wielding a great hammer + knight slayer's ring (since it's not parryable either)
I like the WA but Valorheart shitters are cancerous. Literally worse than Carthus Curvedfags

>could've been done with powerstancing Valorheart Weapon+Shield
I'm sure they could've.
But then you'd have balancing issues, one of the drawbacks of the valorheart's shield is that it doesn't have 100% phys resistance.
If you could use a better shield it would be overpowered.

Outside of fist weapons and the two twin CS, all the dual weapons had unique movesets and weapon arts.
Powerstancing movesets were actually quite rigid, and they mostly came down to 2 light attacks and a heavy/

>Two jump attacks and r1 spam
You've never used the weapon have you?

>it's literally risk free
Do you know how to kick? Dumbass.

why do people bitch about soul memory? it's just matchmaking based on how many souls you've spent. It's better than the unbalanced matching in DS1 where level 1 invaders with max upgraded gear can match into a newbie's game. Is it just ganking shitters complaining that now it's a fair fight?

DeS is the most complete souls even with that whole region being cut.

>>Soul Memery
That's the only problem with the game I had, I think. Can't really figure out what was wrong with the game aside from this retarded 'feature'.

Ganker shitters complaining that now it's a fair fight
AND power leveling shitters complaining that they can't have their high level buddies come into their games to twink 'em out

Actually, SM isn't just what you've spent, it's what you've earned. So it's possible you get into a high tier of SM (avoided mostly by mob spawns running dry after a certain period of time) but aren't leveled/geared appropriately.

The idea is solid, the realization is god awful.

>The Valorheart alone justifies getting rid of that shit mechanic.
Valorheart is such a bad, bad, weapon though. It has one viable combo, and outside of that it's terrible compared to just using a straight sword/estoc and a shield.

It HAS to block during that jump, because otherwise it's a trash weapon. The range is too short and you have to mash the WA to get any breathing room.

>it's possible you get into a high tier of SM
seems unlikely to be a significant imbalance unless you're running around with many levels of unspent souls.

So it's another thing people bash DS2 for that isn't true. Why didn't people give this game a fair chance? It's really good if you invest some time into it.

The biggest problem I have with Dark Souls 2 is enemy placement, aggro range and strength. It's so obviously tailored to be "so hard" for the sake of being hard, unlike Demon's and Dark which were hard as a result of the design philosophy.

>Shit players get punished when they're bad.
Sounds like the system works senpai.

It had that beautiful 4 hit combo that includes the unique true combo of heavy attack into jumping attack. But you can also combo out of the R1 weapon art.

It's not souls spent its souls gained. So literally any enemy you kill puts you into a new tier, so if you die in an area too many times you get matched with people with higher gear than you that smash your face in. The only way to avoid it is to rush bosses without fighting enemies to get what you want with the least enemies killed so every build becomes a twink build where you can only use one armor set and two or three weapons if you want to stay in a tier.

The level matching is shit and goes out the window around 150 so if you make a strength build and upgrade all of the strength weapons and armor for variety and fun then you end up as a lv150 fighting level 500s that played through the entire game with one weapon and have 99 VIT/STR/DEX/FTH/INT.

Basically the game punishes you for not having 900 dedicated builds

DeS with a proper boss instead of Dragon God.

SM also made it much easier for cheaters to twink. You can go to max level and have 0 SM.
You can do it on consoles with save mules very easily too.
It's just all around poorly thought out.

Demon> 1>3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

That's the combo I'm talking about. Outside of that one (fun) combo, it's incredibly weak and isn't a good argument for why Paired Weapons are better than Powerstance.

If they had just evolved Powerstancing as a mechanic and created movesets like Gotthard's, Valorheart, and Paired Ring Swords it would've made for a far more diverse weapon pool. Weapons like Manikin Claws and Demon's Fists already use Powerstance animations from DaS2.

keep telling yourself that friend

remake Dark Souls 1 in the newest engine with new equipment and enemies in NG+, with a completely revamped lost izalith and bed of chaos.

BB has loads of flaws too, such as less pvp diversity, bloodtinge being a very incomplete idea as a stat, chalice dungeons not being a great mechanic.

BB just doesn't get as much criticism because it's distinct from the souls storyline and a combined form of themes and enemy design spare it from some of the diminishing concept seen in souls sequels. It's sort of a reset button for criticism of the mechanics because the story and aesthetic is so good.

If BB two ever comes out, it will probably get more of a thorough comparison due to the inevitable derivative the game may bring.

>The first half world design of 1 and ds2 dlcs
>Some ds3 bosses, O and S, Artorias, Fume and Alonne
>ds2 environmental mechanics, build variety
>ds1 lore and des atmosphere
>all the armors for fashion souls without the wash up colors
Just some of what I'd like

Why does it have the best pvp?

Centepede demon is fine if you go into the lava, fixes its AI.

It is in no way weak. If you land all 4 hits you can do 800-900 damage easily.
I'm not saying it's the strongest weapon out there, far from it, with the amount of heavy weapons being used now, it's not optimal, but it is by far one of the most unique and interesting weapons in the series.

>Outside of that one (fun) combo
Like I said you can start that combo off with the R1 WA too. And as far as I'm aware it's the only weapon that has a true combo into a jump attack.
Give me a weapons that has several interesting combos.

It's the most varied, balanced and thought out mechanics.

>>A finished, perfected Dark Souls game doesn't exist and likely never will

>Outside of that one (fun) combo, it's incredibly weak and isn't a good argument for why Paired Weapons are better than Powerstance.
Well for starters, it has one viable combo, unlike all powerstances post-nerfs

Nope, I say this as someone with 1k hours in the game mostly as PvP.
It is not remotely balanced at all. You only say that because nowadays nobody knows how to play, and uses shitty builds.

None of the games are balanced. It's just the most balanced of the three

I mean I understand it has some of the highest weapon diversity factoring in power stances but doesn't it have
>Even more broken pvp coves then the first
>Hexes are broken
>soul memory ruins invasions, most pvp is arena based
>No poise
>Dex was made trash for pvp unless paired with infusions.

No, it's not. As much as DS2 memelords bitch about straight swords and rapiers in DS3 even after they were nerfed, they've always been the best weapons in DS2 since the last DLC released with literally no weapons coming anywhere close to them short of infinite dagger combos.

Dark Souls 2 is about as good as it gets for me.

WRONG, messing with SM is one of the guaranteed ways to get banned
twinking in DS2 requires a lot of work, including ignoring enemies, killing bosses with the max number of phantoms for less souls, rushing the agape ring, and beating bosses with a crap weapon
the system accounts for all souls gained and spent, so if ANYTHING doesn't add up, you banned, end of account