Sup Forums's top 100 vidya characters of all time

ITT: Sup Forums votes on their favorite video game characters of all time

>post a character
>if it gets approved more than five replies, it gets nominated onto the list
>once we get 100 characters or more, we vote on Ranker for the final list

The top 100 RPG list:
The top 100 shooter list:

The list so far:

Other urls found in this thread:

I.M. Meen








So it's fine if I reply and vote for these right?

This. Fucking hell, what are all those P5 characters doing on the list.

CD-I Mario

Kyle Hyde

If Neptune made in, she needs to make it too. Sup Forums likes Noire, right?


Good choice.

Cloud Strife

Conker and Mad scientist guy deserve a spot


Trevor Phillips



Guybrush Threepwood, Mighty Pirate!

voting for these two


Jack Baker

This selection of characters is quite foul!
My lack of inclusion makes me want to howl!
So remedy this and vote for me!
The one and only star: Grunty!

these ones if i am doing this right and SG counts even if it is a Vn right

Revolver Ocelot

Choice picks.

Also, Bowser

I vote for Grunty as well
Her rhyming puts out quite a spell
I also vote for The Bard
He should get in even though his game didn't sell

TF2 fags we secure the existence of our characters and a future for video game characters.

Few deserving characters on that list, AM from I have no mouth and must scream

Joshua Graham


bacon.....bacon epic............

My bumbed bomber boi, Bomberman.

So this is more of a meme list than the other two


Josh was literally one of the most voted yesterday, read the list

Cole Phelps

whoops sorry

Let's check the list so far and see which ones are good and which ones are shit

Futaba (so shit gotta list her twice)
Futaba (she is that shit)

Huh only 4 shitters in the list.
Rest are fine.


Good picks and adding Isabelle



okay we need to throw hands right now you plen

dumb makotofag

Isabel deserves my vote.

Better than the P5 characters.

Support Conker
Support Rance
Support POOTIS
Oppose 2B (good body but shit character)
Support MEREO
Oppose literally who (put Vert in instead)
Support Cloud
Support Doctor
Support Trev
Support Guy.Brush
Oppose this little shit fuck off
Support Gruntilda
Support Bowser
Support Bard
Already in
Oppose Joosten
Oppose Cole (his story is a large part of his appeal and his story is UNFINISHED, the game is unfinished, really LA Noire is great up until the 7th case then it is a steaming pile of shit)
Oppose Isabelle (have you ever played Animal Crossing? She's a doormat. Add Mr Resetti instead)

>no Neku
>no Mr. H
>no Joshua
>no Sho
shit list

>Max Payne
>0 results

I am deeply disappointed in you Sup Forums


Travis Touchdown

Support Sho
Oppose Payne. Good games but because of gameplay, his character is D E R P.
Support Travis

Max is already on the list dummy

Hajime Hinata



Good choices.

Seconding for Neku



Does he count

The coffee king Godot

Blue aka Gary Oak aka Green

Proto Man

We need more villains in general.

Support Hajime
Support Rance
Support Godot

Albert Wesker


Supporting Hajimeme.

Support 9S

>the top 100 shootan list doesn't specify which Shadow Warrior
I assume it's the original but it'd be nice to have some clarification

How the fuck is there no P3 characters on the list yet?
How was Travis not on the list yet

Supporting Hajime.

>(Revolver Ocelot)
>not putting WEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLL on the list


I'm pretty sure it was the original. I'll edit the image to clarify.

This get’s 1000x (you)


"Arbiter" is not the character's name in Halo 2, 3 and 5. Arbiter is his title. His name is Thel 'Vadam. Call him that to avoid confusion with the Arbiter in Halo Wars.

Support Aggressive Manlet GamesSalesMan
Support Godot
Support Pokemon 1 Rival
Support Blues
Support Wesker
Oppose Dead Rising Psychos (they really aren't much of a character)
Prefer not to include Guldan because Blizz have rite fukt him with their WoW expansions. Would've included him if just his WC2 guy tho


>can just use some CHIM bullshit to rig the polls if he loses



Best Fire Keeper

Supporting these.


Yuri Lowell

Gravelord Nito


Support Travis


Glory from Shadowrun Dragonfall


Support Cloud
Support Heavy
Support Travis
Support Green
Support Shulk
Support Yuri

Support Proto Man

